Items Blast Shield


Hello! I'd like to offer an idea I had for an equipment item for explosives users. This item would be called "Blast Shield." This item would block incoming explosive damage from your own explosives and provide 3 defense.


Step 1- Blast Resistant Glass
Crafting Station- Anvil
2 Hellstone
10 Glass

10 Blast Resistant Glass

Blast Resistant Glass can be placed like regular Glass, and made into walls as well. It has a high resistance to damage from explosives.

Step 2- Blast Shield
Crafting Station- Tinkerer's Workbench
60 Blast Resistant Glass
1 Obsidian Shield


Blast Shield v2.png
1 Blast Shield

I chose Hellstone as the blast-proofing ingredient in Blast Resistant Glass, because at the time players are obtaining Hellstone, they are also obtaining their first heavily used explosive weapon, Hellfire Arrows. The Blast Shield could be seen as a more specialized alternative of the Cobalt Shield -> Obsidian Shield -> Ankh Shield line.
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I see no reason why this should lower explosive damage.
However, it's quite a nice idea. I would suggest making the Obsidian Shield the material instead of the Cobalt Shield, and give it the burn resistance that the obsi shield has.
Blast resistant glass should be crafted into 10 blocks, rather than 2.
The Blast Shield shouldn´t reduce explosive damage as there aren´t any other accessories which give a drawback.
I see no reason why this should lower explosive damage.
Blast resistant glass should be crafted into 10 blocks, rather than 2.
The Blast Shield shouldn´t reduce explosive damage as there aren´t any other accessories which give a drawback.

I saw it as a balancing feature, but alright. Removed the slight explosive damage nerf. Also increased the amount of glass you get, but increased the amount of glass needed for crafting it.

However, it's quite a nice idea. I would suggest making the Obsidian Shield the material instead of the Cobalt Shield, and give it the burn resistance that the obsi shield has.

So, put the branch at Obsidian instead of Cobalt? Alright. It's just that a lot of people will probably have already upgraded their Obsidian Shield to Blast Shield before realizing it's a branch off point between it and the Ankh, and then they might not have a second shield in their dungeon, forcing them to use multiple worlds.

I'm going to consider it.
and then they might not have a second shield in their dungeon
They will have a second shield in their dungeon. Trust me.


Scironex Seal of Approval
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They will have a second shield in their dungeon. Trust me.


Scironex Seal of Approval

Yeah, I've never only had one shield in my dungeons, but RNG can be a real :red: sometimes, you know? I'm changing it to obsidian shield, though. I'll need to update the shield sprite to account for the skull now, though.

And thanks for the seal!

EDIT- Increased defense of the shield to 3, which is one less than the Ankh shield. One less since it's obtainable much earlier.
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Blast Shield v2 200p.png
Blast Shield v2.png

New Sprite! An obsidian skull sits in the center, anchored to the edges of the glassed shield on each side. Plus scaled up version.
Also, blast boots! (made from rocket/spectre boots and blast glass, reduce blast damage to 25% but increase blast knockback 5 times and allow better air movement), because this game needs rocket jumps. I'll make a sprite too.
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Also, blast boots! (made from rocket/spectre boots and blast glass, reduce blast damage to 25% but increase blast knockback 5 times and allow better air movement), because this game needs rocket jumps. I'll make a sprite too.

That would actually be extremely cool. Launch yourself into the air by firing a hellfire arrow at your feet.
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