Single Thread RP Crisis Averted: Skyrim RolePlay

(Maybe you guys could say that Sinbar only got his powers back partially before getting interrupted...?)
(Alright. I get online and what I see is what seems like deleted posts, and TerrariaOn3DS getting angry at Ink. So, what the hell happened?)
(Ink didn't give time for Vaermina to react and appear when Sinbar snuck into the lakeview manor at night to steal the Skull Of Corruption's power and restore his own power.)
(...And? We were already dealing with this problem yesterday, and from what I saw it had been dealt with. So what happened?)
(Here…I fixed it for real this time…)

*When he finds the skull, he reaches for it, but then he notices something. Next to the skull’s case, he sees a copy of the book Elijah wrote. He reads a few of the poems, and it becomes evident to him that Elijah had a similar childhood to him, except Elijah wasn’t sold into slavery by his parents. For the first time in many, many years, he feels bad for what he has inflicted. But he soon kills the feeling of guilt by reminding himself of how Elijah and Rakeun are to blame for his second failed attempt to come to power in the kingdom. He puts the book down. He turns back towards the skull, but he hears a noise from behind him. He turns around and sees another hallucination. This time, he’s eighteen. He’s holding a dagger stained with blood in his right hand, with the body of the rich nord at his feet. Tears are visible in his eyes. In his left hand, he holds a golden arrowhead, the last thing his father had given to him. The hallucination fades, and Sinbar hears his father’s voice in his head, saying the last words Sinbar had ever heard from his father: ‘Remember, even when times get tough, be an arrow. Remain focused, reach your goals, and let nothing stop you.’ Soon, Sinbar’s surroundings mix into Nightcaller Temple. He sees himself begging Vaermina to remove a nightmare from where he had murdered the man. He looks away, then looks back to see an older version of him trying to open an oblivion gate, only to be stopped by a dragonborn and blades. He watches as he is sealed away, not to be seen again for many years. The manor returns, and Sinbar turns back to the skull. He continues reaching for it, his hand shaking.*
(...And? We were already dealing with this problem yesterday, and from what I saw it had been dealt with. So what happened?)
(Here…I fixed it for real this time…)

*When he finds the skull, he reaches for it, but then he notices something. Next to the skull’s case, he sees a copy of the book Elijah wrote. He reads a few of the poems, and it becomes evident to him that Elijah had a similar childhood to him, except Elijah wasn’t sold into slavery by his parents. For the first time in many, many years, he feels bad for what he has inflicted. But he soon kills the feeling of guilt by reminding himself of how Elijah and Rakeun are to blame for his second failed attempt to come to power in the kingdom. He puts the book down. He turns back towards the skull, but he hears a noise from behind him. He turns around and sees another hallucination. This time, he’s eighteen. He’s holding a dagger stained with blood in his right hand, with the body of the rich nord at his feet. Tears are visible in his eyes. In his left hand, he holds a golden arrowhead, the last thing his father had given to him. The hallucination fades, and Sinbar hears his father’s voice in his head, saying the last words Sinbar had ever heard from his father: ‘Remember, even when times get tough, be an arrow. Remain focused, reach your goals, and let nothing stop you.’ Soon, Sinbar’s surroundings mix into Nightcaller Temple. He sees himself begging Vaermina to remove a nightmare from where he had murdered the man. He looks away, then looks back to see an older version of him trying to open an oblivion gate, only to be stopped by a dragonborn and blades. He watches as he is sealed away, not to be seen again for many years. The manor returns, and Sinbar turns back to the skull. He continues reaching for it, his hand shaking.*
"Having a little...trouble?"
Vaermina is now standing within the darkness directly next to Sinbar and the Skull
“What do you want?…Is it not enough that I’m having to live with nightmares rather than resting in an unmarked grave?…Have you come to laugh at my pain and party as I suffer, just as that wealthy tyrant did all those years ago?…Or have you come to finally put me out of my misery?…”
*Sinbar seems much more sane. It doesn’t take a god to know that his reckless and insane behavior was just a shell trying to hide something.*
"No, maybe, and definitely not, at least yet. The main reason why I am here, however, is because you near my beautiful Skull of Corruption. And well, i'm a little curious."
“…I need your skull to get my powers back…without my powers, I stand no chance at taking over the empire and finally make the wealthy fear me the way I feared my master…at finally getting justice for what has been done to not only myself, but every kid who has suffered the way I have at the hands of this world which cares more about the wealthy than the ones who actually have potential…”
"I find this funny, not because of why you are doing this, but because you could be doing this without your powers so very easily. The Emperor of Tamriel was assassinated not too long ago, and well, a new emperor will be needed."
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“And I find it funny that you think that makes it easy…but rather than ridiculing your lack of understanding, let me help you understand…I have learned many lessons from this cruel world…and one of the most important I’ve learned is that so often wealth is the determining factor of success…there are so many people in Skyrim, and the whole empire in general, that are living in mansions, care free with no problems…people often choose then for high positions because of their status and power…I was born in a family that lived in poverty, and I was sold into slavery when I was very young…I lived most of my life doing painful, unpaid labor…it took me committing a horrible crime to gain my freedom…so, if they are searching for new emperors, and it’s between me and someone with wealth in power, I stand no chance…I will fail every time…”
"But are you sure about that? Are you sure that someone who has been through awful things and would like to stop other people from going through the same wouldn't stand a chance if they simply told their story and intentions? Hell, I think if you could get the dovahkiin to believe your story, even she could be willing to help. And then you would have a very powerful, influencive, and likely quite wealthy ally helping you."
*Sinbar signs, knowing that Vaermina was right.*
“Alright…I guess I have no choice now…”
*He heads towards the master bedroom and knocks on the door loudly.*

*Elijah wakes up from this, and after seeing Sinbar, he crawls towards the back of the bed.*
“You!? What are you doing here!?”
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