Mobile Chlorophytic Warrior from Terraria


Good day amazing game developers, with a capital letter Terraria, I want to honestly and sincerely admit that until 2011 I was bored with all the monotonous, boring games, But after the release of Terraria I was discouraged and very surprised, just seeing this game in the App store it did not attract any attention But I still as a fan of sand games and survival decided to download and see what this game is, At first I did not understand anything for the first 20 minutes but after, I found that this is something that cannot be explained by the game, I got into it for days and at night, without hearing what my Parents say to me without going out to play football, I forgot about everything in this world I played, played, played and played again, But after I sold the phone, I decided immediately after buying a new iPhone 8, I would download Terraria but I downloaded a pirate from some sites not officially and found that I had nothing left after the previous long nights of playing Terraria, and I even ordered merch from you with drawings of this game, All that [email protected] !!!
well here’s the cause of your problems well the first 2 isn’t really a cause but still shouldn’t be dine
1. Pirating games is illegal, and shouldn’t be done
2. Saves can’t be recovered without transferring it from the old one to the new one.
ну вот причина ваших проблем ну первые 2 на самом деле не причина, но все равно не стоит обедать
1. Пиратские игры незаконны и не должны выполняться
2. Сохранение невозможно восстановить, не перенеся его из старого в новое.
Знаете может и Да.
Это не причина но как говорится жалкая попытка не бесплатное скачивание.
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