Skeletron Prime
FAO DR Studio's
Bugs encountered so far
1. Using RB (pressing it continuously) whilst moving in any direction causes a pause in character movement (does not happen when using LB to change held item)
2. Equipment slots in the inventory screen are incorrectly laid out (compare to PC version and previous inventory screens pre 1.4), have tried changing layouts, all slots are shown in layout edit screen but not in normal inventory screen.
3. Not sure if intended: Mouse cursor color selector is missing from game settings, by default I have a small red cursor and cannot change this.
4. Not sure if intended: Inventory management using Keyboard and Mouse (shift clicking items to chest, favouriting items in inventory) are not working, there is no option within the keybinds menu to allocate a button for favouriting items.
Overall, the update seems pretty solid so far and as time goes by more bugs will be found, however, a quick question:
Were the keyboard and mouse controls/keybinds created for console made to mirror PC keyboard and mouse controls or, have they been tailored to fit consoles especially? In my opinion, as it stands at the moment, keyboard and mouse keybinds need a little tlc to be more in line with those on PC Terraria.
System details
Xbox One (Original)
Latest version (
Thank you for your time and more importantly, thank you for all the hard work put into this update.
Bugs encountered so far
1. Using RB (pressing it continuously) whilst moving in any direction causes a pause in character movement (does not happen when using LB to change held item)
2. Equipment slots in the inventory screen are incorrectly laid out (compare to PC version and previous inventory screens pre 1.4), have tried changing layouts, all slots are shown in layout edit screen but not in normal inventory screen.
3. Not sure if intended: Mouse cursor color selector is missing from game settings, by default I have a small red cursor and cannot change this.
4. Not sure if intended: Inventory management using Keyboard and Mouse (shift clicking items to chest, favouriting items in inventory) are not working, there is no option within the keybinds menu to allocate a button for favouriting items.
Overall, the update seems pretty solid so far and as time goes by more bugs will be found, however, a quick question:
Were the keyboard and mouse controls/keybinds created for console made to mirror PC keyboard and mouse controls or, have they been tailored to fit consoles especially? In my opinion, as it stands at the moment, keyboard and mouse keybinds need a little tlc to be more in line with those on PC Terraria.
System details
Xbox One (Original)
Latest version (
Thank you for your time and more importantly, thank you for all the hard work put into this update.