Switch Crimson mimic in corrupt world

I'm kind of glossing over the Wiki page for mimics and I think you might be able to get a crimson mimic by having it spawn naturally in an artificial underground crimson biome. the best way to go about this is to clear an area that is about 2 screens by two screens and creating a platform / artificial crimson biome in the middle. Let's just go from here for now and figure out the rest of it later.
I'm kind of glossing over the Wiki page for mimics and I think you might be able to get a crimson mimic by having it spawn naturally in an artificial underground crimson biome. the best way to go about this is to clear an area that is about 2 screens by two screens and creating a platform / artificial crimson biome in the middle. Let's just go from here for now and figure out the rest of it later.
Thanks, my mind completely failed me and I was only thinking about the keys for manual spawns 😅
Either use like a mod (TModloader) or use the drunk seed (has both biomes) and initiate hardmode
IMO the best place to create an artificial crimson biome from scratch (assuming you have enough tainted blocks) is in the underworld. You can create a 4-screen, 4-tiles deep bridge with tainted blocks which will allow you to farm for ichor, souls of night and crimson mimics. Of course, a water candle helps a lot. Just make sure to leave a few 1-tile gaps in your bridge to drain lava from slimes if you are playing on expert or master.
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