"-config -serverconfig.txt" does not load my options


I'm trying to make it so when I double click the TerrariaServer.exe shortcut, it auto-launches my server without prompting for all of the options. However, it's still prompting me for the world, etc. What am I doing wrong?!?

Location of Terraria.exe, TerrariaServer.exe, and serverconfig.txt: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Terraria

What I have tried as the shortcut Target: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Terraria\TerrariaServer.exe" -config -serverconfig.txt

I have also tried this as the shortcut: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Terraria\TerrariaServer.exe" -config -C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Terraria\serverconfig.txt"

Here are the complete contents of serverconfig.txt:
#-config <config file> Specifies the configuration file to use.
#-port <port number> Specifies the port to listen on.
#-players <number> / -maxplayers <number> Sets the max number of players
#-pass <password> / -password <password> Sets the server password
#-world <world file> Load a world and automatically start the server.
#-autocreate <#> Creates a world if none is found in the path specified by -world. World size is specified by: 1(small), 2(medium), and 3(large).
#-banlist <path> Specifies the location of the banlist. Defaults to "banlist.txt" in the working directory.
#-worldname <world name> Sets the name of the world when using -autocreate.
#-secure Adds addition cheat protection to the server.
#-noupnp Disables automatic port forwarding
#-steam Enables Steam Support
#-lobby <friends> or <private> Allows friends to join the server or sets it to private if Steam is enabled
#-ip <ip address> Sets the IP address for the server to listen on
#-forcepriority <priority> Sets the process priority for this task. If this is used the "priority" setting below will be ignored.

#Load a world and automatically start the server.
world=C:\Users\Terraria\My Documents\My Games\Terraria\Worlds\Endoria.wld

#Sets the max number of players allowed on a server. Value must be between 1 and 255

#Set the port number

#Set the server password

#Set the message of the day
#motd=Please don’t cut the purple trees!

#Sets the folder where world files will be stored
worldpath=C:\Users\Terraria\My Documents\My Games\Terraria\Worlds\

#Adds addition cheat protection.

#Sets the server language 1:English, 2:German, 3:Italian, 4:French, 5:Spanish

#Default system priority 0:Realtime, 1:High, 2:AboveNormal, 3:Normal, 4:BelowNormal, 5:Idle
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