Crates, World Generation, and the ever-forgotten Pyramid.


I am genuinely baffled by the amount of work that went into making every item accessible in every world. First it was the Crate system. The explicit goal of this system was to give items that might previously have been limited behind world generation a reliable way of accessing them. The area this benefited most was undoubtedly the sky crates. Sky crates allowed for a reliable way to gather Shiny Red Balloons. Before 1.3, it was near-impossible to generate a world that had enough Balloons on it to make the Bundle of Balloons. The only drawback then was the Desert. I’m willing to forgive the desert not having its own crate, however, as 1.3 added so much content that this area was probably forgotten about amidst the waterfall of new content or time constraints pushed this idea out of the picture entirely.

Fast Forward to 1.4, and the developers have taken gargantuan steps towards making every item obtainable in whatever world you may have. This came in the form of the Dryad gaining the ability to sell the seeds of the opposite world evil. This allowed you to make an artificial biome of the opposite evil, spread it, then be able to obtain nearly every item from the opposite world’s evil.

What’s that? Is it a bird? A plane? No! It’s 1.4.1! Actually, I lied. It IS a bird, as fledgling wings were moved to sky chests (and presumably sky crates) because the developers were concerned with the fact that these wings could not be obtained in every world. Not only that, but the Lava Charm’s rarity was decreased significantly, nearly ensuring that it would be present in every world.

And somehow, throughout ALL of this meticulous work, the devs forgot the one thing that needed it most: The pyramids.

Remember how I mentioned the Bundle of Balloons? Yeah, they :red:ed that thing over.. Not only did pyramids receive no reliable way to obtain their loot throughout ANY of these changes, but Pyramids were made RARER in 1.4.

Only one hope remains: a desert crate. Maybe they’ll add one since the underground desert got reworked to have more items, and since it’ll have more items, they’ll have a reason to… oh. They already added a desert crate, and not even THAT has pyramid loot. Seriously why do the devs hate pyramids. In fact, I’m actually in favor of removing them altogether and moving their loot to the underground Desert’s pool. Surviving that place is hellish, and pyramid loot is genuinely powerful, especially the sandstorm in a bottle. It would be an adequate reward for a difficult challenge. But no. Pyramids have to stay their own thing, Completely separate, unfindable as ever.

Fantastic consistency and absolutely incredible game design. Good Job, Re-Logic.
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I feel like making all stuff available in all world is kinda unneeded and it takes the fun out of rare items. If you could just fish pyramid loot it would no longer be fun to get a Sand storm in a bottle. Like when they added the alternative world evil to the dryad, now it no longer matters as much if you choose crimson or corruption. It really just makes the game more "flat".
I feel like making all stuff available in all world is kinda unneeded and it takes the fun out of rare items. If you could just fish pyramid loot it would no longer be fun to get a Sand storm in a bottle. Like when they added the alternative world evil to the dryad, now it no longer matters as much if you choose crimson or corruption. It really just makes the game more "flat".

The problem with that is that you get to CHOOSE which evil you get, and you have to live with that decision. It’s never fun to roll with the cards you’re given if the game never actually gives you any useable cards.

Based on what I’ve said though, the developers just don’t seem to share this line of thought. They’ve put a very concerted effort into making every item available on every world, and I’m just baffled that none of it was directed towards Pyramids.
The problem is that pyramids were kinda forgettable in the first place. flying carpet goes nowhere in the crafting tree and there is the chance you get pharaoh garbage. Pyramids needed to be revamped or removed because it takes up so much desert for a 1/3 chance for a clone of cloud in a bottle
The problem is that pyramids were kinda forgettable in the first place. flying carpet goes nowhere in the crafting tree and there is the chance you get pharaoh garbage. Pyramids needed to be revamped or removed because it takes up so much desert for a 1/3 chance for a clone of cloud in a bottle
It’s a direct upgrade, not a clone. Having it equipped makes such a huge difference in your movement that calling it just a clone of CiaB is a disservice to it. It’s also essential in crafting the Bundle of Balloons, which is an absolutely crazy accessory. I feel like with all of the steps taken to make items like this accessible in all worlds, Sandstorm in a Bottle is a huge black mark on all of that work.
I feel like making all stuff available in all world is kinda unneeded and it takes the fun out of rare items. If you could just fish pyramid loot it would no longer be fun to get a Sand storm in a bottle. Like when they added the alternative world evil to the dryad, now it no longer matters as much if you choose crimson or corruption. It really just makes the game more "flat".
There's a diffrence between an item being rare and not existing in a world at all. Items like Shiny Red Ballon are rare but you have up to 7 chances to get one without fishing but Pyramid items can just not exist in your world.
It’s a direct upgrade, not a clone. Having it equipped makes such a huge difference in your movement that calling it just a clone of CiaB is a disservice to it. It’s also essential in crafting the Bundle of Balloons, which is an absolutely crazy accessory. I feel like with all of the steps taken to make items like this accessible in all worlds, Sandstorm in a Bottle is a huge black mark on all of that work.

I think that in a normal play through a person gets a Sandstorm in a balloon and immediately abandons them when the biome boots tree gets unlocked. The reason the boots are given more attention is because of the goblin selling them. You in counter Hermès, frost, dune rider sooner than the bottles and have more fun combining them than with the bottles. You also don’t have to grind for a meme item in the boot tree. There is also a stigma of bottles being a pre-corruption gear and leaving them after You get goblin army. In my hours playing not once did I think that There was a future for the bottles after getting spectre boots. Bundle of balloons just came too late and are mostly forgotten by newer and Older players. If pyramids get revamped maybe the balloons could be rivaled by the boots.
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