character file lost


I got a new laptop awhile ago, and things on steam had trouble transferring. Terraria was going worse than any other game however, because only some files were transferring, but when 1.4 came out, all of my files transferred over except for one. That one file was my main character, who had a lot of rare items(rod of discord, slime staff, ankh shield) and so far all of my attempts at transferring that file haven't worked.
Now, I looked back at my old laptop, and the character isn't on the Terraria character select screen anymore. I thought I had the character on a USB, but it was an earlier version of that character, and I want the most recent version with the rare items. If there's any file locations that you know of that may have the character files, then I could give those a try.
One last thing to note, I have gone to /Documents/My Games/Terraria/Players on both of my laptops, on the old one I believe there is part of the file, however the .plr file was missing, which is the part I think is needed for the character to appear.
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I found it, it was really deep in the recycling bin. I found the .plr file, and now I have my good character on my new laptop. however, I think the contents of the safe have been lost, but not the piggy bank. It hardly matters though, the best it could've had was the slime staff, which is the worst out of the rare items I have.
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