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tModLoader Dual Blade: Pre-Alpha. Scaling Weapons & possibly something more coming Soon™

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Skeletron Prime
Hello everyone!

I wasn't really thinking about making a thread, but I saw that people downloaded my mod & dicided it would be nice to have a way of getting feedback one way or another.
So here it is:
(I'll copy paste mod description. I just doubt that many people read it before downloading)

Dual Blade: Pre-Alpha currently adds a sword & a staff. Nothing more, nothing less. Not finished. Still working. Chasing perfection. Cannot catch.
All balance testing was done with pre-Boss gear on Expert Mode. I used some luck-based gear you might not have at that point(shartooth necklace), but all bosses are doable, it will just take more time if you have crappy gear
Current features
-Sword & Staff with single target & AoE attacks
-Weapon Progression scaling
-Talent System(rn only for hierarch blade, later for all weapons in this mod)
Tier 1 - Post Slime King
Tier 2 - Post EoC
Tier 3 - post Skeletron
Tier 4 - post Mech Boss
Tier 5 - Post plantera
Tier 6 - post lunatic

Planned features for next updates:
-Questing system that allows you to upgrade your themed weapons
-Talent tree for all weapons in this mod.

Spoiler for upcoming update:
Now, instead of getting instant upgrade after defeating a boss, you will have to unlock Talents & choose what part of weapon you want to upgrade. Here are some talents for the sword https://imgur.com/a/7Bd3qdT
You can't have all of them active at once, which means you will have to sacrifice something to get what you want the most.
You won't be able to switch talents when any boss is active.

Known bugs:
-If you have omniswing, spin attacks spawns too much spin projectiles causing lag
-If you do normal swing & then spin attack, you will deal more damage(happens if you use WeaponOuts Heliosphere Emblem)
-Some frames on animation "cuts" through player's head.

Current Patch Notes:
-Talent System added for Hierarch's Blade!
-Some jojo refrences.

Special thanks to:
-SERIOUS THANKS TO BLUSHIE, without example mod, I'd be dead while trying to figure new talent system out. Thank you, blushie! <3
-Re-Logic for making terraria <3
-tModloader devs for making this even possible
-tModloader Discord users for helping me fix everything
-Phobostar for making sprites for this mod <3
-zadum4ivii for helping me fixing issues & making mod better overall
-Mirsario, because he is cool guy

I'd love to get your feedback on this one. Cheers!
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Since nobody seems to write anything here I want to let you know that I apreciate mods that add new weapons with more than just simple swing and high damage and a projectile. The sword and staff look both really really cool so far and I hope you'll add more awesome weapons soon.
Since nobody seems to write anything here I want to let you know that I apreciate mods that add new weapons with more than just simple swing and high damage and a projectile. The sword and staff look both really really cool so far and I hope you'll add more awesome weapons soon.
Thank you, I appreciate that :3
Next update will bring something interesting to the mix.

Some JoJo refrences to be exact :guidewink:
(sprites are placeholders, ignore 'em for now)



Initially, I made this for fun. I dicided to leave those in mod because they took some time to do.
Some of the code is shared with a friend of mine, so if you see similarities between this mod & his, its okay. I'm fine with my code being used as long as its not called somebody elses code.

Forgot to mention, thanks @jopojelly for allowing me to use a lil' of Modder's Toolkit code. Much appreciated <3
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Next update will bring something interesting to the mix.

Some JoJo refrences to be exact :guidewink:
(sprites are placeholders, ignore 'em for now)



Initially, I made this for fun. I dicided to leave those in mod because they took some time to do.
Some of the code is shared with a friend of mine, so if you see similarities between this mod & his, its okay. I'm fine with my code being used as long as its not called somebody elses code.

Forgot to mention, thanks @jopojelly for allowing me to use a lil' of Modder's Toolkit code. Much appreciated <3
Hmmm, I wonder who this "friend of mine" is... :guidenaughty:
I really like this concept and would love to see it brought to armor sets as well. It would be like having a leveling experience except not. A knight and his trusty sword and armor growing stronger for every enemy defeated.
By the way, after next update, scaling weapons will be replaced with Talent system & later expanded with questing.
This is raw material gif, but the main point is that I got UI setup & it works properly.
For this test, I just made that those 3 change damage to x1 to x3, from left to right respectively.

This mod is extremely interesting! Can't wait to see it develop.
Thanks, I appreciate the support! <3
EDIT:Changed gif to most recent one
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-Added talent tree for Hierarch's Blade! Go into controls -> DualBlades: talents UI -> set to default/your own hotkey, press C & check out new talent UI :3
-Added some JoJo refrences.
Known bugs:
-Having Haunter talent makes Tortured Souls home in onto Target Dummies. I'll fix it tomorrow, don't have time to fix it RN
Now, if you find some kind of bug regarding projectile based weapons, report to me. I'll try to fix it.
-Added talent tree for Hierarch's Blade! Go into controls -> DualBlades: talents UI -> set to default/your own hotkey, press C & check out new talent UI :3
-Added some JoJo references.
Known bugs:
-Having Haunter talent makes Tortured Souls home in onto Target Dummies. I'll fix it tomorrow, don't have time to fix it RN
Now, if you find some kind of bug regarding projectile based weapons, report to me. I'll try to fix it.
Pretty Nice :guidegrin:
This mod looks awesome, it really looks like you know what your plans are too. Looking forward to updates in future!
This mod looks awesome, it really looks like you know what your plans are too. Looking forward to updates in future!
Thanks for support!

Btw, forgot to mention, 0.2.1 hotfix is out, it fixed bugs like sticking weapons dealing absurd amounts of damage & homing projectiles trying to home in on target dummies.
So. Hi dudes.
Been a long time, wasn't it?
Well a lot of stuff went on & a lot things got changed.

How did it impact mod development?
Really badly. I couldn't work for some time. So there isn't much you will see in next update.

HOWEVER. I want to say this.
This mod is collection of things I wanted to see in mods or Terraria at various points of being part of this community. Which means that the order at which I add themed content will be distorted(i.e. next update will bring 2 new stands & nothing else as of now, I might hold the release of it & add some more content). So don't expect your favourite thing to be finished shortly.

I'll spoil the next update & tell you what I'm actually going to add to it: Killer/Deadly Queen & Hierophant Green Stands. Yes, more jojo references.
Same rules apply:have a correct name & you will get ability to summon your stand.

Thanks for reading.
See you in a few days.

EDIT:Appears as if I accidentaly uploaded buggy version of the mod. Please, restrain from updating to 0.2.2 for now.
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Update 0.2.3 Released!
-Fixed multiplayer syncing issues for The World Effect.
-Star Platinum can punch stuff in The World effect to deal massive damage after its end.
-New Stand - Hierophant Green.
You have to be named `Kakyoin` to be able to use it.
-Fixed some bugs that arised in 0.2.2 that I released on accident :<
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Hi! I'm really loving the mod so far. I'm wating for the staff's talents :guidegrin:. In the mean time, I feel like the spinning attack is very weak compared to the right click attack. And the staff right click maybe a little to good once you get some mana (?) at least for normal enemies, and maybe its intentional or not, but bosses that don't have multiple sections i.e (EoC, BoC, etc.) only take 1 hit from the staff's right click explotion, whereas bosses like EoW do get multiple ticks.

Keep up the nice work!.
Hi! I'm really loving the mod so far. I'm wating for the staff's talents :guidegrin:. In the mean time, I feel like the spinning attack is very weak compared to the right click attack. And the staff right click maybe a little to good once you get some mana (?) at least for normal enemies, and maybe its intentional or not, but bosses that don't have multiple sections i.e (EoC, BoC, etc.) only take 1 hit from the staff's right click explotion, whereas bosses like EoW do get multiple ticks.

Keep up the nice work!.
I thought I changed how AoE attack work for every boss, appears as if I forgot to change how it works for EoW & Destroyer.

It is intended, as it would massacre segmented bosses & normal bosses, given right talents.

AoE attack becomes way better when you unlock damage bonus talents for sword.

Staff will gets it talents after I'll finish adding Killer Queen stand(which still is missing a few sprites).
After that, I'll add proper way of obtaining weapons & talents for staff.

Thank you for positive feedback regarding my mod :3
Not sure if i'm dumb, but Kakoyin's stand doesn't appear to work, I've created a new character (and a new world just to be sure), it's named exactly "Kakoyin" checked it 3 times, and when i get into the world and press the button for summoning a stand, nothing happens

Although when i make a character named Jotaro the stand ability works perfectly

Am i doing something wrong ?
Not sure if i'm dumb, but Kakoyin's stand doesn't appear to work, I've created a new character (and a new world just to be sure), it's named exactly "Kakoyin" checked it 3 times, and when i get into the world and press the button for summoning a stand, nothing happens

Although when i make a character named Jotaro the stand ability works perfectly

Am i doing something wrong ?
Oh, rip, I forgot to mention that I fixed a typo xD
`Kakoyin` was a typo, use `Kakyoin` instead.
Also, don't update to for now, its bugged. I released update on accident. Wait 'till I fix everything.
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