Ai kerplops onto a couch(if you can call it that- it's made of literal stone) and turns on the tv.
...nd now we turn to Kenti, our weatherperson.
The camera shifts over to a person wearing a suit that seems to have a different state of weather depending on how you looked at it.
"Thank you,Yara." Kenti is holding a long stick, and they point to a map, apparently showing the underground. The stick is specifically pointing to a cave that looks like Kyosho.
"Here in Kyosho, we can see a shift in the silicate particles," Little silicon atoms move around on the image of the cave.
"leading to a low pressure point near Akaten." A big L appears over the very edge of the cave, where it borders a large cave similar to Akatennaji.
"Be wary of silicate storms and sudden bouts of pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. " A storm appeared.
Also, over in the South Left corner of Akaten, we can see a very sharp drop in humidity, so those of you in the Forest might have trouble using Ko....