tModLoader Calamity Mod

What would you like me to create more of?

  • NPCs (enemies, house NPCs, etc.)

    Votes: 1,176 19.4%
  • Bosses

    Votes: 2,479 40.8%
  • Items (Accessories, Weapons, etc.)

    Votes: 1,606 26.4%
  • Vanity (furniture, armor sets, etc.)

    Votes: 441 7.3%
  • Mineable Stuff (Ores, Blocks, etc.)

    Votes: 376 6.2%

  • Total voters
I’ve played the mod and I agree with them saying it’s not very good. The mod is extremely boss centric, the bosses are barely better than vanilla’s most of the time, and vanilla’s bosses are generally pretty awful so being only barely better than them isn’t good either. Scal is pretty good and that’s all the credit I can give.
So you hate the game, then why are you here? Most of the vanilla game is "boss centric." Seems like hate to hate for the sake of hating
So you hate the game, then why are you here? Most of the vanilla game is "boss centric." Seems like hate to hate for the sake of hating
Nope, vanilla lets you cheese the bosses so they’re like 10 seconds long, has very few required bosses and allows me to focus on the actually fun parts of the game (literally everything else besides fishing) :)

Seriously, calling vanilla boss-centric is a huge red flag that tells me you don’t play vanilla. The longest vanilla boss (moon lord) can easily be shredded in 30 seconds even in Master.

Vanilla has building, wiring, tons of invasion events, golf, tons of exploration, etc. Meanwhile calamity just puts all that to the wayside so you can focus on the main attraction, the bosses, except the bosses aren’t good :D
Nope, vanilla lets you cheese the bosses so they’re like 10 seconds long, has very few required bosses and allows me to focus on the actually fun parts of the game (literally everything else besides fishing) :)

Seriously, calling vanilla boss-centric is a huge red flag that tells me you don’t play vanilla. The longest vanilla boss (moon lord) can easily be shredded in 30 seconds even in Master.

Vanilla has building, wiring, tons of invasion events, golf, tons of exploration, etc. Meanwhile calamity just puts all that to the wayside so you can focus on the main attraction, the bosses, except the bosses aren’t good :D
You can cheese modded bosses too. So what IS the fun part to you if not bosses nor fishing?

anyone who uses the "red flag" analogy is ironically one to me. I play, and was using your own logic against you. Because modded can be more or less as boss centric as vanilla and tells me you never played modded nor pay attention to vanilla a whole lot

Modding also has all of those. Calamity doesn't have invasions, sure. But people barely do wiring, and they have building. Not many do golf, and exploration people barely do. It is more like race to see x thing to fight. And most are there for the boss fights in terraria. So IDK what to tell you other than you a minority.
So IDK what to tell you other than you a minority.
The fact that you think my opinion is a minority not only tells me all I need to know, it also is pretty damn concerning for you to consider my opinion invalid because of that alone. Reminds me of the whole “the year is 2024” meme that’s been jumping around some parts of the terraria community for a while.
I’m done arguing here. Have fun playing the mod! I certainly can’t and I have no desire to lie to myself in a vain attempt to change that, which wouldn’t even work.
If you’re willing to have a proper discussion about this where we actually listen to each other’s input instead of going in circles until the forum staff steps in, I’d happily entertain that. But as is, you clearly aren’t open to that idea, so until then, seeya :)
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The fact that you think my opinion is a minority not only tells me all I need to know, it also is pretty damn concerning for you to consider my opinion invalid because of that alone. Reminds me of the whole “the year is 2024” meme that’s been jumping around some parts of the terraria community for a while.
I’m done arguing here. Have fun playing the mod! I certainly can’t and I have no desire to lie to myself in a vain attempt to change that, which wouldn’t even work.
If you’re willing to have a proper discussion about this where we actually listen to each other’s input instead of going in circles until the forum staff steps in, I’d happily entertain that. But as is, you clearly aren’t open to that idea, so until then, seeya :)
The fact you believe you are the popular opinion tells me everything I need to know about you, also pretty concerning you put things in my mouth I never said nor implied invalid =/= right/correct. I am not trying to convince you it is a good mod. If you don't think it is a good mod, then fine. No one is stopping you. But I am saying you don't speak for majority (I don't either but that's beside the point) and only speak for yourself as everyone does, unless they are actually quoting what certain people in a group said. I am willing, but being illogical and using misdirection is not going to go anywhere, and of course when you go about it that way, of course it would go back in circles.

But fine, guess this is good bye :dryadhappy:
The fact you believe you are the popular opinion tells me everything I need to know about you,
Oh I never said that, it seems too evenly split to me to consider either side a majority. But after all I was putting words into your mouth so it’s only fair that you reciprocate. :)
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so it’s only fair that you reciprocate. :guidesmile:
Nah, that quote you said was me saying what you indirectly conveyed via your quote as your implied belief versus what you said was my written thoughts into words. One is direct and stated the other is implied. You said "you think," which someone's thoughts, which are presented through text as their speech, are their words. Thus by you saying what you see as what I am "thinking" as what I said. Many people say their thoughts straight forward, ergo you did in a way put words in my mouth. A believe is many things that can only be inferred through actions and words and is generally not straightforward nor said but gauged IN-directly through the words & thoughts of another. So I thus did not put words in your mouth. I simply made a logical conclusion that what you believed was as such, thus more like "tying a belief/ideals around your character" would have been what I was doing instead if you want to be technical. :dryadthinking:
It is such a truly inspiring mod that still continues to this day. It went from just a simple and tiny-sized mod to the largest Terraria mod ever made. I am glad things turned out well for the mod and its developers. It has indeed gone a long way, and I am very grateful for that.

Thank you, Fabsol and the rest of the Calamity development team, you guys are all awesome. <3:guideparty:
I am not totally sure if this belongs here, or a Fargos thread, but I have an interesting suggestion: lore items for the Fargo's bosses. Yellow is the lore being told by Yharim. Here is my ideas:
Trojan Squirrel: A simple construct, made of simple timber and iron to protect squirrels, is surprisingly effective at scaring away foes. However, it is all just a Trojan Horse, as it is easily defeated by anyone who is moderately prepared.
Cursed Coffin: A long dead pharaoh, sealed with his treasure. The people of old seemed to revere this one, as this pyramid is well decorated. It seems that he was not successful in finding his way to the afterlife, as his spirit still remains in his coffin, forever cursed.
Deviantt: While she may seem much weaker than her brothers, she is still a force to be reckoned with. Her mastery of her weapons is incredible, especially her powerful laser. She can be beat, however, by simply looking away from her beauty.
Banished Baron: It seems to be a weak Fishron, cast out by the few remaining for its weakness. It seems to be trying to redeem itself by replacing parts of itself with wood and machinery, but it is still weaker than other Fishrons. It almost makes you feel pitiful.
Lifelight: An interesting being, as it protects the Hallow. It has an interesting structure, made of a strange material. It is capable of forming itself into a prism, massively strengthening it. It is very likely that it is a subordinate to the Empress. That doesn't change the fact that it fell just like the Empress it likes so much.
The Champions: These empowered creatures each represent one of Terraria's biomes, but they do not seem to be organic beings, instead constructs made by the biomes in an effort to stop their destruction. They still fall, just like the rest.
Eridinus: This one is a force to be reckoned with. He is a devastating force, capable of stopping time itself. However, while it does have high stamina, it isn't immortal. He fell after a long battle, just like the rest.
Abominationn: The brother of the Deviantt. He is one of the most powerful beings we have come across, as his scythe devastates anything caught in its range. Not only that, but his very presence causes distress in my forces, lowering our capability to fight. A long and arduous battle, but we came out victorious, nonetheless.
Mutant: Despite his seemingly mundane outer look, inside of him is a godlike power. We have only ever attempted to provoke him once, and his incredible power spoke out to the rest of us. We have never tried to mess with him ever again. Despite his godlike power being seemingly stronger than Calamitas's, he seems to enjoy settling in towns that he sees worthy and provides assistance and tips to adventurers who ask. A strange being, if you ask me.
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