Doctor Who

The ending was unnecessary and a bit heavy handed, for sure, but they telegraphed it through most of the episode.

Personally, I was more annoyed by the continued relationship bickering between Clara and Mr Pink. I think both are decent actors and I actually like both characters, but the bickering is so unnatural. No sane person would begrudge their significant other going into space and :red:ing TRAVELING THROUGH TIME. Especially on the flimsy and forced grounds that there is some kind of romantic feelings between Clara and the doctor, which there has not been at all since he last regenerated.

It is just like before the end of this episode. What kind of idiot would turn down a once in a lifetime chance to travel into space? Not train for months and months, ride on a shuttle, and do a space walk, but literally travel into space and just open the door?

And how are the kids the main priority, yet you are going to pass up an opportunity to save their lives, just because they would miss their parents? You know who also missed their parents, every child that has ever been saved from a disaster or wartime situation, but no one said 'oh, don't save them, they will miss their parents if we don't let them die'.

I really hope that the chick in the teaser at the end of each episode is going to be the focus of next series and they aren't going to blow the whole thing by wasting her in the finale. That is a lot of empty hyping to only give her a single episode.

All and all, this series has been meh at best. There were some good episodes, but overall, it was very disappointing. Maybe if the UK had full seasons of 22 episodes it could have gotten good, but with only one or two episodes left, I don't see my opinion changing on that.
Ok, I did not see that one coming! Excellent episode...and now a seven day wait for the final half. Two-parters are great, but the wait is horrible!

So I guess the Master finally got the [real] Etheric Beam Locators then? /Curse of Fatal Death joke
Massive spoilers ahoy.

This is the most glorious day ever.

I called Missy was the Master at the moment she said she was a Time Lady. I mean, screw Cybermen, that's boring, the Master (a misogynistic bastard) a woman is just brilliant. Let the fandom explode.

Also, the notion that it had never occurred to anyone that the dead may be conscious? Pretty sure that's not true. I for one have.

Edit due to ninja: Nice reference. :naughty:

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so Just watched part 1 of season 8 finale, thoughts?

I think it's shaping up to be the best finale since The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang. All that needs to happen now is for Death In Heaven to be excellent as well.

However, I was literally banging my head against the desk during the volcano scene. The TARDIS keys were being destroyed - but so what? All the Doctor had to do was snap his fingers and the doors would have opened anyway. Yeah, great plan there, Clara. :sigh:
If the Tardis is locked, only a key can open it. And return of my favorite enemy! I mean seriously, I knew a trip through a time lock wouldnt kill him (that's a lie). I just hoped. But I'm afraid there will be no more one, two, three, four; one, two, three, four; one, two, three, four; one, two, three, four. I just got one of those permanent grins and it lasted for a good few hours.:happy:
If the Tardis is locked, only a key can open it.

That's never actually been confirmed, or even implied. All we know is that the Doctor can open the TARDIS doors by snapping his finers. Whether there are conditions to that rule as you suggest is simply unknown.

And return of my favorite enemy! I mean seriously, I knew a trip through a time lock wouldnt kill him (that's a lie). I just hoped. But I'm afraid there will be no more one, two, three, four; one, two, three, four; one, two, three, four; one, two, three, four. I just got one of those permanent grins and it lasted for a good few hours.:happy:

If we get the 'drums' thing again I'm going to get extremely cross. It was a terrible retcon in the first place and I don't want to see (hear) it again ever. :mad:
I love Doctor Who. I got into it when David Tennant was the time lord. I think it was season two. Rose was still around. It took me a while to find the first season. I was able to get the DVDs from the library eventually. Unfortunately I have fallen behind as of late. Got a little busy, didn't know when the new season started, and before I knew it there was a new Doctor. Good thing I have Hulu now.

I wish I had a working sonic screwdriver, mine just lights up. That was a cool tool. Could do just about anything but wasn't too powerful. I also like the Doctor Who inspired Terraria items. I am happy to see they added a fez. I also suggested they add a police box if anyone is interested.
Not too sure what to think of Death in Heaven. There are some great moments, to be sure, but parts are a bit muddled and illogical. If I had to use a word to describe it, I'd say underwhelming, which is a shame, because Dark Water was absolutely fantastic. Looks like The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang keeps the top spot as my favourite finale.
I felt the exact opposite, I thought Dark Water was meh and that DiH was fairly wonderful. At least the newest episode had some moments where the master seemed like the master. Overall, I stand by my previous opinion that there was to much hype for to little payoff in these last eps. They shouldn't have teased it so much at the end of previous eps and I don't think they should have included the master at all, the final villain would have been much better if she had simply been her own, new villain.
I agree with Jeckel.

First off i'm glad Clara and Danny are finally gone, did not like them at all. Also this newest episode was great I especially liked how both Clara and the Doctor lied to each other to make the other happy, although it didn't really end well because they both didn't get what they want.
At least the newest episode had some moments where the master seemed like the master.

This I agree with 100%. We got too little of her throughout the series, so it was good to finally see what this new incarnation was like - I think she's an improvement over John Simm's version from 2007/2010, but the best is still Roger Delgado in the 70s. The way the Master killed Osgood in this episode, however, was probably the most cruel thing the character's done for a while; that and lying to the Doctor about Gallifrey.

First off i'm glad Clara and Danny are finally gone, did not like them at all. Also this newest episode was great I especially liked how both Clara and the Doctor lied to each other to make the other happy, although it didn't really end well because they both didn't get what they want.

I don't think we've seen the last of Clara just yet, as I believe she's in the Christmas Special in a few weeks. I've never been one to get very attached to specific characters/Doctors, so I don't really care who's coming or going. I do wish that we'd seen more of Danny though - I thought he was a genuinely nice guy who deserved a lot better than what he got.

The scene where they're both lying was fanastic too, particularly the Doctor's reaction when he didn't find Gallifrey. First class stuff, and part of the reason why I liked this episode despite its shortcomings and rather underwhelming nature.
A bit off topic from where you guys are, I like having the Doctor be a little awkward. It's just funny when he apparently unintentionally insults Clara or his "hugs". I think it's a lot better than the other Doctors that were almost always doing the right thing in a social situation. And the eyebrows...

More on topic, I thing I agree a little with all of you. It was stupid how they had the kid come back instead of Danny, but I liked it how Brigadier General (whatever his name is) came back to save his daughter, kill the master, and get a salute from the doctor (or the president, he is both). I just loved the ending when Santa Clause walks into the Tardis. That's just too cool!

All in all, I'm happy the Master came back and the episode had a lot of good things to it, but there were some bad things. Oh, and one last thing. Doctor who? DOCTOR CHANG!!!
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