Design The Dungeon

I'll blow a bubblegum bubble and completely ignore the teacher like a true delinquent.
Floor 183 is entirely made of sticky mushy bubblegum
I sink through it to the next floor if its entirely made out of bubblegum
Floor 184 has a Pokemon battle : Your level one combee vs arceus
I go to the path to hell. I end in the dungeon.

Floor 196 has everyone that exists, will exist, or has existed asking for an autograph.
Get one of the mes to sign their own autograph and make a low-power paradox.

Floor 197 is Fahrenheit 451. Not the book or upcoming movie, it’s just 451°F.
I kill him.
Floor 199 has a Jolteon that is trapped in a can. It thinks you put it there and is attacking you.
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