theobadeo22 Eye of Cthulhu Nov 30, 2015 #781 But my Wii remote was dead! I accuse the next person of eating my christmas cookies
Redstonetam15 Eater of Worlds Nov 30, 2015 #782 It was my doppleganger! I accuse the NP of 360 noscoping my friend.
Cubicality The Destroyer Nov 30, 2015 #783 He was on the other team. I accuse the NP of not letting me know who I'm accusing!
Redstonetam15 Eater of Worlds Nov 30, 2015 #784 Hey, you said you accused the NP, you dumbhead! I accuse the NP of stealing stealing my laptop and my computers. Wait, how am I typing this right now?
Hey, you said you accused the NP, you dumbhead! I accuse the NP of stealing stealing my laptop and my computers. Wait, how am I typing this right now?
Cubicality The Destroyer Nov 30, 2015 #785 Answer- Magic. Defense- You stole them from the store first. I accuse the NP of defending themselves!
Answer- Magic. Defense- You stole them from the store first. I accuse the NP of defending themselves!
theobadeo22 Eye of Cthulhu Nov 30, 2015 #786 Hello, I just stopped to say hi! I accuse the NP of being a slice of bread
Redstonetam15 Eater of Worlds Nov 30, 2015 #787 I was playing a simulator. I accuse the NP of stealing my legs.... Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
Cubicality The Destroyer Nov 30, 2015 #788 Legs? What legs? Nothing in this suspicious thin 3 foot long container... I accuse the NP of being a ninja at some point.
Legs? What legs? Nothing in this suspicious thin 3 foot long container... I accuse the NP of being a ninja at some point.
Redstonetam15 Eater of Worlds Nov 30, 2015 #789 What kind of ninja? I accuse the NP of shutting down my favorite resturaunt >:U.
plantszaza 🌳 Living Tree Nov 30, 2015 #790 But you are the one who order to shut it down! I accuse the NP for causing Kemonomimi war.
TheUberCannon The Destroyer Dec 1, 2015 #791 What exactly is Kemonomimi anyway? I accuse the NP for not generating orange glowing monkeys appearing in Korea.
What exactly is Kemonomimi anyway? I accuse the NP for not generating orange glowing monkeys appearing in Korea.
plantszaza 🌳 Living Tree Dec 1, 2015 #792 ((You see the ears on top of my avatar head? They call character that wear it "Kemonomimi")) They'll start a war if I send it there. I accuse the next person for starting the war.
((You see the ears on top of my avatar head? They call character that wear it "Kemonomimi")) They'll start a war if I send it there. I accuse the next person for starting the war.
Redstonetam15 Eater of Worlds Dec 1, 2015 #793 That war was for land rights! I accuse the NP for stealing the world's supply of oranges.
TheUberCannon The Destroyer Dec 1, 2015 #794 I was hungry. I accuse the NP for working at McDonald's for an overtime.
Redstonetam15 Eater of Worlds Dec 1, 2015 #795 I needed to work extra to pay the bills. I accuse the NP for causing a time paradox.
plantszaza 🌳 Living Tree Dec 1, 2015 #796 But it can change the Universe! I accuse the the person for creating grenade.
Ivyss Wall of Flesh Dec 1, 2015 #797 Who are accusing by saying the the person? I accuse the NP for being the NP.
Redstonetam15 Eater of Worlds Dec 2, 2015 #798 It's a forum game, bruh. I accuse the NP for stealing my good arm. Why do people steal robot limbs these days?
It's a forum game, bruh. I accuse the NP for stealing my good arm. Why do people steal robot limbs these days?
TheUberCannon The Destroyer Dec 2, 2015 #799 Oh, sorry. I think I got that from the underworld. I accuse the NP of not being amused of space.
plantszaza 🌳 Living Tree Dec 2, 2015 #800 Did you mean SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!? I accuse the next person for not having extra ears.
Did you mean SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!? I accuse the next person for not having extra ears.