tModLoader Chad's Furniture-and-More-Mod

I really like the collectible inaction figures this mod has. Have you considered making figures for some of the bosses of other mods? Like the Thorium mod, Calamity, or Spirit mod?
Most images are gone (pic related).
I suggest

That is just due to the way paints work.

"Regular and deep paints appear to apply their color differently- regular paints appear to "re-tint" objects, changing existing colors to the new color, while deep paints seem to apply their color on top of the object. The inability to paint "monochrome"-colored objects like Gray Bricks with normal Paints seems to be a result of this behavior."
Is this mod dead? someone mentioned it's not recommended for multiplayer cause it's still causing lag specially in it, can you fix it OP?
AFAIK he is working on the electronics update now. My MP games do stutter a bit, but I don't know if that's the mod's or my network/PC's doing.
Hi everyone, I'd just like to take a moment to clarify that I'm not deceased, just very busy with life at the moment, with less time on my hands to work on my mod than I'd like to have. It might be a while until the next update comes around, but I have no intentions to stop working on this mod, so please do keep suggesting things and reporting bugs for me to work on in the next update :guidesmile:
I really like the collectible inaction figures this mod has. Have you considered making figures for some of the bosses of other mods? Like the Thorium mod, Calamity, or Spirit mod?
I'm planning on adding these eventually, yeah.
Most images are gone (pic related).
I suggest
This happens to me, too, sometimes, but most of the time the images are there for me. I'm not entirely sure what's happening here, but it seems that the most recent images don't suffer from it while the older ones do. I think it might be a problem on imgur's part, as I do actually use imgur to host my images.
Is there even a deep gray paint?
There isn't :guidesad:
I'm not sure if tModLoader allows for more paint types at the moment, I haven't seen any other mod do it. If it's possible, I'd love to add some.
Is this mod dead? someone mentioned it's not recommended for multiplayer cause it's still causing lag specially in it, can you fix it OP?
Mod isn't dead, just very slow since I'm just a one-man-team. For as far as I'm aware, the mod doesn't change anything in multiplayer, so I don't think it stutters more there than it does in singleplayer. The mod was for a while very liberal with memory usage, but it isn't anymore, so it shouldn't cause any stutters in either singleplayer or multiplayer. That said, if it is indeed a problem with my mod, I should look into it. I don't really have a stable connection with which to test multiplayer compatibility, however, so that might be a problem.
For as far as I'm aware, the mod doesn't change anything in multiplayer, so I don't think it stutters more there than it does in singleplayer. The mod was for a while very liberal with memory usage, but it isn't anymore, so it shouldn't cause any stutters in either singleplayer or multiplayer. That said, if it is indeed a problem with my mod, I should look into it. I don't really have a stable connection with which to test multiplayer compatibility, however, so that might be a problem.

Well i haven't tried it yet either, it was @Mirsario that stated it, so you might want ask him or he will tell you.
I'm sure I speak for many of us here in saying I'm just grateful you're continuing your work on this incredible project. Take all the time you need -- it's well-worth it. :guidesmile:

Well i haven't tried it yet either, it was @Mirsario that stated it, so you might want ask him or he will tell you.
You should really see for yourself before mentioning problems with a mod that you've never experienced -- even other big mod creators may find false-positives.

Currently, I don't notice any more lag/stuttering with this mod active in MP than when it isn't. Although I should also mention I don't get to play MP often.
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Mod isn't dead, just very slow since I'm just a one-man-team.
You may wanna open source it on github so at least me or someone else could improve its performance in the meantime. I had your mod in tML discord's hall of fame modpack since forever, but sadly it has always been listed as a good but badly performing mod, next to Magic Storage, since your latest performance improvements weren't effective enough.
What kind of perfomance issues? I am playing on potato PC and I wonder does this mod add some scripts or something that would affect FPS in singleplayer? The furniture is really cool but FPS is number one priority if you playing on a potato. I used huge ton of mods including chad's furniture last time and had some stuttering issues, but any single mod I had could cause them and furniture mods are probably the least likely to cause stuttering
I also play on a potato of a computer, and do not have any stuttering issues. And this is one of three mods I use - the others being Banner Bonanza and Recipe Browser. So this mod is definitely the biggest mod I use, and it still doesn't affect my gameplay on my really old, awful computer.
Your sprites are wonderful! They seem to fit in with the game really well. do you think you'll finish off some unfinished sets, like the pine wood one in the future? I think that would be lovely.
You may wanna open source it on github so at least me or someone else could improve its performance in the meantime. I had your mod in tML discord's hall of fame modpack since forever, but sadly it has always been listed as a good but badly performing mod, next to Magic Storage, since your latest performance improvements weren't effective enough.
That is a good idea, I'll open source it after the next update comes out. The code is dreadfully messy, though, as it bore witness to my C# learning process :guideindifferent:
What kind of perfomance issues? I am playing on potato PC and I wonder does this mod add some scripts or something that would affect FPS in singleplayer? The furniture is really cool but FPS is number one priority if you playing on a potato. I used huge ton of mods including chad's furniture last time and had some stuttering issues, but any single mod I had could cause them and furniture mods are probably the least likely to cause stuttering
I also play on a potato of a computer, and do not have any stuttering issues. And this is one of three mods I use - the others being Banner Bonanza and Recipe Browser. So this mod is definitely the biggest mod I use, and it still doesn't affect my gameplay on my really old, awful computer.
To my knowledge, the carpet mechanic is probably the culprit. I've been trying to think of a more effective way for it to work for a while now, but found myself unable to come up with it. Open sourcing will probably help here, too.
Your sprites are wonderful! They seem to fit in with the game really well. do you think you'll finish off some unfinished sets, like the pine wood one in the future? I think that would be lovely.
This is now on my to-do list, thanks for the suggestion!
The mod is awesome, it helped me a lot with starting to decorate. However, I don't post this to say how much I like the mod, but to suggest some stuffs:
  • A way of crafting furniture related crafting stations (honey dispenser, sky mill, etc) and special wands like living leaf wand. Plz do it.
  • Living version of other types of wood, excepting dynasty and spook wood. Those could be placed using special block placing wands ("living pearlwood wand", for example) crafted in a living loom. The furniture can also be crafted in a living loom. And for the living pearlwood leaf wand, it would be cool if the player could choose the color of the leaves.
  • Japanese/Oriental related decoration. More than there is actually in the game. May be one of those paper walls?
  • As there will be electronic things in the mod, can you add some hospital like decoration? I would like to build some fancy hospital for the nurse, like in the pokémon games.
  • May be interaction with other mods? Just the bigger and popular ones, like Calamity, Thorium, Crystilium (crystal wood furniture could be cool) and Spirit. However, I know how hard programming is, so no pressure.
  • Talking about other mods, one thing I liked about Tremor mod were the stone variant furnitures, so re-introducing those in this mod would be nice.
I think it's all. I hope you like those ideas.
I literally created this account to post this btw
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