Weapons & Equip Boomstick knockback


I finally made a forums account to make this (and another) suggestion because I'm craving it so badly.
Long story short: I would suggest knockback for a shotgun (preferably the boomstick) in the game.

At least since 1.3 the boomstick caught my attention and I like it a lot, even when I'm not playing ranged class. there's just one thing that's nagging me about that wepon:
As a Spelunky player I was loving the shotgun knockback in that game so much.

In addition to make a Terraria weapon a bit more unique it would give a really powerful feeling to the weapon, even if it actually makes it a bit more worse.
To be less annoying the knockback could be halved when the player is touching the ground / weaker and doubled while midair. Of course grappling and cobalt shield items could negate the knockback maybe.
Why the boomstick? Well, there are 3 (4) reasons I associate just the boomstick with Spelunky.
- It has a similar appearance and shot feel, I think even the sound isn't that different
- The BOOM-stick just suggests huge power. I'd love to feel that power in recoil
- The boomstick is kinda jungle related and Spelunky is too, so it's a pretty close reference in my eyes
(-balance. Boomstick is kinda early game and not a very meta item like last prism, zenith, reaver shark or stuff like that, so it's still niche enough to get away with a dorky, fun mechanic in my opinion. Plus it's at a point where not every one has a cobalt shield already and would render the gimmick useless any way.)

So to sum it up: It would feel just right to have knockback on the boomstick (and I know you guys love references :happy:). I'd be so happy to see this change and to get upset when I knock myself down a cliff next time by shooting around.

Cheers and have a nice day :pinky:
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