Humorous Bad Puns and Dad Jokes

Or this one time I was in the reference section of a library and someone asked:
"what happens in the reference section?"
i responded: "stays in the reference"
What did the pebble want to be?

A small bolder
There's a rumor Chuck Norris wanted to join a convent, but then he didn't when he realized he would be a Nun-Chuck.

What did Tokyo tell Godzilla? "Kaiju not?"

Puns, like all things in life, benefit from perfect timing. One could almost say pun-ctuality is a must.

Why did the chicken cross the road? To prove chicken do it.

"Man who runs in front of car gets tired. Man who runs behind car gets exhausted." - Confucius.

Why did Harry Potter go back to Hogwarts after graduation? He wanted to learn a better Kedavra.

"Kevin, where do you want to go next summer?" "Beach, please."

... And I'm not really sure what "dad jokes" mean. Are those the ones told by yo'mama? :dryadtongue:
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