From English: Can someone please tell me why this Bad Translator exists?
To Vietnamese: Ai có thể làm ơn nói cho tôi biết tại sao chuyện này Tệ Dịch tồn tại?
Back to English: Can someone please tell me why this is a Bad Translation exist?
To Armenian: Կարող է ինչ-Խնդրում եմ, ասեք ինձ, թե ինչու է դա վատ Թարգմանությունը կա?
Back to English: Can someone Please tell me why this is a bad Translation?
To Turkish: Birileri bu kötü bir Çeviri neden söyleyebilir mi?
Back to English: Someone that is a bad Translation can you tell me why?
To Belarusian: Хто-то, што гэта дрэнны Пераклад, ці можаце вы сказаць мне, чаму?
Back to English: Someone that is a bad Translation, can you tell me why?
To Bosnian: Neko to je loš Prijevod, možeš li mi reći zašto?
Back to English: Someone that's a bad Translation, can you tell me why?
To Bulgarian: Някой, че е лош Превод, може ли да ми каже защо?
Back to English: Someone that is a bad Translation, can you tell me why?
To Catalan: Algú que és una mala Traducció, em pot dir per què?
Back to English: Someone who is a bad Translation, can you tell me why?
To Chinese: 有人是个糟糕的翻译,你能告诉我为什么吗?
Back to English: Someone is a bad translation, can you tell me why?
To Croatian: Netko loš prijevod, možete li mi reći zašto?
Back to English: Someone poor translation, can you tell me why?
To Thai: บางคนที่น่าสงสารแปลภาษาคุณสามารถบอกฉันทำไม?
Back to English: Some poor translation can you tell me why?
To Spanish: Algunos mala traducción puede decirme por qué?
Back to English: Some bad translation can you tell me why?
To Slovenian: Nekateri slabo prevajanje lahko poveš zakaj?
Back to English: Some bad translation can you tell me why?
To Estonian: Mõni halb tõlge te saate mulle öelda, miks?
Back to English: A bad translation can you tell me why?
To Finnish: Huono käännös voi kertoa minulle, miksi?
Back to English: A bad translation can you tell me why?
To Serbian: Лош превод може ли ми реци зашто?
Back to English: A poor translation can you tell me why?
To Georgian: ცუდი თარგმანი, შეგიძლიათ მითხრათ რატომ?
Back to English: Bad translation, can you tell me why?
To German: Schlechte übersetzung, können Sie mir sagen, warum?
Back to English: Bad translation, can you tell me why?
To Malay: Terjemahan yang salah, bisa kau katakan padaku mengapa?
Back to English: The translation is wrong, can you tell me why?
To Macedonian: Преводот е во ред, можете ли да ми кажете зошто?
Back to English: The translation is okay, can you tell me why?
To Italian: La traduzione è corretta, mi puoi dire perché?
Back to English: The translation is correct, can you tell me why?
To Indonesian: Terjemahan benar, bisa kau katakan padaku mengapa?
Back to English: The translation is correct, can you tell me why?
To Romanian: Traducerea este corectă dacă puteți să-mi spuneți de ce?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if you can tell me why?
To Albanian: Përkthimi është i saktë, nëse ju mund të më thoni pse?
Back to English: The translation is accurate, if you can tell me why?
To Russian: Перевод является точным, если вы можете сказать мне, почему?
Back to English: The translation is accurate, if you can tell me why?
To Lithuanian: Vertimas yra tikslus, jei galite man pasakyti kodėl?
Back to English: The translation is accurate, if you can tell me why?
To Hebrew: התרגום מדויק, אם אתה יכול לספר לי למה?
Back to English: The translation is accurate, if you can tell me why?
To Polish: Tłumaczenie jest dokładnym, jeśli możesz mi powiedzieć, dlaczego?
Back to English: The translation is accurate, if you can tell me why?
To Maltese: It-traduzzjoni hija preċiża, jekk inti tista'tgħidli r-raġuni għaliex?
Back to English: The translation is accurate, if you tista'tgħidli the reason why?
To Dutch: De vertaling is correct, als je tista'tgħidli de reden waarom?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if you tista'tgħidli the reason why?
To Norwegian: Oversettelsen er korrekt, hvis du tista'tgħidli grunnen?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if you tista'tgħidli why?
To Portuguese: A tradução está correta, se você tista'tgħidli por quê?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if you tista'tgħidli why?
To Czech: Překlad je správný, pokud jste tista'tgħidli proč?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if you tista'tgħidli why?
To Latvian: Tulkojums ir pareizs, ja jūs tista'tgħidli kāpēc?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if you tista'tgħidli why?
To Danish: Oversættelsen er korrekt, hvis du tista'tgħidli hvorfor?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if you tista'tgħidli why?
To Slovak: Preklad je správny, ak ste tista'tgħidli prečo?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if you tista'tgħidli why?
To Greek: Η μετάφραση είναι σωστή, αν tista'tgħidli γιατί;
Back to English: The translation is correct, if tista'tgħidli why?
To Hungarian: A fordítás helyes, ha tista'tgħidli miért?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if tista'tgħidli why?
To Ukranian: Переклад правильний, якщо tista'tgħidli чому?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if tista'tgħidli why?
To Azerbaijani: Tərcümə düzgün deyil, əgər tista'tgħidli niyə?
Back to English: The translation is incorrect, if tista'tgħidli why?
To Swedish: Översättningen är felaktig, om tista'tgħidli varför?
Back to English: The translation is incorrect, if the tista'tgħidli why?
To Arabic: الترجمة صحيحة, إذا tista'tgħidli لماذا ؟
Back to English: The translation is correct, if tista'tgħidli why?
To French: La traduction est correcte, si tista'tgħidli pourquoi?
Back to English: The translation is correct, if tista'tgħidli why?