Early game masterpieces

Technically there's nothing stopping you from exploring hell without defeating any bosses... You wouldn't normally, but you certainly can. I tend to agree about the paintings and door though, I don't think I've ever seen those in the upper part of the dungeon.
Capture 2016-08-01 10_33_05.png
Capture 2016-08-01 10_20_57.png

kind of a two part piece.

there's a few things in the top part that are post-boss (eye of cthulhu trophy, alchemy stand, potentially the metal shelves) but this is actually a world that I'm playing on right now, so it's annoying to remove certain features.

I forget where I saw the crane/claw thing, but it's not my original design.
you have a few deeper dungeon pieces in there I think... most of the paintings are from the dungeon, and so is the dungeon door. there's also one painting from hell I think, but they're hardly integral pieces of the houses design, and the hell painting doesn't technically require a boss fight.

good build otherwise, nice simple early-game aesthetics with a lot of good details. :)
Nice catch, I wasn't familiar enough with the paintings to realize that. I agree though, it's the basic design that counts, and those are easily subbed :-)
View attachment 131379View attachment 131378
kind of a two part piece.

there's a few things in the top part that are post-boss (eye of cthulhu trophy, alchemy stand, potentially the metal shelves) but this is actually a world that I'm playing on right now, so it's annoying to remove certain features.

I forget where I saw the crane/claw thing, but it's not my original design.
I'm floored. This is brilliant.
I've started building again, so I'm casting Raise Thread. Here's some of my more recent work:

Spelunker's Supplies General Goods & Explosives
Spelunker's Supplies General Goods & Explosives.png

Regia Prodigialis is the world I'm working on for my queer gaming group on Facebook. Main base:
Regia Prodigialis main base Sep 29 2017.png

And again with wires:
Regia Prodigialis main base Sep 29 2017 (wire view).png

And here's the alchemy lab:
Alchemy Lab (Regia Prodigialis).png

And an overview of the herb farm (daybloom solarium, artificial cave for blinkroot/moonglow/deathweed, walk in freezer for Shiverthorn) plus the dryad's tree:
Herb farm (Regia Prodigialis).png

[Edit:] I forgot about the honey shrine. I wouldn't call this a masterpiece, but it turned out all right. The camera system didn't catch the honeyfalls; the blocks to either side of the dispenser are hammered to make endless honey waterfalls.
Honey shrine (dispenser & lake).png
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This is an end game character but I built this with a pre hardmode character before I beat any bosses I believe... it was kinda a while ago but extremely simple materials and design feel free to copy or improve
*casts Raise Thread*

Here's a snapshot of my very first serious base. You can see what used to be the stairs down before I had actuators - the visible house is the original guide hut, adapted for overflow storage. I abandoned the base and moved on to other worlds because I ran out of storage space and that hill was a PAIN to create. I did that entire hill by hand.
Capture 2020-05-02 01_01_46.png
Here's my version of a bare-bones noob house in a strict one-character world where I'm not importing anything:
Capture 2020-05-02 01_08_11.png
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This was an experiment with working with the topography (main spawn had a big ravine next to it) and building a base that's invisible from most angles outside - hidden in plain sight. Note the large number of entrances.
Capture 2020-05-02 01_10_24.png
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