Skeletron Prime
FAO DR Studio's
Bugs encountered so far
1. Using RB (pressing it continuously) whilst moving in any direction causes a pause in character movement (does not happen when using LB to change held item)
2. Equipment slots in the inventory screen are incorrectly laid out (compare to PC version and previous inventory screens pre 1.4), have tried changing layouts, all slots are shown in layout edit screen but not in normal inventory screen.
3. Not sure if intended: Mouse cursor color selector is missing from game settings, by default I have a small red cursor and cannot change this.
4. Not sure if intended: Inventory management using Keyboard and Mouse (shift clicking items to chest, favouriting items in inventory) are not working, there is no option within the keybinds menu to allocate a button for favouriting items.
Overall, the update seems pretty solid so far and as time goes by more bugs will be found, however, a quick question:
Were the keyboard and mouse controls/keybinds created for console made to mirror PC keyboard and mouse controls or, have they been tailored to fit consoles especially? In my opinion, as it stands at the moment, keyboard and mouse keybinds need a little tlc to be more in line with those on PC Terraria.
System details
Xbox One (Original)
Latest version (
Thank you for your time and more importantly, thank you for all the hard work put into this update.
Bugs encountered so far
1. Using RB (pressing it continuously) whilst moving in any direction causes a pause in character movement (does not happen when using LB to change held item)
2. Equipment slots in the inventory screen are incorrectly laid out (compare to PC version and previous inventory screens pre 1.4), have tried changing layouts, all slots are shown in layout edit screen but not in normal inventory screen.
3. Not sure if intended: Mouse cursor color selector is missing from game settings, by default I have a small red cursor and cannot change this.
4. Not sure if intended: Inventory management using Keyboard and Mouse (shift clicking items to chest, favouriting items in inventory) are not working, there is no option within the keybinds menu to allocate a button for favouriting items.
Overall, the update seems pretty solid so far and as time goes by more bugs will be found, however, a quick question:
Were the keyboard and mouse controls/keybinds created for console made to mirror PC keyboard and mouse controls or, have they been tailored to fit consoles especially? In my opinion, as it stands at the moment, keyboard and mouse keybinds need a little tlc to be more in line with those on PC Terraria.
System details
Xbox One (Original)
Latest version (
Thank you for your time and more importantly, thank you for all the hard work put into this update.
Official Terrarian
FAO DR Studio's
Bugs encountered so far
1. Using RB (pressing it continuously) whilst moving in any direction causes a pause in character movement (does not happen when using LB to change held item)
I fixed this issue by going into the control settings and unbinding a option there that was to to RB. I can't remember atm what the option was.
Skeletron Prime
Thank you Artic I'll try that when I get back on later.I fixed this issue by going into the control settings and unbinding a option there that was to to RB. I can't remember atm what the option was.
Official Terrarian
Found the binding you need to unbind.Thank you Artic I'll try that when I get back on later.
In control settings go to the Explore tab and down the bottom you should see "Navigate Hotbar" Unbind that and that fixes it.
Hi @MBraderz thanks for your thoughtfully organized list. Here’s what I know (not much haha)…FAO DR Studio's
Bugs encountered so far
1. Using RB (pressing it continuously) whilst moving in any direction causes a pause in character movement (does not happen when using LB to change held item)
2. Equipment slots in the inventory screen are incorrectly laid out (compare to PC version and previous inventory screens pre 1.4), have tried changing layouts, all slots are shown in layout edit screen but not in normal inventory screen.
3. Not sure if intended: Mouse cursor color selector is missing from game settings, by default I have a small red cursor and cannot change this.
4. Not sure if intended: Inventory management using Keyboard and Mouse (shift clicking items to chest, favouriting items in inventory) are not working, there is no option within the keybinds menu to allocate a button for favouriting items.
Overall, the update seems pretty solid so far and as time goes by more bugs will be found, however, a quick question:
Were the keyboard and mouse controls/keybinds created for console made to mirror PC keyboard and mouse controls or, have they been tailored to fit consoles especially? In my opinion, as it stands at the moment, keyboard and mouse keybinds need a little tlc to be more in line with those on PC Terraria.
System details
Xbox One (Original)
Latest version (
Thank you for your time and more importantly, thank you for all the hard work put into this update.
1. In addition to @ArticReaper’s message here, Artic has also created a helpful video detailing out the explanation (for anyone else stopping by that needs it):
2. Inventory slots - not sure about this
3. Mouse cursor color - it is intended that you cannot change the cursor color. I’m not sure if it’s something that will change in the future or not.
4. Missing binds on keyboard+mouse - this is a known bug right now. Now that the big sync bug on Xbox has been taken care of (took an all-nighter from DR Studios), they can begin to work on these regular bugs.
Keyboard+mouse to be more like PC or tailored for console? Not sure, but I do know that DR Studios does listen to feedback (not just lip service, they actually do).
Skeletron Prime
Hi Unit one
Thanks for your reply.
To echo some other players concerns I've seen throughout social media, the UI we have now in 1.4 for console is quite different from the UI we have seen previously in 1.3 and even further back in 1.2.
If I recall correctly, Engine Software added there own stamp to the UI which players became accustomed to after some time, however didn't share much in terms of parity with PC (which I assume is the end goal)
Then came the 1.3 UI overhaul from Pipeworks studios, which again, some of us had grown accustomed to. In terms of parity, the 1.3 UI was the closest we had ever been and was the staple build I thought required a level of keyboard and mouse implementation.
And now, we have another UI from DR Studio's with the 1.4 update which I feel in my opinion may be a slight step back in terms of parity. Don't get me wrong, they've done great things with the UI in terms of flexibility, but I definitely think some polishing is needed.
7 months ago DR Studio's supplied us with a YT video of the 1.4 UI in action via a teaser on their channel:
As you can see, from the teaser, there are options available to change certain aspects of the UI, and from watching the video again recently I compared this to the actual options made available to us at 1.4 launch:
Obviously some in house talks were going on in terms of what we will have access to and these things are always subject to change.
However, I always assumed that the endgame for Re-Logic was to have a level of parity between Console and PC users.
In my personal opinion the 1.3 UI:
Was probably the most in line with PC and was the main reason why back in 2016(ish) I decided to gather thoughts and opinions for Keyboard and Mouse being possibly implemented in the next major update.
It's gonna be interesting to watch and see how DR tweak and polish the UI they've "created" to tailor fit console users and still have a level of familiarity between all terraria players.
Thanks for your reply.
To echo some other players concerns I've seen throughout social media, the UI we have now in 1.4 for console is quite different from the UI we have seen previously in 1.3 and even further back in 1.2.
If I recall correctly, Engine Software added there own stamp to the UI which players became accustomed to after some time, however didn't share much in terms of parity with PC (which I assume is the end goal)
Then came the 1.3 UI overhaul from Pipeworks studios, which again, some of us had grown accustomed to. In terms of parity, the 1.3 UI was the closest we had ever been and was the staple build I thought required a level of keyboard and mouse implementation.
And now, we have another UI from DR Studio's with the 1.4 update which I feel in my opinion may be a slight step back in terms of parity. Don't get me wrong, they've done great things with the UI in terms of flexibility, but I definitely think some polishing is needed.
7 months ago DR Studio's supplied us with a YT video of the 1.4 UI in action via a teaser on their channel:
As you can see, from the teaser, there are options available to change certain aspects of the UI, and from watching the video again recently I compared this to the actual options made available to us at 1.4 launch:
Obviously some in house talks were going on in terms of what we will have access to and these things are always subject to change.
However, I always assumed that the endgame for Re-Logic was to have a level of parity between Console and PC users.
In my personal opinion the 1.3 UI:
Was probably the most in line with PC and was the main reason why back in 2016(ish) I decided to gather thoughts and opinions for Keyboard and Mouse being possibly implemented in the next major update.
It's gonna be interesting to watch and see how DR tweak and polish the UI they've "created" to tailor fit console users and still have a level of familiarity between all terraria players.
In the interface edit screen, the different pages are displayed using the maximum space they can occupy to show the extents of where they can go to.2. Equipment slots in the inventory screen are incorrectly laid out (compare to PC version and previous inventory screens pre 1.4), have tried changing layouts, all slots are shown in layout edit screen but not in normal inventory screen.
In normal gameplay most of these pages will be shown in their collapsed form, where it will take up only 3 columns rathe than the larger 8 to allow you a better view into the world you are interacting with.
Note all the pages, except inventory, have 3 states collapsed, expanded or closed, which can be toggled be clicking on the page icon. this will then be generally be remembered for the rest of the gameplay session until the next time you change it. Equipment can also auto expand temporarily whilst you have armour etc item picked up in your cursor.
Using the expanded states can be handy when looking for items to craft etc
Skeletron Prime
Thank you @Angryhippo
I've also just figured that out by watching previous videos on YouTube and paying close attention to what was pressed/clicked to expand these menus. Initially though I couldn't see an indication to "expand" these menus to show full content.
Regarding future updates, is there scope to be able to have these menus display vertically rather than expanding horizontally?
I've also just figured that out by watching previous videos on YouTube and paying close attention to what was pressed/clicked to expand these menus. Initially though I couldn't see an indication to "expand" these menus to show full content.
Regarding future updates, is there scope to be able to have these menus display vertically rather than expanding horizontally?
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