Do corruption and hollow spread through hell?


Official Terrarian
I'm making multiple hellevators to clean my world after I go into hard mode, but I'd like to know if the corruption V arrives in hell too, so I can take precautions

(Excuse my mistakes, my english is bad)
Thank you very much
It does, but it won't really do much other than corrupt some stone if you place it down there. I actually do place a line of stone for WoF and for very easy farming of enemies.
Unless you place grass on those dirt blocks, they’re incorruptible as well. The only blocks I can think of that are corruptible are sand, stone, ice blocks, grass, and jungle blocks.
Also most of the other kinds of sand blocks, like Hardened Sand. And mud blocks, similar to dirt blocks, can't be corrupted unless there's grass on them.
It can't infect hell directly if this is what you mean. Ash blocks and hellstone can't be infected.

However, the ceiling of hell usually has stone from the cavern biome above and part of it gets infected due to the "V" stripe at the beginning of hard mode. As a result, you'll frequently encounter enemies from the Corruption/Crimson/Hallow if you're close to the center 3rd of your world in the underworld. It can make an easy way to farm souls and biome mimics since you'll have a large amount of space, and you'll be dealing with more Underworld enemies and fewer of the new infected enemies that are stronger.
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