
Hi, I'm Curt 0815 and my "Red House" was featured in the last Creation Compendium #28
Welcome to my Build-Thread
There are many reasons to make a build thread.
Some of you wanted one.
I want one.
You could tell what you think about the builds.
I could post some more builds.
We can discuss about the builds.
It will be amazing!
My Builds in order of publishing (upload-date to imgur):

build fully legit in my 1.3 expert mode playtrough pre moonlord
picture edits: cropped, added title
After starting the '3D' builds "Grey Tower" and "Red House" i wanted a place to relax and where i also could do some things i learned while starting fresh. also i wanted to see another color
Blue Pool became my first build finished and published. I know that there is a one-block-off-mistake at the left side. This is fixed in my world.

build fully legit in my 1.3 expert mode playtrough pre moonlord
picture edits: cropped, added title
After postig "Blue Pool" to reddit i posted the "Grey House" in the comments of its thread. In my opinion there is a lot that could be done to make it look more 3D (esp. the interior), but im too lazy to go back and fix it all because its so narrow.

build fully legit in my 1.3 expert mode playtrough pre moonlord
picture edits: cropped, added title
The "Red House" took so long too make, that i built the "Blue Pool" in between. i had to take breaks because of too much red. In the comments on reddit someone said i should submit it to the CC and this is were i remembered the Terraria Forums, made an account, posted the "Red House" on Darthmorfs profile, and now bring you this thread.
making of album

build fully legit in my 1.3 expert mode playtrough pre moonlord
picture edits: cropped
'normal' build posted as a 'bonus' in the comments to the "Red House" thread.

build fully legit in my 1.3 expert mode playtrough pre moonlord
picture edits: added a title
'small' build posted as a 'bonus' in the comments to the "Red House" Thread

build on TShock server with item-giving
picture edits: cropped, added a text
First Build i did on the Fireblossom server.
making of album

build ingame put together with tedit.
picture edits: a lot (Gimp)
I wanted to make a logo (Banner and Footer) so i could make a build thread and use it on my blog, youtube, twitter etc.. and here we are

build on TShock server with item-giving
picture edits: cropped, added my little logo
I wanted to study the same U.F.O. in different sizes and in different poses preparing for a space battle build. to make it look interesting i colored them all different.

build on TShock server with item-giving
picture edits: cropped, added text + logo
Someone on the Fireblossom server wanted to make a blue base. i wanted to make a space battle so i started attacking the base. later i built the rest of the base.

build on TShock server with item-giving
picture edits: cropped, added logo, minecraft background, brightened the enchanting table and the house.
This time i wanted to go 'full minecraft'. Thanks Darkangel719 and Plantszaza for the help!
Conversion rate Minecraft block to Terrarria Block is 1x1x1 to 3x3x2. I dont like the wood blocks but i published it anyways - still have no idea how you could do a minecraft wood block in a terraria 3x3x2 space that looks nice.
and little hoik loop as a teaser for a underground minecart ride im working on:

there's more to come, i will keep this thread updated, but you can also find me on:
blogspot - twitter - youtube - imgur
if you have any feedback please feel free to tell me.
if you have ideas what i could add to the builds, what to build, or what your secret plans to rule over the world are, i would like to know also.
Thank you for reading & watching!
Curt 0815
ps.:english is not my native tongue, you can correct me where im wrong
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