Texture Pack Cthulhu


This texture pack is an updated version of my old Cthulhu Moonlord Texture pack because I thought that one looked more like a green Moon Lord than Cthulhu.

I am much happier with this one because it looks more like the image it is based on.

This pack changes Moon Lord (Obviously) and the Items associated with him.

Steam Workshop Version
Both of his eyes are gone and I can't change the ones on his hands and head
U should make it so that he is called cthulhu like make it so the the hands are cthulhus hands the true eye of cthulhu to eye of cthulhu moon lords treasure bag to cthulhus treasure bag and more stuff btw just incase u dont know how do it with a language pack or like localization thing u probably know also the defeat the moonlord achievment please make it called "The thing the dryads could never do" the reason im saying this is i think it would be cool and its ur texture pack and just incase u dont know its in The Ultimate Guide To Content Creation And Use For The Terraria Workshop and on yt oh also all the stuff related to moon lord lol
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