Calamity of Purity
These sacred lands…
Here where life prospers…
Where the creativity of humankind shines above all sentience…
They had not seen such forgiveness and mercy before.
In an era lost in time and memory,
Wars were waged against humanity, monstrosities, and gods.
These lands had then suffered great losses, along with their inhabitants.
Even now, one can hear countless soldiers pleading for their life…
Others begging for the warm embrace of death.
Creatures once thought to be mere obstacles
Evolved into beasts with unbelievable power and force.
This was the era where millions died fighting for what they believed in.
This was the age in which feral, rogue monstrosities ravaged the world.
This was the time where gods either abandoned or struck those who had faith in them.
This was the moment in which Calamity reigned supreme.
These words ran through Natsumi’s head nonstop. She tried to shut them out, but it was no use. She was yanked out of her thoughts by an unfamiliar voice.
“Natsumi! Natsumi! Get up, Natsumi!" Natsumi sat up and looked around her. She seemed to have crashed into this new world. There were small clusters of tall trees, and birds sang from the treetops.
“Wow, I slept through a crash landing? I guess I’m a heavier sleeper than I thought.”
She looked up and saw someone towering over her.
“Who the hell are you?”
The figure sighed, "I’m Jeff. I am your Guide, and I am also the reason you’re not dying here.”
“Oh. Then I’m going back to sleep." Jeff yanked Natsumi upwards with such force that Natsumi thought Jeff would rip her arm off.
“Okay! I’m up!" She looked in her backpack and saw three items; a copper shortsword, a copper pickaxe, and a copper ax. She looked at the copper shortsword and laughed, "Wow. This is worthless. Into the trash you go, stupid shortsword.”
Jeff stopped her and sighed, "I know it doesn’t look like much, but that shortsword is a material for the Zenith, a weapon of great power. So keep it.”
“Okay, but do I have to use it?”
“Not at all. You can always fight with your pickaxe, or you can use your ax to cut down trees and create a workbench and a wooden sword.”
“A simple yes or no. That was what I wanted. "
“Well, you should probably upgrade your weapons anyway.”
A slime began to approach them. Natsumi started to stab the slime with her shortsword, but she hardly dented the slime.
Jeff pointed at something in Natsumi’s backpack and asked, ”Aren’t you going to open your starter bag?”
“My huh?”
Natsumi looked in her backpack and saw a small brown bag. She opened it and a multitude of items fell out, including, but not limited to, bombs, torches, buff potions, and a music box that played calm and somber piano music. The words running through her head just mere minutes ago ran through her head once more.
Jeff noticed something was wrong and asked, "Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I just got distracted. I’m fine.”
Natsumi headed towards what looked like a cave of some sort. More slimes jumped out of the cave. Because of the weapons that she got from the starter bag, she had a much easier time dealing with the slimes.
As she peered into the cave, Natsumi complained, “It’s dark in there.”
“You can use some of the gel from the slimes to make torches. The only other thing you need is wood.”
Natsumi started to chop down some nearby trees with her ax. She gathered the wood and made a bunch of torches. She started to make her way through the cave. She found multiple chests, which were filled with some cool stuff. Most of the things were recall and lesser healing potions, torches, and rope.
As Natsumi went deeper, she began to see underground cabins. When she looted them, she got more valuable things such as higher-tier healing potions, money, and pet summons. When she reached a dead end, she started digging straight down.
She fell into a small underwater lake. When she floated to the surface, she saw what looked like a heart-shaped crystal. She swam down and mined the crystal. It was a life crystal. She consumed it and continued exploring.
When she started to get deeper, she noticed that it started getting unusually hot. She blindly stepped off a ledge and began falling.
Natsumi didn’t bounce.
Fifteen minutes later, Natsumi respawned on the surface, looking both terrified and annoyed. Jeff was sitting on a nearby rock. He asked, “How was it?”
“I died. I thought you would know that because you’re so smart.”
Jeff looked up at the sky and said, “It’s getting dark. You should build a base.“
Natsumi got out her ax again and cut down the surrounding trees and started to build a base. Jeff peered over at a zombie lurching towards them. Natsumi screeched, "What the hell is that?!“
“That is a zombie. Kill it before it kills you. "
Natsumi blindly stabbed at the zombie and screamed in a pleading tone, "I wanna live! Please, have mercy!”
Jeff facepalmed and shot the zombie with several arrows. Natsumi cleared her throat and thanked Jeff. “Thank you. I could have handled that myself. "
Natsumi took a small device out of her pocket and waved goodbye at Jeff.
“Wait, where are you going?”
“Long story. I’ll be back soon!" Natsumi activated a portal and leaped through it.
She then teleported in the east wing of her school, outside of the Terrarian realm. She took a sweater out of her backpack and slipped her right arm through the sleeve. Suddenly, a tall girl with short brown hair walked over and shoved Natsumi against a nearby row of lockers.
“Hinata... Long time no see.”
“It’s been two minutes.”
“For me, it’s been a whole day.”
Hinata scowled. “You’re a Terrarian fighter. You know that I hate you for that.”
“Never said I cared. Anyways, I got to get to class." Natsumi shoved Hinata away and trod down the hallway to her classroom. When she sat down, the teacher, Mr. Peters, told the class to sit down and explained, "We are getting two new students. Their names are Imya and Callie. Please make them feel welcome.”
Imya waved and squeaked, “Hi, I’m Imya. I just moved here from Russia.” She had long black hair, which was twisted into a tight braid. She had pale skin and brown eyes.
Callie smiled and said, "I’m Callie. I just moved from Wisconsin. I would like to get to know all of you.” She had short hair and tan skin.
Mr. Peters added, “Callie, you can sit over by Natsumi, the one with purple-ish eyes and raven hair. Imya, you can go sit in the back, near Memory, the one with blue hair and brown and green eyes.”
Memory waved over at Imya and smiled sweetly. Imya smiled back and blushed. She walked over to the desk next to Memory as Callie walked over to the desk next to Natsumi. Natsumi felt a tingling sensation in her stomach and her knees started to feel wobbly. She dropped her pen on the floor.
Callie tapped Natsumi’s shoulder and giggled, “You dropped something.” Callie’s eyes looked... familiar. They almost looked like the gem in the image of Supreme Calamitas that Jeff showed Natsumi. The gem that Natsumi believed served as the beast’s eye... Callie noticed that Natsumi was staring at her, and she yelped and looked away.
But Natsumi couldn’t help but notice that Callie seemed a bit... odd. She was pretty, but her hair looked just like brimstone flames. Its colors looked unnaturally precisely dyed and her hair appeared to move. Natsumi could barely focus during the rest of the class period. When she left the classroom, Hinata grabbed her by the collar and threw her onto the floor.
“Hey! What do you want this time, Hinata?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I want to hurt you.”
Callie stepped in front of Hinata and glared at her. “Don’t you dare.”
“Oh, would you look at this? Natsumi’s got a girlfriend!”
Callie’s hair started glowing red, and so did her eyes. “Leave her alone!”
Imya walked over and added, “It would be a shame if someone, perhaps someone descended from Ivan the Terrible himself were to… kill you.”
“Ivan the Terrible’s descendant? Said person doesn’t go to this school.”
“It’s me, Hinata. Ivan killed people because he was paranoid. I kill people because they piss me off.”
Hinata raised her arms in surrender and walked away. Callie extended her hand down to Natsumi and helped her stand up.
Natsumi uttered, "Thanks. I have to go." She rushed into the bathroom and reactivated the portal device. She leaped through the portal.
She was back in the Terrarian realm again. Jeff asked, "Aren't you gonna go?"
"Well, time to explain everything."
Natsumi told him that she had a portal device that made her able to leap between realms. She mentioned that time didn’t pass in the realm she wasn’t in, but if someone wasn’t a Terrarian fighter, time would pass in the realm they weren’t in. Jeff replied, “That is cool.”
“So, how can I recover the money I dropped?”
“Well, you died from fall damage, so you could just follow the torches down to where you died and keep exploring from there.”
Natsumi went back toward the cave, her broadsword ready. She followed the path of torches, occasionally straying away from the path to mine some ore. When she went back to the spot where she died, she placed a rope down the whole way, placing torches along the walls as well. When she reached the bottom, she collected her money and she went back to the surface.
“How was it?” Jeff asked. “By the way, I still need a house.”
Natsumi started cutting down more trees. She built a box, placed furniture, a door, and a torch, then filled the walls in. “There. Go into your house.”
“You’re getting on my nerves.”
“I do this all the time.”
Natsumi went back through the portal, and Hinata was right in front of the portal.
“Welcome back, Natsumi…”
“‘Long’ time no see, but still not long enough.”
Imya heard the commotion and immediately rushed over. The portal was gone by then.
“This is a warning, Hinata. Leave her alone. But before you go, I’m gonna give you a chance.”
“I’m listening…”
“I’m inviting you both to a party at my house in a few months. There will be food, dancing, normal party stuff.”
“What other party activities are you planning?”
“Russian roulette, mainly.”
Hinata laughed,” I don’t know what that is, but count me in!”
Imya looked at Natsumi and winked. Natsumi said in brisk Russian, “Hinata is in for a big surprise.”
“Yes, she is. Want her to be first?”
“Absolutely. She won’t know what’s happening at all. Nor will she have time to step out”
Hinata’s brother, Ezume, walked into the hallway and taunted Natsumi in Japanese,” I saw how you looked at Callie today, freak. Also, Imya, has it ever occurred to you that it’s very hard to understand you through your heavy Russian accent? Oh wait, you can’t speak Japanese.”
Imya cursed under her breath in Japanese. Ezume shouted, “Hey! I heard that!”
“I know.”
Callie stepped in front of Hinata and said in Japanese,” I can understand Imya through her accent. Has it ever occurred to you that to Imya, we are the ones with accents? Now back off, because how Natsumi feels about me is none of your business!”
Hinata looked over at Natsumi. Natsumi felt tears welling up in her eyes. Callie stepped over and assured Natsumi, “Don’t listen to her. I, too, came from the Terrarian realm.”
Callie kissed Natsumi on the cheek, and Hinata gasped, “What are you doing? You guys just met!”
Natsumi stepped forward. “Didn’t Callie say that it was none of your business? Let’s go, Callie.”
Callie and Natsumi walked away and exited the school.
Callie stammered, “Y-You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yes, I did.”
“Alright, fine.”
“Also, do you know anywhere where I can get a job? Terrarian money can’t pay my tuition.”
“I’m a different type of Terrarian fighter, so I have nothing.”
“Me neither, but because I landed in my world today.”
“Well, they need researchers at Site 19. If we follow all security protocols and don’t get demoted to D-Class, we’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Do researchers get paid?”
“I am pretty sure that all personnel except D-Class personnel get paid.”
“Let’s just hope the salary is reasonable.”
“I doubt it.” Callie smiled at Natsumi. She asked, ”Where’s your house?”
“I don’t have one…”
“Me neither.”
Imya overheard them and replied, “My parents left me, so I have available rooms in my house. You can stay as long as you want. My sister, Savasina will probably be okay with it. But I have a date late tonight. If you hear moaning in the middle of the night, ignore it.”
“How could I ignore it?”
“I don’t know.”
The three of them turned down the road towards Imya’s house. As soon as Natsumi walked through the door, the aroma of vanilla-scented candles filled Natsumi’s lungs.
Imya looked startled as she gasped, “Oops, I left my candles lit!”
Callie laughed, “You sound like one of my friends, Cirrus. She loves candles and vodka. That’s pretty much it.”
“Hey! I’m not deaf!”
“But it’s true, right?” Callie opened Imya’s freezer. “See? You only use your freezer for ice cream and vodka.”
“Fine. I wish they weren’t true, but the Russian stereotypes are true. For some people.” Imya opened her pantry. “Let’s see, what do I have here? Callie, Natsumi, want some chocolate? That’s the only non-expired thing in here.”
“Sure.” Natsumi took a chocolate bar out of the pantry and ripped the foil open.
Callie asked Imya, “Is it true that you’re descended from Russian royalty?”
“Yeah. It’s not as bad as it seems. I haven’t had to spend money on groceries in years. I think it’s because every employee at every grocery store I’ve ever been to is scared of me. I tried telling them that the giant red stain on my shirt is just jam.”
Imya fell to the floor laughing. “Who would believe that? It’s blood!”
Natsumi reached into Imya’s pantry and pulled out some canned meat and vegetables. “These aren’t expired. I could probably make dinner with them. First, I'll probably go change out of my school uniform.” Natsumi took a change of clothes out of her bag and exited the kitchen.
As Natsumi headed upstairs, Imya chuckled, “Natsumi is attracted to you, Callie. It’s quite obvious.”
“No, she doesn’t. I’m not pretty or cool.”
“Woman, do I need to tell you what a mirror is?”
Natsumi came back into the kitchen. She was wearing a black tank top, and she had a transparent black shirt over it. She had ripped and faded black jean shorts. Callie’s cheeks began to heat up.”Natsumi, y-you look beauti-”
Imya interrupted, “Callie, your nails have destroyed my only apple.”
“Oh. Sorry about that.” Callie lifted her nails out of the apple and threw it away.
Natsumi blushed and giggled, “Thanks. I should probably start cooking.”
Imya pulled Callie aside and whispered, “I told you so. And it appears you are attracted to her.”
“No, I am not!”
“What will you name the baby?”
“Wait, what?”
“Make sure you invite me when that happens. Even if you don’t, I’ll spy on you anyways.”
“If you do, you’ll come back here with only four fingers on each hand.”
Imya gasped, “Is Natsumi in a bikini?”
Imya chuckled, “Again, told you so.”
“You are infuriating.”
Callie walked over next to Natsumi and asked, “Can Imya and I talk alone?”
“Sure. I’ll call you down when dinner’s ready.”
Callie grabbed Imya’s arm and dragged her up the stairs. “So, where is Natsumi and I staying?”
“The guest room, which is the only other room, and only has one bed. My parents had me sleep on the couch. So I stole their room when they left me. So in my house, there are three beds, a futon in the basement, and at least 15 couches. But I don’t usually let people into the basement, so your options are to sleep together or to make one person sleep on the couch.”
“Why can’t one of us sleep in your sister’s room?”
“She only really allows me in there.”
“You planned this, didn’t you?”
“I am not going to stop shipping you until you have at least one child.”
Natsumi ran up the stairs and yawned, “Dinner’s ready.”
“Wait, does cooking make you tired?”
“Very tired.” Natsumi collapsed and Callie tried to catch her.
“Should we carry her into bed?”
“No. We leave her there and tell her that she dreamed she made food.”
“You are savage.”
Natsumi opened her eyes slightly, but Callie and Imya didn’t notice. Imya stared at Callie.
Callie asked nervously, “What are you doing? You’re making me very uncomfortable.”
“I am doing this until you crack.”
“Fine! I give up! I do have a crush on Natsumi. Now stop staring at me.”
Callie picked Natsumi up and carried her on her back. She dropped Natsumi on the couch and gave her a blanket. Natsumi snatched the blanket and Callie asked, “Are you awake, Natsumi?”
“Well, go back to sleep.”
“Fine!” Natsumi collapsed on the couch. Callie yelped as Imya yanked her arm away from the couch.
“What was that for, Imya?”
“Natsumi very clearly likes you back. Are you just gonna stay in the friendzone forever?”
“Maybe… I don’t-”
Ding dong!
“Who could that be?” Imya swung the door open. “Oh. It’s you, Hinata. I’m so happy to see you.”
Hinata walked in through the front door. She was followed by Ezume. Ezume headed towards the couch. He gently touched Natsumi’s cheek.
Callie whispered under her breath, “May all your bacon burn…”
Imya snuck up behind Ezume, wielding an empty glass bottle as her weapon. She struck, and Ezume fell to the ground.
Callie squeaked, “Is he… dead?”
“Nah, he’s just unconscious.” Imya paused. “I think.”
“Good enough.”
“Ezume has a huge crush on Natsumi. Even though you called dibs.”
“Suddenly I don’t care about whether or not you damaged his brain, possibly killing him.”
Imya asked, “Are you going to eat dinner?”
“Shouldn’t we wait for Natsumi to wake up?”
Natsumi sat up. “I’m already awake.”
“Oh. Now come over here.”
When they all sat down, Natsumi paused. “Wait, Ezume has a crush on me?”
“Oh. You heard that?”
“Yes, I did.”
Hinata silently dragged Ezume out of the house and closed the door.
Imya chuckled, “Callie, you’re screwed.”
“You think?”
When they finished dinner, Natsumi offered, “I’ll sleep on the couch, since there is only one unoccupied bed.”
Imya mouthed to Callie, “Offer to sleep on the couch instead, dummy!”
Callie replied, “I’ll sleep on the couch. Beds are overrated anyway.”
“Okay. Suit yourself.”
Imya headed up to her room, leaving Callie and Natsumi alone together.
Callie sat down on the couch and pulled the blanket over her body. “Good night, Natumi.”
“Night. Get at least some sleep, okay?”
A small girl with short, curly red hair and freckles walked in through the open front door. She was wearing a white shirt and blue denim shorts. She silently closed and locked the front door behind her. “H-Hey…”
Imya ran down the stairs. “Hey, Penny. How are you?”
“D-Did it get hot in here?”
“You feel it, too?” Imya took Penny’s hand. She turned around. “Natsumi and Callie, Penny and I will be back in a couple of hours.” She unlocked and walked out the door, followed by Penny.
A couple of hours later, Penny and Imya came back into the house. Natsumi and Callie were eating ice cream and talking in the living room. Imya took off her jacket and hung it up on the coat rack. Penny hugged Imya and they headed upstairs.
Penny sat down on Imya’s bed and slowly took her shirt off. Imya lay down next to her. Penny fumbled with the clasp in the back of her bra. Imya leaned forward and undid the clasp.
Natsumi jogged up the stairs. When she got to the guest room, she lay down on the bed but didn’t get much sleep.
Callie hardly got any sleep that night, either. She could hear Penny moaning from across the house, but she didn’t care.
In the middle of the night, the moaning stopped. She heard Imya say, “Callie, get some sleep. Penny’s already asleep.”
She eventually fell asleep, but she looked like a zombie when she woke up.
“Callie, I told you to get some sleep!”
“Well, can you get me some coffee?”
Imya yawned, “I’m almost out of coffee.”
“Yeah, maybe you could go grocery shopping!”
“I did go grocery shopping… two months ago-”
“For Pete’s sake, go grocery shopping!”
“Fine!” Imya swung the front door open and practically launched herself through the door. The door didn’t close, it was just left wide open.
Natsumi chuckled, “She went outside without shoes. Do you think she noticed?”
Imya came back inside. She put on a pair of snow boots and dashed back outside.
Natsumi fell out of her chair laughing. “It’s almost summer, why does she need snow boots?”
“Okay, am I the only one that knows she’s wearing a winter jacket?”
“She always wears that… That’s weird.”
“So I guess it’s just you, Penny and me, right?”
“I guess so.”
Penney was reading a book in the corner. “W-What will my parents think? I’m still a minor…”
“Who said you have to tell them? You can move here. There’s a futon in the basement that you can sleep on.”
“O-Okay… I’ll ask them.” She took out her phone and went upstairs.
Natsumi walked out of the room. Callie collapsed back on the couch. Callie fell asleep immediately. A few hours later, Imya came back into the house, followed by a girl with wavy black hair and emerald green eyes. Callie sat up and yawned, “Hi, Imya. Who’s this?”
“This is Savasina, my sister.“
“That’s cool. Where was she yesterday?”
“She was at a friend’s house.”
Savasina tapped Imya’s shoulder.
“T-There’s someone I want you to meet.”
A boy with spiky brown hair walked in through the open door.
“Who the hell are you?”
“I’m Jack. Savasina’s boyfriend.”
Imya grabbed Jack by the collar. “Listen, Jake.”
“Whatever. I love Savasina, but her mental health is in a very bad state right now. If you make her hate herself any more than she already does, or if you abandon her, I will kill you.”
“I assume you’re Savasina’s overprotective father.”
“I’m her younger sister.”
“Really? You’re like, six and a half feet tall.”
“Are people not tall where you come from?”
“Women that are under 17 aren’t usually that tall.”
“Well, listen, Jake, Savasina hates abandonment.”
“Relax. It’s not like you’ll kill me if I abandon her.”
Savasina came over. “Imya has killed people before. She just tells everyone that our parents ‘left’ so they don’t get suspicious.”
Imya nodded. Natsumi walked over to Jack and scoffed, “Savasina, of all people to be with, you chose him?”
“Yeah, that’s seriously sad, sis.”
Savasina shook her head and laughed, “I’m going to go take a nap.” She kissed Jack on the cheek. “Love you, babe.”
Jack walked past Imya, not saying a word. Imya chuckled, “Oops!” as she shoved Jack to the side.
“Hey! Rude!”
“Did I ever say I gave a damn?”
Savasina shouted from upstairs, “Imya, please try not to kill my boyfriend!”
“Don’t hold your breath.” Imya swung her bag onto her arm. “Natsumi, Callie, we’re going to be late!”
Natsumi dashed down the stairs. She grabbed her bag. Jack asked, “Where are you going?”
“Natsumi and Callie have an interview and I’m the only one who can drive them.”
“Where are they trying to get a job?”
“Site 19. Natsumi has an old friend there.”
“Oh, is her friend a researcher? Guard?”
“No, her friend is a contained Keter.”
“She’s what?”
“Do svidanya.” Imya walked out the door, followed by Natsumi and Callie. She turned around. “I’ll be back soon to help you move, Penny.”
Natsumi squealed, “I can’t wait to see Itsuki for the first time in five years! I wonder if she’s gotten any taller...”
“How tall is she?”
“She’s 17 and, last time I saw her, she was less than four and a half feet tall. It’s seriously ridiculous how many times she’s been mistaken for a child in public.”
“She’s a year older than me but two feet sho-”
“Keep your eyes on the damn road.”
“Alright, alright…”
They eventually pulled up to the facility. Natsumi sighed, “If you want to meet Itsuki so much, you can come in with us.”
“Yay!” Imya went in with them. She hit her head on the top of the doorframe. “Why? Every time!”
Natsumi took Imya’s hand and led her down the hall while Callie headed to her interview. They stopped in front of a steel door with no windows. The sign to the right of the door said, “SCP-5000 - Itsuki, Object Class: Keter, Sentient and Violent Object.” Natsumi pressed the button to the left of the door. The door opened. Itsuki was sitting on the side of her bed. She had long hair that was brown on one side, pink on the other. She had a devil tail and one eye that was pitch-black. She was wearing a light blue kimono.
Natsumi ran over to Itsuki. “Hi, Itsuki!”
Itsuki stood up. “Natsumi!”
“Wow. You have not gotten any taller.”
“Yep. I’m still 4’6.”
“Okay, 4’5.” Itsuki looked over at Imya. “W-Who’s your friend, Natsumi?”
“This is Imya. She happens to be a year younger than you.”
Itsuki whispered into Natsumi’s ear, “She’s cute. Is she single?”
Natsumi whispered back, “She already has a reputation to be a player. I’m going to go with no, but you might get her attention.”
Imya laughed, “Hey, Itsuki, did you know adult male penguins are called-”
“Don’t. I will shoot you if you finish that joke.”
Imya grinned. “cocks.”
Natsumi briskly took a gun out of her bag and shot Imya’s arm.
“Which finger is your least favorite?”
“My middle finger.”
“Nevermind, you can keep it.”
Natsumi turned towards Itsuki. “Imya’s a bit of a handful. And she’s extremely dirty-minded and sadistic.”
“Yeah, I got that.”
One of the guards came in. “Who the actual hell are you?”
“I’m Imya. Forgive the giant bloodstain on my shirt. Murder can be quite… messy.”
“Remind me never to get you angry.”
“Damn right, you should be scared of me.”
The guard began to back away slowly. “At least Itsuki tells you a joke before slicing you in half.”
“If I ever tell a joke, the only one getting sliced in half is me.”
Natsumi sighed, “Has it ever occurred to you that your jokes aren’t exactly… family-friendly?”
“Really, Natsumi?”
“Tell me I’m wrong. I freaking dare you.”
“In my defense, the funniest jokes are the least family-friendly.”
“No. Not by a mile.”
“You’re no fun.” Imya turned toward the door. Callie came in.
“Hi. I’m Itsuki.”
“I’m Callie.”
“Imya didn’t tell you her ‘penguin joke’, did she?”
Natsumi pointed at Imya’s arm. “She sure as hell tried.”
“Really, Imya? She used to tell that joke all the time when we met.”
Imya sighed, “I’m right here!”
“We know.”
Itsuki stared at Imya. “I’d attack her, but I can’t stop staring at her-”
“Don’t say it…”
Imya bent down and ruffled Itsuki’s hair. “You’re adorable, Itsuki.”
“No, I’m not!” She looked away as her face turned bright red. “A-And neither are you!”
Imya turned towards Natsumi. “Is she always like this?”
“Sadly, yes. Anyways, I have to head to my interview.” Natsumi left the room. She walked down the hall to her interview. When she arrived, the interviewer smiled and told her to sit down.
“Hi, I’m Natsumi.”
“Welcome, Suzuki. So why do you want this job?”
“Don’t you think that question is a little cliche?”
“No, seriously, why here? Of all places?”
“My old friend, Itsuki, is an SCP and she hopes to be considered ‘safe enough to release.’ So, I’m helping her.”
“Well, what qualifications do you think you have?”
“Well, whenever my friend, Imya, tells a dirty joke, I shoot her.”
“And she’s still alive?”
“She’s immortal.”
“That’s odd. What’s your biggest weakness?”
“I’m severely allergic to dogs, and I’m afraid of sausages.”
“What’s your biggest strength?”
“I can kill people and I’ve read all the information on everything contained here.”
“Well, you’re hired. I was supposed to ask more questions, but you seem capable.”
Natsumi jogged back down the hall to Itsuki’s containment chamber. “I’m back.” She looked over at Imya. “Imya, I know you repeat the same ‘get asked out, say yes, take whoever asked you on a date, bring them home, sleep with them’ cycle with pretty much everyone in our grade, but doesn’t mean you can do that cycle with Itsuki.”
Imya grinned. “You forgot a part of the cycle at the end. That part is-”
Natsumi interrupted, “Nope.”
“You didn’t let me finish.”
“I know.”
“Why can’t I repeat that cycle with Itsuki?”
“She’s a virgin and said that she’d like to keep it that way.”
“You never let me do anything fun.”
“Well, in our friend group, I have to be the mother figure that no one else in the group has. I don’t have a mother figure that cares, so I guess we all have something in common.”
Itsuki buried her face in a nearby pillow. Breathing heavily, she whispered to Natsumi, “W-What kinds of things does Imya like? I want to know in case she wants to talk about one of them.”
“She mainly just watches anime and that kind of stuff. Mainly lewd anime.”
“How long have you known her?”
“Two days. I’ve known her for two freaking days and I already know a lot about her. Word of advice, never look through her jacket. She doesn’t just carry weapons.”
“She and I have so much in common already…”
“And I will get you two together.”
“R-Really? You’d do that for me?”
Natsumi hugged Itsuki. “Yes, I would.” She looked at Itsuki’s leg. “Wow, your nails really dug into your leg. I’ll go get a first aid kit.”
Imya reached into her jacket and pulled out a first aid kit. “I can take care of it.” She moved Itsuki’s skirt out of the way and carefully started wrapping gauze around several cuts on her thigh.
Itsuki was trembling. “I-Imya, you d-don’t have to do this…”
“I’m alright with it.”
“C-Can’t you take care of yourself before you worry about me? I’ll be fine…”
“I’m immortal, and I’ve experienced much worse than my arm being shot. Some of the blood on my shirt is mine. But I don’t care.”
Itsuki’s mind raced. She leaned slightly forward and put her head on Imya’s chest. Imya hugged her. Itsuki opened her eyes, then yelped and fell backward.
“Are you all right?”
“Y-Yeah…” Itsuki adjusted her skirt and lay down on her side.
Imya put her hand on Itsuki’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. But I am truly more than just a dirty-minded player.”
Itsuki rolled over. “R-Really?”
“Yeah. But if you’re not comfortable with me around, I’ll leave you be.” Imya turned around to leave.
Itsuki grabbed Imya’s upper thigh with her tail. “S-Stay… please.”
Imya turned around and sat down on the side of Itsuki’s bed. She took Itsuki’s hand and smiled.
“Y-Your hands are warm.”
“I know. Don’t worry, you’ll be alright.”
Itsuki thought I will, as long as you’re here. Natsumi sat down on the cement floor by Itsuki’s bed. She hummed a lullaby under her breath. Within minutes, Itsuki was asleep. They heard a voice whisper from the corner, “She’s adorable when she sleeps, isn’t she?”
“Who are you?”
“I’m Serafina, Itsuki’s supervisor. I see and hear everything that happens in here, and if Itsuki wants to go off-site, I have to go with her. Basic site rules. Itsuki’s the only Keter that’s allowed to leave. You can’t see me from where I am, but I can see and hear you from where I am.”
“Hidden surveillance cameras. How are you doing, Imya?”
“It will be hard to win Itsuki’s heart, but once you do, she’ll do anything for you. Don’t give up.”
“I won’t. How are you doing?”
“I’m fine. My boyfriend broke up with me, but I didn’t like him anyway. This place is a death trap, solely because of Itsuki’s and SCP-106’s endless feud. SCP-106 started it by telling Itsuki that she’s a freak, and no one will love her the way she is, and that-”
“He said what?”
“He said that Itsuki’s a mistake, that no one will love her for who she is, that she’s not dangerous or cool enough to be a Keter and that she should resort to self-harm to cope with stress instead of… the coping mechanism she chose.”
“What is the coping mechanism she chose?”
“She specifically requested me to not tell anyone.”
“That’s alright.” Imya picked Itsuki up and placed her in the center of the bed. Serafina stepped into the chamber.
“You’re Serafina?”
“Yep. I’ve known Itsuki for a long time. Almost 15 years.”
Seraphina had pale skin, long blue hair, and was wearing a leather jacket with the sleeves ripped off. The jacket was studded at the top. She had a studded bracelet on her left wrist and a fishnet glove on her right wrist. She was wearing a short black skirt, black socks, and black boots. She had enormous green eyes and rosy cheeks.
Natsumi nodded. “You’re Steven’s sister, right?”
“Actually, my brother, Steven is now my sister, Stephanie.”
“Oh, she’s transgender?”
“Yep. But now she knows that no monster will steal her toes if her foot is hanging off the bed. She knows that it was just Itsuki grabbing her foot. After all, Itsuki’s the only one who can fit under Stephanie’s bed. She’s still gullible as hell, though.”
“So, just curious, who was your boyfriend? I haven’t met him.”
“Jack Smith. He was awful.”
Imya went pale. “A-Awful how?
“He attempted to murder me. He targets those that are mentally weak and gives them gifts and flowers to lull them into a false sense of security. Then, he strikes.” Seraphina lifted her skirt slightly. There was a large scar on her upper thigh, which had thin, bloody bandages around it. “He stabbed me. If Itsuki didn’t rush me to a hospital immediately, I don’t think I’d be here today.”
Natsumi started to get anxious. She’d never seen Imya this worried. Imya got out her phone and dialed Savasina’s number. She picked up immediately. “Hey, Imya. What’s up?”
“I need to know Jack’s surname.”
“Smith. Why?” Imya lowered her arm. “Imya? Are you alright?”
“I-I need to hang up.”
“Alright, but what’s going-”
Imya hung up and put her phone away. “M-My sister is dating Jack…”
“What does he look like?”
“He’s about a foot shorter than me and has spiky brown hair.”
“That’s him. Your sister is in grave danger. Not many people survive him. He flatters everyone around him so no one believes the ‘paranoid’ one that tells them he’s dangerous.”
Natsumi stepped forward. “What about the ‘paranoid’ three?”
Itsuki sat up. “Four.”
“I know that Jack isn’t who he says he is.”
Imya’s face lit up. “I have an idea. Remember that party I told you about, Natsumi? Instead of just stopping the game of Russian Roulette when everyone shoots themself once, let’s stop when someone, hopefully, Jake-”
“Stopping when Jack dies. However, this means Hinata won’t go first.”
“That’s alright. She’s not endangering anyone as much as Jack is.”
Imya nodded and started pulling at her braid. The hair tie holding the braid together fell out. Imya slowly unraveled her braid.
“Now I see the resemblance between you and Savasina!”
“Yeah. But I plan to cut my hair some time. When it’s this long, it gets annoying.”
Seraphina whispered into Itsuki’s ear, “You’re blushing. If you want her, she’s yours.”
“S-She doesn’t even like me.” Itsuki looked down. “I’m too short.”
“Don’t judge your height. If someone you like hates you because you’re short, they’re not the one.”
“B-But Imya constantly teases my height…”
“So? She isn’t belittling you, she’s just calling you adorable. She probably likes short girls.”
“S-Shut up!”
“Admit it. You’re in love.”
“N-No, I won’t s-say it! A-At least out loud...”
“You just admitted it.” Seraphina turned towards Natsumi. “So, how’s the whole ‘Terrarian fighter’ thing going?”
“It’s kinda scary, honestly. I’ve already died once. I am not prepared for Yharim at all.”
Callie nodded. “He’s a huge jerk. He killed my family, made me his minion- I said too much.”
“You’re one of Yharim’s minions? Are you Calamitas?”
“Well yes, but actually no. I’m Supreme Calamitas.”
“You do look a lot like her. So, you’re a necromancer, right?”
“Awesome! I want to try the mage class, but melee and rogue are extremely overpowered, especially post-Supreme Calamitas. Also, I have a question.”
“Is brimstone flame waterproof?”
“I have no idea. However, I don’t think any part of my human form is brimstone.”
“So, does that mean you can go to the beach with me next weekend? I’m inviting all of you to tag along.”
Callie nodded. “Of course!”
Seraphina asked, “Is Itsuki coming? If Itsuki’s coming, I have to as well.”
“I was going to let you tag along anyway.”
“R-Really? I’ve never been invited to anything. Not many people outside my family even know that I’m alive.”
“Here’s Imya’s address. Meet me at her house on Saturday at noon.” Natsumi handed a small piece of paper to Serafina.
Itsuki looked at the piece of paper. She smiled. “Now that I know where Imya lives, I can watch her sleep.”
“Oh my god, did I say that out loud?”
"Yes, you did."