OOC Draconic adventures OOC

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I somewhat make a conscious effort for it. The benefits of making head canon lore that's extremely complicated that is related to so many things you kinda have to look back.
Yeah, having a head canon that spans over several franchises but is complicated as crap just to explain how it works, it's like untangling wires, it'll probably lead you to a cord that is connected to something you didn't remember like those old plug and play games with the two or three wires that ran on batteries. Then again, that's more of an assumption that you don't unplug the wires or actually own those things, but eh, close enough to a metaphor, I suppose.

Well, didn't expect this OOC to become a talk like this, but it has been interesting. It's past midnight for me now, so might as well get to sleep or else I'll probably regret it the next day, or maybe today is more accurate considering it is past midnight. Well, see ya when I see ya then.
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