tModLoader Creative Mode Mod - The Commander

Could you make a command that clears your inventory? Like /clear or something. With /clear hotbar and /clear inv (inventory without hotbar) /clear all
Every time I use the /itemtype or /moditem command it comes back with ItemType: 0.
I've tried /itemtype AeonsOfTerraria Golden Umi, /itemtype Tremor Coral Hamaxe and /moditem Ersion Monster Soul but every result is ItemType: 0. These are all items in my inventory so I know I'm spelling their names correctly but I'm hitting a brick wall. What am I missing?
Every time I use the /itemtype or /moditem command it comes back with ItemType: 0.
I've tried /itemtype AeonsOfTerraria Golden Umi, /itemtype Tremor Coral Hamaxe and /moditem Ersion Monster Soul but every result is ItemType: 0. These are all items in my inventory so I know I'm spelling their names correctly but I'm hitting a brick wall. What am I missing?
You have to write the item in One 'word' .Like /moditem AeonsOfTerraria GoldenUmi
One question.

Wil this work with items from other mods?
Yes it does

Every time I use the /itemtype or /moditem command it comes back with ItemType: 0.
I've tried /itemtype AeonsOfTerraria Golden Umi, /itemtype Tremor Coral Hamaxe and /moditem Ersion Monster Soul but every result is ItemType: 0. These are all items in my inventory so I know I'm spelling their names correctly but I'm hitting a brick wall. What am I missing?
You need to use the specified internal item name (i.e. the class name of the item)
Sadly, usually only the mod's creator know what this name is, and you won't be able to guess it if they haven't named it whatever the item is named. You'll need to ask the mod author for it.
Can I ask you: how did you put text in your "More info" section in the Mod Browser? "build.txt" doesn't seem to have anything like that.
Can I ask you: how did you put text in your "More info" section in the Mod Browser? "build.txt" doesn't seem to have anything like that.
Currently it's quite difficult to do that. You should wait until they update tML and have it working either in-game or in mod files.

Last update: 24-10-2015 @ 15:44

Table of contents:
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Download
  4. Change Log
  5. Credits


I made this mod because a lot of people seem to want a 'creative mode'. I aim to please :p
Currently this mod only adds commands at the moment, sort of like 'cheats'. (mainly so you can test stuff) It is my end goal to add a 'creative mode' button to the menu, and maybe a neat overview where you can simply hit buttons to make them do what you want. (need interface support) For now, we'll have to do with chat commands!


Current amount of commands: 20 (used to be 27, now lower due to shifts in Pre-Alpha R2)
Working: 20 (used to be 26, now lower due to shifts in Pre-Alpha R2)

Pre-Alpha R2 changed ALL commands to be lowercase! (including arguments)

!<argument> means that the argument is not yet supported
{argument1|argument2|argument3} means that you can choose between arguments
[argument] means that the argument is optional

Blue commands are working.
Orange commands are working, but not optimal
Red commands are not working properly... yet

Shows a list of useable commands (shifted commands not displayed)

/npc type [x] [y] [number]
Spawns NPCs
/npc 22
This spawns the guide on the player
/npc 22 ~0 ~-32
This spawns the guide 2 blocks (16x16) above the player
/npc 22 ~64 ~0
This spawns the guide 4 block (16x16) to the right of the player

/npctype mod npc

Gets a mod NPC
Used in conjunction with /npc
/npctype ExampleMod Octopus
This returns the type of ExampleMod's NPC 'Octopus'
Now you could use this type in conjuction with /npc

/giveitem type [amount=1] !<[player]>
Give x amount of items to a player
/giveitem1326 (gives 1 rod of discord)
/giveitem1326 3 (gives 3 rod of discord)
Give this command item name and itemid name support (done)
ie: /giveitem "Rod of Discord" 3

/itemtype mod item
/moditem mod item

Gets the type of a moditem similar to how /npctype works
This is used in conjunction with /giveitem
/itemtype ExampleMod ExampleItem
This returns the type of ExampleMod's item 'ExampleItem
Now you could use this type in conjunction with /giveitem

/rod [{true|false}]
Toggle Rod of Discord debuff immunity (health usage)
/rod, /rod true, /rod false

/stat {hp|mp|hpmax|mpmax}
Modifies a player statistic
/stat hp 500 (sets hp to 500)
/stat hpm 500 (sets max hp to 500, yes hpm is a hpmax slang)
/stat mpm 500
/stat mp 500
hp cannot be set below 1, minimum hpmax is 100 and maximum hpmax is 500
minimum mpmax is 20 and maximum mpmax is 400

/time {add|sub|set} numticks [{true|false}]
Add, subtract or set the in-game time. (in ticks)
true 54000.0 turns into false 0.0 and will then go to 32400.0 and then turn into true 0.0.. rinse and repeat
(this boolean translates to Main.dayTime being set to true or false)
/time add 5000
/time set 54000.0 true (nightfall)
/time set 0.0 false (nightfall)
/time set 16200.0 false (night)

/godmode [{true|false}]
/gm [{true|false}]

Toggles godmode
ie. features: No health/mp drop, infinite ammo, infinite flight time, can't be hit by projectiles and npc's, and much more!
/gm, /gm true, /gm false

/down npc [{true|false}]
/npcd npc [{true|false}]

Toggles the downed state of a boss
(for example if you need to have downed Golem for a certain thing to be able to happen)
'plantera', 'moonlord', 'golem', 'cultist', 'thedestroyer', 'thetwins', 'skeletronprime', 'mechanicalbosses', 'nebula', 'solar', 'stardust', 'vortex'
'plant', 'moon', 'cult', 'destroyer', 'twins', 'skeletronp', 'mechs', 'm3'
/down plant or /npcd plant
/npcd destroyer or /down destroyer

/event event
Force start an event
(I have stripped all event requirements! You can have a blood moon with less than 120 HP!)
'goblininvasion', 'bloodmoon', 'slimerain', 'frostlegion', 'frostmoon', 'pumpkinmoon', 'solareclipse', 'pirateinvasion', 'martianmadness', 'lunar'
'goblins', 'snowlegion', 'martians', 'mm'
/event martians
/event bloodmoon

Force stop ALL events (including invasions)

/rain [{true|false}]
/downfall [{true|false}]

Toggles rain/downfall state
/rain, /rain true, /rain false

/teleport location !<[player]>
/tp location !<[player]>

Teleports a player to a specified location, view locations to see which you can use
dungeon, hell, spawn, random
/tp dungeon or /teleport dungeon
To teleport to to hell: /tp hell


Butcher all NPCs (excluding town NPCs)
(this works nice in conjunction with /vac -1)
/butcher, /killall

/vacuum item [item2] !<[player]>
/vac item [item2] !<[player]>

Vacuum all items or items in item range to a player
/vac 71 (vacuums copper coins)
/vac 71 74 (vacuums copper, silver, gold and platinum coins)
/vac -1 (vacuums all items)
keyword support.. eg: /vacuum weapon melee
(will vacuum all weapons that deal melee damage)
/vacuum armor 50 true
(will vacuum all armor that have 50 armor or higher)
/vacuum armor 50 false
(will vacuum all armor that have up to 50 armor)

/peace [{true|false}]
Makes the world a peaceful place..
(for now, stops NPCs from spawning EVER, already spawned NPCs should be killed using /butcher
/peace, /peace true, /peace false

/position !<[player]>
/pos !<[player]>

Returns the player's position in tile size (you can directly enter these values into /tp x y)
/pos, /position

/shine !<[player]>
Makes you shine as if you used a Shine Potion (doesn't use a buff slot, lasts until you disable)

/tilerange #x #y !<[player]>
Changes a player's tile range

Pre-Alpha R3 Commands (not released yet)
/builder [{true|false}]
Infinite inventory stacks (999, non depleting, stacks)

/itemprefix {name|index}
/itempre {name|index}

Sets a prefix to your currently selected item in your hotbar
The prefix will only be set if it is a valid and possible prefix for that item.
(ie. non knockback items can't get prefixes that alter knockback)
(if you use an integer, you can only use numbers 1-83
/itempre 83
This command attempts to give "Mythical"
/itempre "Mythical" or /itempre Mythical
This does exactly the same!



The download includes the required Snippet reference
Snippet is no longer required as of Pre-Alpha R2.. Once tML gets better .dll support it will be put back in

As of tML v0.6 and Pre-Alpha R2 the mod is now also downloadable via the in-game Mod Browser! (easier)

DOWNLOAD [Pre-Alpha R2]
Download [Pre-Alpha R1]

Please report any bugs you find in this thread!


Change Log
[Pre-Alpha] Release 2 on 24-10-2015
  • (Major) Shifted 9 commands, reducing the total amount of commands by 7
    • All time commands shifted into /time
    • All hp/mp commands shifted into /stat
    • /spawn and /random shifted into /tp
  • (Feature) Changed how /peace works
    • Now no longer works like /godmode did. Instead, it stops all NPCs from spawning.

  • (Critical) Fixed a bug that caused /peace to lag the game
  • (Bugfix) Fixed /vacuum item count bug
    • Previously it would always call 401 items, now it actually counts the total amount of items picked up.
  • (Feature) All commands now use lowercase calls and arguments
  • (Feature) The mod is now compatible with tML v0.6 and is downloadable via the in-game Mod Browser.
  • (Change/Feature) The mod no longer requires the Snippet.dll
  • (Addition) Added a readme.txt to the winrar zip file (for manual installation)
[Pre-Alpha] Release 1 on 22-10-2015
  • 27 exclusive commands of which 26 working
  • More commands to be added in future updates

  • Add more commands (/builder and /itemprefix)
  • Add more stuff for /peace /gm
  • Fix bugs (fixed /npc spawning 2 npcs)
  • Give /giveitem item name string support (/giveitem "Rod of Discord" 3 is the same as /giveitem 1326 3)

  • At least 30/30 commands. (Instead, shifted older commands)
  • Optimize older code
  • Split code for better structure
  • Change /peace
  • Open Discord Channel for structured feedback
  • As much commands ready to go as possible (27/26)
  • Fast / messy code.. next version optimize


Thanks to @bluemagic123 for always helping me when I need it and creating tModLoader.
Thanks to the Terraria devs for making the game :)
Anyone that has ever helped me with the code or is part of the 'team' will be listed here.
Also thanks to @jopojelly
i want to spawn multiple npcs like 30 demolitionists how do i do that?

i want to spawn multiple npcs like 30 demolitionists how do i do that?
Use /npc
Format: /npc [x] [y] [number]
So for example, /npc ~0 ~0 38 will spawn a demolitionist at your position.. I don't think I've made it possible to spawn multiple npc's.
I'm so glad this mod has been downloaded 3333 times when I checked it 2 days ago!
I haven't updated it in a while, but I will once I'm done with test week! (which is 2 weeks from now)
If there's any command you'd like to see in the next update, make sure to leave your suggestion(s) here!
Im having a bit of a problem..
first of all, im all confused to some commands (sorry im an idiot :()
what commdands im confused of is /time [sub etc. numbsticks [daytime] idk what to do here so im a little lost
and the second one the /modeitem doest work for me i try it on Tremor Mod It said that The Mod Is Null.
The Next One is the /stat idk what to put same as /stat [maxhp etc.] ! <[Player]>

so can u pls send me some example what to do in some commands.
Im having a bit of a problem..
first of all, im all confused to some commands (sorry im an idiot :()
what commdands im confused of is /time [sub etc. numbsticks [daytime] idk what to do here so im a little lost
and the second one the /modeitem doest work for me i try it on Tremor Mod It said that The Mod Is Null.
The Next One is the /stat idk what to put same as /stat [maxhp etc.] ! <[Player]>

so can u pls send me some example what to do in some commands.
If you look at my OP you'll see many examples below the command, within a spoiler.. ?
I see I haven't updated OP for /moditem
This command is slightly hacky, since it requires the internal name of the item from the mod. If the author of the mod doesn't have it listed somewhere you won't be likely to find it. I will update that command sooner or later.

This should work with the examplemod, just as an example:
/moditem ExampleMod ExampleSword

Soon, I'll have new commands that'll let you use these commands easier. Also looking up names will be easier. Hopefully, soon I can have custom UI.
Also /time will be simplified. You'll be able to use /time day and /time night etc. in the next update.
It seems that this mod, with its included instructions, does not work for me. What version is this updated to and are you planning to do more updates ?
Everytime I use the item command, it just say Item type 0

I type in
/moditem Tremor steampunkchestplate

What am i doing wrong????

Oh wait, nvm i figured it out
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