Crash on startup 1.4.4


Steam or GOG
Single Player/Multiplayer
Operating System
Windows 10
Terraria Version
Controls Used
Tried reinstalling terraria and restarting pc
I have a decent PC so that shouldn't be the issue
Windows, Steam

I really really really want to play lol update.
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I'm having the same issue, but on mac. It normally runs Terraria fine but with 1.4.4 something broke ig
Gennn's issue is most likely unrelated, there was a Mac/Linux issue that we've fixed. Yours is PC, so its almost certainly something else.

Will try to look into it!
@PyxelatorXeroc I'd like you to try to collect an error log for me.

1. Go to Terraria properties in Steam Library
2. In the Launch options field, paste this:
-logerrors -logfile
3. Next time you run the game, it will create a log of things that happen. Attempt to repro the issue a few times, quit out, and then attach the log to this thread.
4. The log will be in Documents>My Games>Terraria>Logs.
Thank you, I'll share with the programmers. They are getting some rest right now after the busy day, but hopefully we'll be able to find out some information. :)
@PyxelatorXeroc Please try the attached build with the same `-logerrors -logfile` launch options.
To install, open the zip and replace the Terraria.exe in your steam installation directory with the one in the zip.
Then send me a new log file.
If you'd like to work through this issue more quickly, please reach out to me on Discord (Chicken Bones#6864)


I'm having the same issue (identical problem with log too), but I took the approach of updating drivers, but still, nothing works...
Please send me a message on Discord (Chicken Bones#6864) if you're willing to try more test builds and try and get to the bottom of this
This issue was resolved by deleting ReLogic.dll from the steam install folder

I'm having the exact same issue as OP here with v1.4.4.7. My computer is more than powerful enough to run the game (can give specs if needed), and I have tried everything (verifying, reinstalling, moving game directory, reinstalling directX, .NET Framework, SFC, Memory Diagnostics), including using the builds given in this thread prior, all to no avail, the logfile just shows RGB utilities loading. Unplugging my mouse and keyboard (separately) did not fix anything. Terrariaserver.exe runs fine, as well. Event Viewer points to Xaudio2_6.dll, seemingly giving an access violation, but redownloading that file has also done nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Update: A complete reinstall of Windows 10 has made the game work again.
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I'm having the exact same issue as OP here with v1.4.4.7. My computer is more than powerful enough to run the game (can give specs if needed), and I have tried everything (verifying, reinstalling, moving game directory, reinstalling directX, .NET Framework, SFC, Memory Diagnostics), including using the builds given in this thread prior, all to no avail, the logfile just shows RGB utilities loading. Unplugging my mouse and keyboard (separately) did not fix anything. Terrariaserver.exe runs fine, as well. Event Viewer points to Xaudio2_6.dll, seemingly giving an access violation, but redownloading that file has also done nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Update: A complete reinstall of Windows 10 has made the game work again.

Exact same issue, also only ever has happened to me since this most recent update loaded onto my PC and into my game files. Terraria hasn’t been able to load past one or two seconds of black screen while it tries to load the logo loading screen, but it never manages to get that far. Basically Terraria just launches and almost immediately after, like I said maybe two seconds, exactly as the very first video in this thread indicates, the game then quits out on itself and just closes itself…
I'm having the exact same issue as OP here with v1.4.4.7. My computer is more than powerful enough to run the game (can give specs if needed), and I have tried everything (verifying, reinstalling, moving game directory, reinstalling directX, .NET Framework, SFC, Memory Diagnostics), including using the builds given in this thread prior, all to no avail, the logfile just shows RGB utilities loading. Unplugging my mouse and keyboard (separately) did not fix anything. Terrariaserver.exe runs fine, as well. Event Viewer points to Xaudio2_6.dll, seemingly giving an access violation, but redownloading that file has also done nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Update: A complete reinstall of Windows 10 has made the game work again.
Same issue here.
Really hoping reinstalling windows isn't the only way to fix this
@Chicken Bones is the test build offer still available? I just want to finish playthrough with friends. Deleting dll raises DllNotFoundException, and the game remains unplayable
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