"The servants are the seven Voids."

"Void is power, enriched by my will."

"Power, racing through me."

"Crushing me."

"Wrecking me."

"Tearing my soul into a million little pieces."

"And suddenly, I am no longer me."

"I'm part of something different now."

"Part of the Void."

"Ultimate Technique: Halt Momentum!"
Plato was once challenged to give a succinct definition for what it means to be human. He said that a man, or a human, is a featherless biped. Until, one of his students threw a plucked chicken over the wall of the Academy with a sign around its neck that said, “Plato’s man.”
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# Page Info
Page URL: https://totaljerkface.com/divine_intervention.tjf
SWF URL: https://totaljerkface.com/swf/di_level1.swf

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# Ruffle Info
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The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The meter pacer test will begin in seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear
He defined it this way: the perfect ideal of good is the universal author of all things beautiful, and all things that are right. It is the source of all reason and truth.
Savannah: "I find it weird that Michael doesn't remember [his past] but is still polite out of habit sometimes."
Me: "Savannah, what did I say about the fourth wall?"
Savannah: "This conversation breaks the fourth wall."
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