Bad Translator

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Headless Horseman
By using this website, input a sentence, set your translation count to 43 max, and share your magical result of it here!

Let's start with an example.

Original text:

"Terraria 1.3 will come out in Valve Time."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"However,1,3,before the valve."

Now go!
Original text:

"I believe in anarchy "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"I think it was an accident. "
tried again
Original text:

"I believe in anarchy "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

":red:, I think so. "
Original text:
"I came, I saw, I conquered."
...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:
"I would, I saw, I came here."

Amazing really, It stayed the same up until Turkish, which was the 41st result

I came, I saw, I conquered.

To Turkish: Fethettim, gördüm, geldim.
Back to English: I conquered, I saw, I came.
To Ukranian: Я переміг, я бачив, я прийшов.
Back to English: I won, I saw, I came.
To Vietnamese: Tôi sẽ, tôi đã thấy, tôi tới đây.
Back to English: I would, I saw, I came here.
""Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else."- Margaret Mead"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"It, Foreign Minister, Prime Minister, Margaret, Hello, Hello.note that this is different too "

"Pumpking is a Hardmode, post-Plantera boss that spawns during the Pumpkin Moon event. It is the event's most difficult boss, and the only one whose main body consistently travels through blocks."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Pumpking-Hardmode, and then put the pumpkin will work this month, but not in the head, and left the store with a unique atmosphere."

Original text:

"Of course I hate losing. Nine times out of ten, if we lose, it could mean the end of the world."


"If the f-out, except, of course, if you want to play this is the end of this world has lost the ability to speak."

Well, that went from Sailor Moon quote to drunk-:red: sailor quote.
I decided to give it a second chance, using a phrase I created for one of my fanfiction characters:

Original text:

"Showing off is the best way of showing how."

43 shades of fail later:

"If you want, the better."

Que es esto yo ni siquiera ("What is this I don't even")
Forget just one sentence! Why not more!

"Petit Computer comes with features that allow other people to see the programs you create. When you have a friend nearby, you can use your Nintendo DSi's Wireless Communications feature to exchange programs. And when you want to release a program to an even wider audience, you can save it onto an SD Card, load it onto your PC, and then use a browser to convert it into a QR code that lets easily make your work public. These programs can then be loaded onto a Nintendo DSi by using its camera to scan the resulting QR code."

43 Translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Some of this material, you can do what we can do for people, and I think that if you want, you can define the Playstation wireless, another option, if you want to do, so the answer is yes, write a book, You don't want to download them to your computer using the TP brawzer on that qr code in this application, people can't do this, for the camera to capture qr codes how to play this game, you can download it. "

Where did the "Playstation" come from?
"Hence! home, you idle creatures get you home: Is this a holiday? what! know you not, Being mechanical, you ought not walk Upon a labouring day without the sign Of your profession? Speak, what trade art thou?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"- This is it!! At home, I hope to be able to buy a house. And the rest? this is a good thing!!! This is a very good thing!!! You know, The car should be ready. The sign, but Professional; How to behave; God says: "
I have 2:
Original text:

"Hi my name is cat-face, and I like milk and mice!"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Hi, I'm a cat,milk for me, I don't know what it is!"
Original text:

"Melissa is Drunk and I like cookies."

...10 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Melissa drink, and I love it."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"We almost nothing... "
EDIT 2: this is getting weird...
"My hand likes eating me"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Pigron Lord of the Snow!"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"this!!! Pigron tape! !!!!The Council!"

Last edited:
Original text:

"Can someone please tell me why this Bad Translator exists?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The translation is correct, if tista'tgħidli why? "
What happened there?
From English: Can someone please tell me why this Bad Translator exists?
To Vietnamese: Ai có thể làm ơn nói cho tôi biết tại sao chuyện này Tệ Dịch tồn tại?
Back to English: Can someone please tell me why this is a Bad Translation exist?
To Armenian: Կարող է ինչ-Խնդրում եմ, ասեք ինձ, թե ինչու է դա վատ Թարգմանությունը կա?
Back to English: Can someone Please tell me why this is a bad Translation?
To Turkish: Birileri bu kötü bir Çeviri neden söyleyebilir mi?
Back to English: Someone that is a bad Translation can you tell me why?
To Belarusian: Хто-то, што гэта дрэнны Пераклад, ці можаце вы сказаць мне, чаму?
Back to English: Someone that is a bad Translation, can you tell me why?
To Bosnian: Neko to je loš Prijevod, možeš li mi reći zašto?
Back to English: Someone that's a bad Translation, can you tell me why?
To Bulgarian: Някой, че е лош Превод, може ли да ми каже защо?
Back to English: Someone that is a bad Translation, can you tell me why?
To Catalan: Algú que és una mala Traducció, em pot dir per què?
Back to English: Someone who is a bad Translation, can you tell me why?
To Chinese: 有人是个糟糕的翻译,你能告诉我为什么吗?
Back to English: Someone is a bad translation, can you tell me why?
To Croatian: Netko loš prijevod, možete li mi reći zašto?
Back to English: Someone poor translation, can you tell me why?
To Thai: บางคนที่น่าสงสารแปลภาษาคุณสามารถบอกฉันทำไม?
Back to English: Some poor translation can you tell me why?
To Spanish: Algunos mala traducción puede decirme por qué?
Back to English: Some bad translation can you tell me why?
To Slovenian: Nekateri slabo prevajanje lahko poveš zakaj?
Back to English: Some bad translation can you tell me why?
To Estonian: Mõni halb tõlge te saate mulle öelda, miks?
Back to English: A bad translation can you tell me why?
To Finnish: Huono käännös voi kertoa minulle, miksi?
Back to English: A bad translation can you tell me why?
To Serbian: Лош превод може ли ми реци зашто?
Back to English: A poor translation can you tell me why?
To Georgian: ცუდი თარგმანი, შეგიძლიათ მითხრათ რატომ?
Back to English: Bad translation, can you tell me why?
To German: Schlechte übersetzung, können Sie mir sagen, warum?
Back to English: Bad translation, can you tell me why?
To Malay: Terjemahan yang salah, bisa kau katakan padaku mengapa?
Back to English: The translation is wrong, can you tell me why?
To Macedonian: Преводот е во ред, можете ли да ми кажете зошто?
Back to English: The translation is okay, can you tell me why?
To Italian: La traduzione è corretta, mi puoi dire perché?
Back to English: The translation is correct, can you tell me why?
To Indonesian: Terjemahan benar, bisa kau katakan padaku mengapa?
Back to English: The translation is correct, can you tell me why?
To Romanian: Traducerea este corectă dacă puteți să-mi spuneți de ce?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if you can tell me why?
To Albanian: Përkthimi është i saktë, nëse ju mund të më thoni pse?
Back to English: The translation is accurate, if you can tell me why?
To Russian: Перевод является точным, если вы можете сказать мне, почему?
Back to English: The translation is accurate, if you can tell me why?
To Lithuanian: Vertimas yra tikslus, jei galite man pasakyti kodėl?
Back to English: The translation is accurate, if you can tell me why?
To Hebrew: התרגום מדויק, אם אתה יכול לספר לי למה?
Back to English: The translation is accurate, if you can tell me why?
To Polish: Tłumaczenie jest dokładnym, jeśli możesz mi powiedzieć, dlaczego?
Back to English: The translation is accurate, if you can tell me why?
To Maltese: It-traduzzjoni hija preċiża, jekk inti tista'tgħidli r-raġuni għaliex?
Back to English: The translation is accurate, if you tista'tgħidli the reason why?
To Dutch: De vertaling is correct, als je tista'tgħidli de reden waarom?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if you tista'tgħidli the reason why?
To Norwegian: Oversettelsen er korrekt, hvis du tista'tgħidli grunnen?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if you tista'tgħidli why?
To Portuguese: A tradução está correta, se você tista'tgħidli por quê?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if you tista'tgħidli why?
To Czech: Překlad je správný, pokud jste tista'tgħidli proč?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if you tista'tgħidli why?
To Latvian: Tulkojums ir pareizs, ja jūs tista'tgħidli kāpēc?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if you tista'tgħidli why?
To Danish: Oversættelsen er korrekt, hvis du tista'tgħidli hvorfor?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if you tista'tgħidli why?
To Slovak: Preklad je správny, ak ste tista'tgħidli prečo?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if you tista'tgħidli why?
To Greek: Η μετάφραση είναι σωστή, αν tista'tgħidli γιατί;
Back to English: The translation is correct, if tista'tgħidli why?
To Hungarian: A fordítás helyes, ha tista'tgħidli miért?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if tista'tgħidli why?
To Ukranian: Переклад правильний, якщо tista'tgħidli чому?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if tista'tgħidli why?
To Azerbaijani: Tərcümə düzgün deyil, əgər tista'tgħidli niyə?
Back to English: The translation is incorrect, if tista'tgħidli why?
To Swedish: Översättningen är felaktig, om tista'tgħidli varför?
Back to English: The translation is incorrect, if the tista'tgħidli why?
To Arabic: الترجمة صحيحة, إذا tista'tgħidli لماذا ؟
Back to English: The translation is correct, if tista'tgħidli why?
To French: La traduction est correcte, si tista'tgħidli pourquoi?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if tista'tgħidli why?
Original text:

"The internet is a weird place."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The Internet is an amazing place."
From English: The internet is a weird place.
To Albanian: Interneti është një vend të pazakontë.
Back to English: The internet is a place of unusual.
To Swedish: Internet är en plats som är ovanliga.
Back to English: The Internet is a place which is unusual.
To Azerbaijani: İnternet yeri olan qeyri-adi.
Back to English: The Internet is a place of unusual.
To Slovak: Internet je miesto nezvyčajné.
Back to English: The Internet is a place of unusual.
To Serbian: Интернет је место необично.
Back to English: The Internet is a place of unusual.
To Bulgarian: Интернет-това място е необичайно.
Back to English: The Internet is a place of unusual.
To Norwegian: Internett er et sted som er uvanlig.
Back to English: The internet is a place which is unusual.
To Maltese: L-internet huwa l-post li mhux tas-soltu.
Back to English: The internet is the place that unusual.
To Italian: Internet è il luogo che insolito.
Back to English: The Internet is the place that unusual.
To Greek: Το Διαδίκτυο είναι το μέρος που ασυνήθιστο.
Back to English: The Internet is the place that unusual.
To Danish: Internettet er det sted, der er usædvanligt.
Back to English: The internet is the place, which is unusual.
To Dutch: Het internet is de plaats, dat is ongebruikelijk.
Back to English: The internet is the place, which is unusual.
To Estonian: Internet on koht, mis on ebatavaline.
Back to English: The Internet is the place, which is unusual.
To Georgian: ინტერნეტი არის ადგილი, რომელიც არ არის უჩვეულო.
Back to English: The internet is a place, which is not unusual.
To French: L'internet est un endroit, qui n'est pas inhabituel.
Back to English: The internet is a place, which is not unusual.
To Catalan: Internet és un lloc, que no és inusual.
Back to English: The Internet is a place, which is not unusual.
To Vietnamese: Internet là một chỗ, có nghĩa là không có gì bất thường.
Back to English: The Internet is a place, which is not unusual.
To Ukranian: Інтернет-це місце, яке не є незвичайним.
Back to English: The Internet is a place that is not unusual.
To Hebrew: האינטרנט הוא מקום זה לא היה יוצא דופן.
Back to English: The internet is a place that was not unusual.
To Turkish: İnternet alışılmadık bir yerdir.
Back to English: The Internet is an unusual place.
To Spanish: El Internet es un lugar inusual.
Back to English: The Internet is an unusual place.
To Slovenian: Internet je nenavaden kraj.
Back to English: The Internet is an unusual place.
To Croatian: Internet-to je neobično mjesto.
Back to English: The Internet is a strange place.
To Romanian: Internetul este un loc ciudat.
Back to English: The Internet is a strange place.
To Portuguese: A Internet é um lugar estranho.
Back to English: The Internet is a strange place.
To Macedonian: На Интернет е чудно место.
Back to English: The Internet is a strange place.
To Malay: Internet adalah tempat yang aneh.
Back to English: The Internet is a weird place.
To Chinese: 互联网是一个奇怪的地方
Back to English: The Internet is a weird place.
To Polish: Internet to dziwne miejsce.
Back to English: The Internet is a strange place.
To Indonesian: Internet adalah tempat yang aneh.
Back to English: The Internet is a strange place.
To German: Das Internet ist ein merkwürdiger Ort.
Back to English: The Internet is a strange place.
To Czech: Internet je podivné místo.
Back to English: The Internet is a strange place.
To Hungarian: Az Interneten van egy furcsa hely.
Back to English: The Internet is a strange place.
To Thai: อินเทอร์เน็ตเป็นสถานที่ค่อนข้างแปลกที่น่ะ
Back to English: The Internet is a strange place.
To Belarusian: Інтэрнэт-гэта дзіўнае месца.
Back to English: The Internet is an amazing place.
To Lithuanian: Internetas yra nuostabi vieta.
Back to English: The internet is an amazing place.
To Arabic: الإنترنت هو مكان مدهش.
Back to English: The internet is an amazing place.
To Armenian: Ինտերնետ սա հիանալի տեղ է:
Back to English: The Internet is an amazing place.
To Russian: Интернет-это удивительное место.
Back to English: The Internet is an amazing place.
To Bosnian: Internet je zadivljujuće mjesto.
Back to English: The Internet is an amazing place.
To Latvian: Internets ir pārsteidzošs vieta.
Back to English: The internet is an amazing place.
To Finnish: Internet on uskomaton paikka.
Back to English: The Internet is an amazing place.
"Bullies are a race of creatures that are found in Lethal Lava Land in Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 64 DS. Their name and design are based on the word 'bully', referring to their aggressive behavior, and a 'bull', referring to their horns and charging attack pattern. A Bully resembles a black sphere with green feet, angry eyes and two bright yellow bull horns."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"National minorities in lion land, super Mario,super Mario 64 64DS number of representatives of a killer. C prinjat theft, aggression, cow is a project based on that, it looks similar to the one for the red. Say, black,Yesil, legs,all day today with her pain in the eyes of the model."

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