Single Thread RP Crisis Averted: Skyrim RolePlay

*Elijah would notice it’s getting late. He would take his armor off and get in his bed. He would lie awake for a while, as he always does. He still has nightmares about his parents’ murders.*
The voice is just in the air, it doesn't originate from any specific point

The other Blades begin to get in their own beds as well, but Delphine tends to stay up late.
*Elijah would soon fall asleep. His dreams would start out sweet, and would start out with happy memories about his parents. But after a few hours, his dreams turn to nightmares. He watches in horror as his parents are murdered the way they were in real life. After the Thalmor agent kills his parents, the Thalmor agent turns to Elijah, and goes in for the attack. Right as the Thalmor agent is about to hit Elijah, Elijah wakes up, crying softly. Elijah calms himself down, trying not to wake the other Blades. He decides to start reading his book. He does that for a while until he gets tired again, and then puts the book back and goes back to sleep. And this time, he stays asleep until the morning.*
(goodness that dark detail tho holy cow)
Delphine, who is still awake and at the map table, thought she heard something (Elijah's crying) but dismisses it as nothing.
*The sun starts to rise. Elijah would get up and put on his armor. He would head to Delphine*
“Good morning, Delphine. Permission to do my daily supply run?”
*Elijah thanks Delphine, and heads out. He puts on a cloak to hide his face and armor, and takes all the necessary precautions to make sure no one knows that he is a Blade. He goes to one of the few towns left that the Thalmor do not occupy.*
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"It was too faint for me to understand most of it, however I did hear the voice mention Akatosh, destruction, other Dovah, and something to do with life after death."
*Elijah would head into a shop. There he would be greeted by a shop keeper, names Alexander, known by the Blades to be a dependable person to get supplies from, being a former Blade himself, and being one of the few shopkeepers to sell to the Blades. When Elijah gets inside, he would take off his hood. The shopkeeper would lock the door in order to make sure no one hears who would turn Elijah into the Thalmor.*
“Why hello, Elijah. Here to pick up the daily supplies, I presume?”
*Elijah would nod, but would stay silent.*
“...Something’s wrong. You’re not usually like this. Please tell me what’s wrong.”
“...I had a nightmare about my parents. After the Thalmor agent murdered my parents, he came for me...and then I woke up...”
“I see...I think you need to talk about this with the other can’t continue to hold it’s unhealthy.”
*Alexander hands him the supplies*
*Elijah pays Alexander, then heads back.*
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