tModLoader Better Combat

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The Destroyer
Hello. Welcome to the thread for my new mod:

Better combat!

(Before you ask, reloading with guns is right-clicking)

This mod aims to drastically change the way you play Terraria, with much more nuance and strategy required in combat.
Ever get tired of the basic combat system? How every class blends together? How the game is too easy? Well than this mod is for you.
Also yes, this will affect modded items :)

It's a work in progress, but it's about 20-30% done right now. Early version is on browser, with SOME of the features.
Anyway, here's some of the mechanic changes you can expect to see:

New ability: sprint! This makes you go much faster, but you cant attack (unless you have throwing weapons) in this state, and you can only do it in short bursts

Special abilities:
Every class and subclass has new special abilities. These are attacks/abilities that can be activated with a hotkey, and do something cool/unusual, but have cooldowns.
The cooldowns apply to all classes at once, so you cant pull 20 special attacks in seconds.
Guns, bows, and rocket launchers all now have to reload!
(DONE)For guns and rocket launchers, its calculated based on usetime, but all bows will have a clip size of 1 (Don't worry they'll do more damage)
Reloading any gun or rocket launcher takes about 5 seconds. Bows and crossbows will only take 2.

Various clip accessories can be obtained through different methods, such as sold by the arms dealer, or crafted with vortex fragments

Special attack is:
Overclock for guns (No reloading for a period of time)
Deadly accuracy for bows (Much higher velocity with bows for a period of time)
Rocket Storm for rocket launchers(Rains down 10-20 rockets onto your cursor)
(DONE)Melee attacks, but mostly true melee, now slow you significantly while in use. Now you'll have to time your swings.

Charge hits:
Holding down right click before you attack will now build up a charge attack, which does up to 3x as much damage.

Special attacks are:
Iron tank (Gain a ton of defense, but become reduced to 10% speed)
Mana sickness now is 3x as effective. Better conserve your mana!

Staves and tomes:
Staves and tomes now have some significant differences: Here they are!
-Tomes are less affected by mana sickness than staves
-Tomes now have a new special attack to attack 3 times consecutively. Staves get a short boost to wielder defense!
-New accessories to improve tomes or staves.

Special attacks:
Runic Destruction for tomes (Attack 3 times consecutively)
Spiritual blessing for staves (Improve all stats for a limited period of time)
Throwers can attack during the new sprint ability!

Special attacks:
Cutting fan (Short cooldown, launches 3 of the throwing item in a general direction)
Special attack:
Mother hive (Create an extra, temporary, noncounted minion, thats double the size and double the damage of whichever staff you're using)

Current version: 0.1. Not all features added.
-Adds reloading for guns, with ui. Clip sizes based on shoot speed
-Guns do 20% more damage
-True melee makes you slightly slower

Download of early alpha here

As you can see, it is still a major work in progress. Leave your suggestions for special abilities and changes, especially for throwing and summoning.
Thanks for checking out my mod thread. Leave any comments or suggestions down below!
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You have my attention. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

If I could make a suggestion for bows, what about changing them to work like PfE's greatbows? Hold down fire to charge up to a certain point, increasing their damage and velocity, then release. It makes more sense to me than reloading a bow, and serves a similar purpose if the damage is penalized for trying to rapid fire.
You have my attention. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

If I could make a suggestion for bows, what about changing them to work like PfE's greatbows? Hold down fire to charge up to a certain point, increasing their damage and velocity, then release. It makes more sense to me than reloading a bow, and serves a similar purpose if the damage is penalized for trying to rapid fire.
That would be impossible without recoding every bow individually. Maybe something similar though
At the moment it just seems like it makes comabt more difficult. As for suggestions, I'd like to see timed reload system like in Risk of Rain, where if you time it correctly you get a big damage boost. Also, there should be a subclass for melee that focuses more on attack speed and agility, like a ninja.
Progress is being a bit slow, because right now theres a bug where you randomly crash every so often.
Awesome. I cant wait for this mod to be done so i can torture myself with forgetting how to do the better combat stuff and dying hundreds of times on mediumcore expert because that's all i play.
These are some good ideas that would work well for multiplayer. Probably won't use this myself, but good mod idea never-the-less.
A very early version of bettercombat is on the browser! Not all features are implemented
So far:
-Ammo for guns, and UI. Clip size based on shots per second.
-To compensate, guns get 20% more damage
-True melee makes your character a bit slower while in use.

Also right click is used to reload

PS: Is currently untested in multiplayer, I have literally no idea how well it would work. If you do use it, report bugs here!
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Are the reload times for ranged weapons designed to work in conjunction with other weapons?

What mods does this support so far?
@Graydee Do you intend to continue development on this? If not, I hope you'll consider implementing some of these features into other mods you're working on.

This is probably the most difficult mod to get used to and then suddenly play without -- a testament to how phenomenal this mod is. The slowness and charged attacks for melee alone add so much needed-depth to gameplay, it'd be a shame to see this lost to time.
Once finals are over, I plan to port reloading by itself to tmodloader 10.0. Might also do the other stuff, but I don't know.
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