Bad Translator

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Original text:

"I'm just going to say that this thread's number contains 117. Any avid Halo fan will understand."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"I have to say that this number is 117. Effect: the climate in the contract."

"I have to say that this number is 117."


"Guns that hates Texas"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

" Gun,gun angry. "

Another one...

"Thanks Gun God"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The pistol Thank you, God, "

Y.V. would be proud.
Original text:

"What the hell is this crap!?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"What does it mean?!"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:


X. It means X.
Original text:

"I want a pug for my birthday."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The light I want."

I like this thing. Another!

Original text:

"I have 12 cats, 10 dogs, 30 parakeets, and 13 rabbits."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"12, cat, dog, 10, parrots, 30, 13 rabbits."
Original text:

"Say I'm second again if you dare!"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"If, on the other hand!"

This game is fun! Let's try another.

Original text:

"Once upon time there was a guy that have cat ears and cat tail. one day he found a beautiful lady name nymph"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Sometimes, the children, the cat, ears and tail. One day, a beautiful, young woman will be appointed in accordance with the fairies."

Original text:

"No, you can't have more cookies, you already had ten thousand"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Still very expensive, but I work more than a million people."

I tried again
Original text
"I really hate ham, also I'm good at typing random stuff, why stop when you can continue?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"I hate scarlett, by accident, a great writer, actually, if you get it if it's there,why not. "

you can hate people by accident.

Last edited:
Original text:

"Well I exist do I get a cookie now or something at least?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Now you can use it or something"

Original text


...10 translations later, Yandex gives us:


I is phone user
Original text:

"Agate is my favorite type of mineral, mostly because it's green."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"As the first woman from a dig."
Original text:

"Apparently, for every bad Half-Life 3 joke that the Internet says, Lord GabeN shall add an extra 2 months onto the release date of it. apparently we are up to about 2034 or something now. Wouldn't surprise me if it was more."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"It might be best to ruin the lives of 3 of the things that God says: 2 months, the address, the date, the talent 2034 or something like that. Don't be surprised to see him."

Alright, so we can ruin 2 months, the address, the date, the talent 2034 or something like that, as long as God says. And only up to 3 things.
Original text:

"I live in a very milky environment."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"I went to the center of the Galaxy."
It knows basic astronomy. Impressive.

Original text:

"I seem to keep losing stuff without trace. Without even touching it, it can go missing. How!?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

" This does not mean that I forgot to click on the map. x; "
Original text:

"May the fourth be with you."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"It may be necessary for you to connect to the server."
Original text:

"Team Fortress 2 multiplayer is fun."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Team fortress 2 the game for more players."
Original text:

"Illuminati will be true if terraria 1.3,Half life 3 and portal 3 release in one day."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"If it is 1, If it's too simple,such as and life,however, 3 3, the door 3 times a day."
I tried that site, and got this when I placed this random text.
Original text:

"Were asked for an Hamburguer with Fries."

...33 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"I have freedom, a Hamburger."
Original text:

"If "knowledge is power" and "with great power comes great responsibility", does that mean you need responsibility to control knowledge? I guess I'm not very responsible, and I'm intelligent..."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Knowledge is power. Power is a big responsibility, and this means that they are responsible for, because I know that you know the answer, I am smart..."
Orange fruit bats

"Orange with a baseball bat."

Masterful space station

"Skills International space station."

I agreed to being blue on tuesday when grandma ate the cookie

"To eat the cake, the third, blue. "
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