Casual Do you use the profanity filter?

Do you use the profanity filter?

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I personally have no quarrels with swearing of really any kind, unless its directed negatively at someone, then you're just a :red:ing :red:. (haha get it? Oxymoron jokes?) Although I must admit, I quite like the profanity filter on this website and I actually leave it on. I just find something so humorous about seeing messages written containing such masterpieces as
Son of a :red:
awww :red:

and other blocks of text with Red's face just planted somewhere in the middle of it.

When I come across these I often like to read them as if they were written

"Son of a RED" or "Mother REDer"

I've actually taken the liberty of finding a couple quotes from people on this website, which I feel are improved 10x by Red's face
Don't turn on :red:-kicking mode and be surprised when you get your :red: kicked.
Will there be a medusa in here? OH :red:. There was.
I :red:ing hate the tortoises.

If you have any amazing quotes from the censor feel free to share them
I personally do not use the profanity filter, but I censor all of my own curses with Red faces anyway. I just like :red:ing with people.
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Personally, I don't have it off. I have nothing against swearing, and yet I never swear myself unless under a sleep-induced or regular angry state.
I don't have it enabled as I am fine with swearing in general. While swear words can be used to insult other people, people can insult people without swear words in many ways. Its all about the context in how swear words and other words are used. Swear words can help in lightening up a situation. I believe I haven't used swear words much on this site, but I have no issue with using swear words myself, and frequently use them when I get frustrated or mad at a situation which helps to relieve stress.

The main types of words I have problems with are Racial/Homophobic Slurs and those types of words are banned on this site anyway. Just seeing those words no matter the context are enough to get me furious (They are part of my "Berserk Button" to say). I also have a problem with the word "Weeaboo" (And variations) as well since it is extremely derogatory towards fans of Anime/Manga. (It also just sounds like an ugly word from listening to it) From what I understand it makes fun of people who act Japanese even though they aren't from Japan, and making fun of people like this is never okay. Still it is important to know what people are really saying so it should stay uncensored even if I hate that people are using it.
I don't, because curse words really don't mean anything to me. I'm trying to get out of the habit of using them myself, but I don't mind seeing other people use them at all.
I censor my swears with :red: anyways, so if it were turned off (I keep mine on), it'd just be the emote anyways.
No. In my opinion, swear words are just like any other word... and even if you view swear words in a bad way, a filter still isn't going to make them disappear. They're still there, and you can pretty much guess which word was used based on the context, so why try to hide them?
I absolutely will not touch the profanity filter and find it an offense every time it clicks back on via forum restarts or other shenanigans.

Stop reading here if you cant stand speeches.

I don't need it on, and I don't think anyone else needs it on either. What are you going to do without this forum's swear filter once you go out in public? People use these words out there and you cant magically mute them (and it's tried and true that their swearing will only intensify if you tell them to stop). So what are you doing?

When I see someone so afraid of a word that they cringe or over react I think there is seriously something wrong with them and that thing is the sheltering. A whole generation of sheltering. They can't tell you what is wrong with the words because the people before them did not tell them what is wrong with the words, only "Obey me. The words are bad." I can only assume pinker minds once thought the words had actual power and their ideas radiated through the generations. But I will not accept that excuse from myself. I expect it from them, the censors. And I truly expect it.

I know there is no way the filter will be removed because the developers also rely on parents to buy their kid this game. They too were told "Obey me. The words are bad." and so have the babyboomers behind them and so on. But that doesn't matter. The bottom line is that I expect people to have a certain level of realism and reason behind their verbal phobias. Does that sound impossible? If so you need to actually look and see if your phobias could even hold a dew drop.

I figured I'd post this after recently being forced to take down an image that had the word ":red:ing" in it.
I don't use it. Hey, I'm Dutch, profanity makes up about 50% of our vocabulary (we have managed to weaponise the word cancer, go figure how messed up we are). Then again, I only swear here if something really pisses me off.
I used to turn is on, because of too lazy, then, I found, why there are so many :Red in someone's reply and become confused.

Recently, I posted something, about the name of a Tom and Jerry show, not profanity words, be it turned to be :Red anyway.

So, personally, I think the filter is not very useful, someone could still used profanity words by other methods, and sometimes a profanity word used in its non-profanity meanings may be blocked.
Nope, I don't use it. Maybe I would if this forum was infested with idiots who like to throw curse words around like they were candy on Halloween, but so far these forums are pretty decent.

(we have managed to weaponise the word cancer, go figure how messed up we are)
We? Nu-uh. Only the most pathetic type of person uses that word as a curse word. I don't like it when people throw diseases around and thankfully I'm far from being alone in this.
I don't use the profanity filter because profanities are just words. Unless they are used to offend someone, there is nothing embarrasing in them. Even in this case, it is more embarrassing to offend someone in general, no matter if they used profanity in their insults or not. If someone uses curse words as a rhetorical technique, I don't mind it all. In fact, I try to embrace this myself though I also try to keep my profanity in minimum.

Sometimes I have a feeling I could use the filter. It's annoying when there are some :red: who fill :red: profanity in their every :red:ing post. They see nothing :red:ing strange in their :red: way and have no :red:ing intention to :red:ing change it. Only if I find these kinds of posts unintentionally hilarious, I might stomach it. Luckily I have seen this kind of posting extremely rarely in TCF. Too much cursing loses its power.

EDIT: Does someone know if there is a list which includes all the words censored by the profanity filter? It would come in handy when you are unsure if a word is considered naughty in your image and you don't want to try this by posting the word separately or contacting a moderator?
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Yes, but only because my mom supposedly hates cuss words. I'm 13 and I don't find them offensive. But I keep it on because if she walks in and she sees a bunch of pictures of a man's head on the screen, then I'll never get caught.
“Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habit.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”
—Lao Tzu
Words are the first manifestations of our thoughts. They reflect our beliefs, emotions, and the state of our spirit. They are an indicator of our self-talk—what we say to ourselves. Much can be discerned about us by the language we send out into the world.
yeah, i don't like swearing.
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"your words become your thoughts, your thoughts become your actions, your actions become your life."
yeah, i don't like swearing.
But they're just words. Collections of letters forming things that we say have meaning. They have no actual meaning other than the contrived, pointless meaning we give them. :red: is just a different way of saying crap which is a different way of saying poop which is a different way saying feces, etc. I'm not going to do something awful simply because I curse to my hearts content. That quote honestly doesn't many sense whatsoever.

English and really any language is and you do yourself a disservice by limiting your vernacular. Of course, directing any words that can be disrespectful or harmful at someone is wrong and this can happen even without cursing(you're a buttface), nor am I telling you you should go out and scream the word ':red:' to the world. Personally, I believe the concept of "bad words" a stupid and illogical one, but I'll follow it for the sake of following.
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