tModLoader Dual Wielding

Amazing! I’ll suggest this to my friend who just got PC edition, he’ll be glad, also the mod can use a bit more logic, you can’t really pull a bow string while swinging.
View attachment 186653
I have found a visual bug. For some reason, even if I reload the mod, even if I restart the game, it kind of duplicates my character, and it's kinda stressing me out. :guidesad:

minor bug(i think)
when dual-wielding, there's a visual bug that makes it seem as though there's a copy of the player model positioned behind and slightly lower than the player

I am having this bug, and i am not getting any support.
View attachment 190411
See the two legs and the third hand, and the lower topper, and the legs ,and my soul

Visual bug that dupes character.

About the visual bug that dupes characters. I'm playing with a lot of mods (Like Calamity, Thorium, Elemental Unleashed, Forgotten Ages etc) and this visual bug was annoyng the hell outta me. After some testing, I found out that the bug doesn't appear when you only use Dual Wielding (in my case at least), and after testing every mod with Dual Wielding, seems like Thorium is causing the visual bug.
Just thought I'd throw this out, for anyone who's willing to try for themselves.
About the visual bug that dupes characters. I'm playing with a lot of mods (Like Calamity, Thorium, Elemental Unleashed, Forgotten Ages etc) and this visual bug was annoyng the hell outta me. After some testing, I found out that the bug doesn't appear when you only use Dual Wielding (in my case at least), and after testing every mod with Dual Wielding, seems like Thorium is causing the visual bug.
Just thought I'd throw this out, for anyone who's willing to try for themselves.
Thanks dude fixed the problem for me!
i hope the Throium guys can patch this
Hey... I'm having a little problem now. I have Thoruim and Calamity installed. when I duel wield I see 2 of my player?
I know it's a small thing but just tellling.
Hey... I'm having a little problem now. I have Thoruim and Calamity installed. when I duel wield I see 2 of my player?
I know it's a small thing but just tellling.
"About the visual bug that dupes characters. I'm playing with a lot of mods (Like Calamity, Thorium, Elemental Unleashed, Forgotten Ages etc) and this visual bug was annoyng the hell outta me. After some testing, I found out that the bug doesn't appear when you only use Dual Wielding (in my case at least), and after testing every mod with Dual Wielding, seems like Thorium is causing the visual bug.
Just thought I'd throw this out, for anyone who's willing to try for themselves."

Why does no one read?
I have also had a bug that causes the second item to be invisible, this has started to occur after transferring my save from my mac to my PC, it appears to be world specific.

EDIT: Apparently the fix for this is complaining here, because it fixed itself when I alt tabbed back in, Maybe this is caused by me switching from border less full screen to true full screen?
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When I use a boomerang with the right click, it always throws 2 boomerangs, even though i only have 1 on my inventory.
Hey, I personally think you should make the meteor guns DMG weaker because if you dual wield them while using the meteor set, there is basically no debuffs. The mana regen doesn't do anything if you use those weapons (meteor suit), the magic knockback for the space guns is extremely weak, and its a 4% critical chance without duel wielding it. It just seems OP.
Hey, I personally think you should make the meteor guns DMG weaker because if you dual wield them while using the meteor set, there is basically no debuffs. The mana regen doesn't do anything if you use those weapons (meteor suit), the magic knockback for the space guns is extremely weak, and its a 4% critical chance without duel wielding it. It just seems OP.

It is overpowered. I'm not sure why you would expect balance with this mod, it's basically purely to have a blast with wacky combinations of two weapons.
found a bug: it won't let me dual wielding I tried to restart my game reinstall the game and reinstall the mod too, but the thing didn't work.

so pls fix this
This is one of my favorite mods because it adds a feature that should've been here to begin with. But now when i try to load a world with the mod enabled the game crashes.
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