CC Creation Compendium #48

Whoah, nice to see so many drawings this time around! Makes me actually want to try my hand at making something decent enough art-wise to go in here...but alas, all I have are too many words :P Keep up the good work everyone!
My boy Aaron so great he adds an awesome building in his remix for double the Compendium
Anyway holy :red: that Wall of Flesh pic is :red:ing amazing
It's huge, horrible and gives both a sense of "Hell no" and "HELL YEAH", much like when you fight him for the first time
And I also love the "spirits of light and dark" inside of him
I like this time of the month where I can see just how much talented the community is, such amazing Creations you guys make <3
Happy 4th year anniversary Creation Compendium! (Or at least the 48th time since there's 12 months in a year right). Its amazing how long this game has been lasting that people keep making things you never even saw coming!
There's a lot of great stuff in this month's CC! Yeah, I know I say that every month, doesn't make it any less true though, does it?

Happy 4th year anniversary Creation Compendium! (Or at least the 48th time since there's 12 months in a year right). Its amazing how long this game has been lasting that people keep making things you never even saw coming!
The CC originally wasn't monthly, so this technically isn't an anniversary. :)
A lot of art this time. Impressive copper armor sculpture:happy:,would like to see some more like that one.
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