Demolitionist Doesn't Realize He Is Underground?


Just started putting NPCs throughout the biomes with good neighbours instead of cramming them into a box.

I have put the Demolitionist underground twice. Once in what I am pretty sure was jungle cavern, and another time in forest underground (maybe cavern not sure).

Valid housing and everything and he moved in. He's happy about being alone but he does not comment on being underground and I cannot buy a pylon from him. What gives? Even if his happiness isn't good enough for a pylon because he has no neighbour he likes, why is he refusing to mention that he is underground? It's like the game doesn't recognise that's where he is.

HELP (please)
OK, so I figured out the two spots I tried count as jungle and forest. If I can't be underneath an existing biome, how the hell do I get cavern pylon?
All I can say is I think it's supposed to be at cavern layer depth uninfected non-jungle. Or to put it more clearly, regular cavern layer depth area.
While the demolitionist likes the underground, cavern, and underworld biomes, the cavern pylon seems to only sell from the latter two. Putting him in any layer that contains jungle will not work. You also mentioned putting him in the underground forest layer which will provide happiness but not sell the cavern pylon. It’s still odd that he doesn’t mention that he likes the underground, perhaps he’s near another biome or he wasn‘t actually “underground”?
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I think it's best that you share a screenshot. And it should be obvious, but use a depth meter to see if it's actually underground.
You can buy the pylon with him in underground right below the starting point. Depends on who's with him, and it costs 8.50, IIRC. I'm pretty sure when I bought it last game it was with demolitionist and angler. I don't think he's happy enough with the guide.
I put the demolitionist and the tavernkeep together, with the home spot 18' underground, right below the start location and could buy the pylon for 7.50g, as I expected. Like I said earlier, when sharing the same location with the angler, he was selling it for 8.50g. But if there's anyone else close (25 tiles, IIRC), he's not happy enough with the angler. My guess is you are running into the too many neighbors penalty.
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