=FFR= Osiris
The Destroyer
im working on making a forum logo now to get started on revamping the forum soon
=FFR= Osiris
The Destroyer
Feel free to join our discord~Looking for musicians? I'm studying music for 11 years now, could help :>
Pinned in previous messages
jesus christ, this mod is scuffed as hell. a couple of things to note if you want to improve the mod:
- do not use mixels in sprites, it makes them look ugly. this is referring to the 1x1 pixels in your art, terraria's style exclusively uses 2x2 sized pixels.
- don't make bosses that are essentially one boss just slightly different, like the Bloodshot Eye. it's incredibly unoriginal and ends up being a boss you've fought before with different stats and thats that. make them different, and make sure that you make them distinct from each other.
- do not use mixels in sprites, it makes them look ugly. this is referring to the 1x1 pixels in your art, terraria's style exclusively uses 2x2 sized pixels.
- don't make bosses that are essentially one boss just slightly different, like the Bloodshot Eye. it's incredibly unoriginal and ends up being a boss you've fought before with different stats and thats that. make them different, and make sure that you make them distinct from each other.
Osiris is very aware of this, he's not a spriter, and he's had like 30+ spriters come and abandon the project, that's why the art is all over the place and why mixels exist (alot of these "abandonment spriters" are nobodies in Terraria who don't know what Mixels are)- do not use mixels in sprites, it makes them look ugly. this is referring to the 1x1 pixels in your art, terraria's style exclusively uses 2x2 sized pixels.
Don't blame the OP for this, this fight with spriters is a really long and tedious one, this is mostly why the mod has been a WIP for as long as Calamity has been released.
Notice the date, alot of ideas are really dated, and the forum post has sorta been abandoned in favor of discord, same with me.- don't make bosses that are essentially one boss just slightly different, like the Bloodshot Eye. it's incredibly unoriginal and ends up being a boss you've fought before with different stats and thats that. make them different, and make sure that you make them distinct from each other.
=FFR= Osiris
The Destroyer
jesus christ, this mod is scuffed as hell. a couple of things to note if you want to improve the mod:
- do not use mixels in sprites, it makes them look ugly. this is referring to the 1x1 pixels in your art, terraria's style exclusively uses 2x2 sized pixels.
- don't make bosses that are essentially one boss just slightly different, like the Bloodshot Eye. it's incredibly unoriginal and ends up being a boss you've fought before with different stats and thats that. make them different, and make sure that you make them distinct from each other.
This is more of a general announcement to any future commenters and past commenters
Building upon what IDG said above, I am not a Modder, This mod is only still alive as i see it to be my duty to deliver the project I promised so many including myself, its entirely built upon Community effort and one or two actual commissions as I don't have funds for commissions, almost all the sprites on this forum are outdated and the "Old mod content" at the bottom of the forum page is considered cut content for now until the mods first version releases to the public and does not reflect the mod in any way. Our main coder and spriter have been on hiatus form months now. Its unclear if or when they will return. The bloodshot eye boss is however not just reskinned EoC its actually more akin to a prehardmode spazmatism challenge miniboss it has arcing blood vomit sprays and can launch blood clots at great distances. This boss is optional and is only fought during blood moons if the player kills three necro casters which are rare bloodmoon enemies. The bloodshot eye also spawns with mangled servants which behave similarly to creepers but they will intermittently stop mid flight to rain damaging blood. This boss will be finalized when the mod is ported to 1.4 (the unreleased mod, currently has 3 bosses and one structure/mini biome with scattered content from prehardmode to post moonlord. This mod will pretty much stay in this dev hell state until either i get a decent job or the community beings to volunteer help.
I appreciate the feedback everyone has left on this forum but to be honest everything there is to be said for what the public knows of this mod has already been said. the only way be up to date on the mod is in our discord and im always open to questions there. though im not keen on the terraria communitys misguided criticism either, ive been harassed by other modders and players. TBH im losing motivation to work on this hence why ive stopped creating concepts for it/updating the forum. The community says they want it but offer no valuable input in our polls or anything, its quite demotivating.
There will be no reskins in this mod if thats a concern anyone has. Bosses like the slime prince for example (though its a slime it will have unique ai to king slime or queen slime, being a biomechanical blighted spike slime capable of firing heat seeking slime missiles that slow the target and coat blocks in portal 2 esque gel, or rapid sucession plasma boosted jumps which scorch the player on the way up and concusson the way down.
If anyone DOES want to help work on this mod, the information to contact the devs of the mod has been profusely given out throughout this thread, Otherwise dm me directly
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