Hello! I'd like to offer an idea I had for an equipment item for explosives users. This item would be called "Blast Shield." This item would block incoming explosive damage from your own explosives and provide 3 defense.
Step 1- Blast Resistant Glass
Crafting Station- Anvil
2 Hellstone
10 Glass
10 Blast Resistant Glass
Blast Resistant Glass can be placed like regular Glass, and made into walls as well. It has a high resistance to damage from explosives.
Step 2- Blast Shield
Crafting Station- Tinkerer's Workbench
60 Blast Resistant Glass
1 Obsidian Shield
1 Blast Shield
I chose Hellstone as the blast-proofing ingredient in Blast Resistant Glass, because at the time players are obtaining Hellstone, they are also obtaining their first heavily used explosive weapon, Hellfire Arrows. The Blast Shield could be seen as a more specialized alternative of the Cobalt Shield -> Obsidian Shield -> Ankh Shield line.
Step 1- Blast Resistant Glass
Crafting Station- Anvil

Blast Resistant Glass can be placed like regular Glass, and made into walls as well. It has a high resistance to damage from explosives.
Step 2- Blast Shield
Crafting Station- Tinkerer's Workbench


I chose Hellstone as the blast-proofing ingredient in Blast Resistant Glass, because at the time players are obtaining Hellstone, they are also obtaining their first heavily used explosive weapon, Hellfire Arrows. The Blast Shield could be seen as a more specialized alternative of the Cobalt Shield -> Obsidian Shield -> Ankh Shield line.
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