Eye of Cthulhu
Do you want to get Ectoplasm easy and fast?
Notice:You can get also much money with this!
This farm makes ~50 Ectoplasm per Minute what my tests resulted(tested with death sickle, see below↓)
Well here's your guide:
•First you need to defeat Plantera to change the Dungeon to the "Hardmode Dungeon"(You'll need to go to the jungle Tempel for the traps, but you dont have to defeat Golem!)
•Then you need about 100 wire(that will be enough for sure!),a wire cutter and a green, blue and red wrench(+some blocks)
2.The building
I'll post 2 pictures here and describe what to do
The building itself
How you can see i used Lava, Flame-traps and Spiky ball traps to make it the most efficient i could.
1.Flatten a 17 blocks long area
2.Put two chest statues in it(let a few blocks air between them!)
3.Place 3 flame-traps on each side(make sure to make them facing the right direction!)
4.Place Spiky ball-traps all the way at the 4th layer
5.Place 3 1-second timers(1 right, 1center, 1left!)
(6.Put lava in,you can do this at the end as this could confuse you)
The wiring
!!Very important!! Watch out no timer is connected to another through the wiring
1.Connect the timers with the statues.
Important here:Watch out no colors are connected with the same on the other side of the statue!
I think it's easier just to copy it from the picture than doing it with a text, so i won't describe it here(If you want me to do ask in the comments!)
2.Connect the timers with the traps
•Connect the flame traps just straight away with the wires that are connected with the statues, but connect all the flame traps with the same color!(like i did with green)
•For the Spiky ball traps it's a little bit more "complicated" because you have to watch out not to connect the timers.
So what you do is to connect all the traps between the left and right timers together to the center one(with another color you connected the flame traps!) until you are 1 block away to the timers at the sides. At this point, you change the color(again another one than the one you used for the flame traps, what only lefts one out) and start connecting the rest oft the Spiky ball traps with the timer on which side you are.
And that's it!
You are done with your Ectoplasm(money) farm, just turn the timers on and farm it(you have to kill the Dungeon spirits yourself!)
As you have to kill the Dungeon spirits yourself, here are a few ways of doing it easily:
1.Death Sickle(generally weapons with projectiles which travel through Blocks)
Ar the legt or right of the box and shoot straight in it, so that the projectile will go through the whole box
Tiki armor or spooky armor(+accesories which grant +minions vor better minions stars) is recommended(maybe even neccesary)! Summon your minions into the box and let them do all the work(Raven Staff would be perfect, i guess Pygmy staff will do also very nice!)
A Frost Hydra will do nice extra damage!
I would have added a Video here, but the file is too big, sorry!
Please post any suggestions, questions or opinions in the comments!
I will really appreciate it!
Keep up the great work Terraria team!
Notice:You can get also much money with this!
This farm makes ~50 Ectoplasm per Minute what my tests resulted(tested with death sickle, see below↓)
Well here's your guide:
•First you need to defeat Plantera to change the Dungeon to the "Hardmode Dungeon"(You'll need to go to the jungle Tempel for the traps, but you dont have to defeat Golem!)
•Then you need about 100 wire(that will be enough for sure!),a wire cutter and a green, blue and red wrench(+some blocks)
2.The building
I'll post 2 pictures here and describe what to do
The building itself
1.Flatten a 17 blocks long area
2.Put two chest statues in it(let a few blocks air between them!)
3.Place 3 flame-traps on each side(make sure to make them facing the right direction!)
4.Place Spiky ball-traps all the way at the 4th layer
5.Place 3 1-second timers(1 right, 1center, 1left!)
(6.Put lava in,you can do this at the end as this could confuse you)
The wiring
!!Very important!! Watch out no timer is connected to another through the wiring
1.Connect the timers with the statues.
Important here:Watch out no colors are connected with the same on the other side of the statue!
I think it's easier just to copy it from the picture than doing it with a text, so i won't describe it here(If you want me to do ask in the comments!)
2.Connect the timers with the traps
•Connect the flame traps just straight away with the wires that are connected with the statues, but connect all the flame traps with the same color!(like i did with green)
•For the Spiky ball traps it's a little bit more "complicated" because you have to watch out not to connect the timers.
So what you do is to connect all the traps between the left and right timers together to the center one(with another color you connected the flame traps!) until you are 1 block away to the timers at the sides. At this point, you change the color(again another one than the one you used for the flame traps, what only lefts one out) and start connecting the rest oft the Spiky ball traps with the timer on which side you are.
And that's it!
You are done with your Ectoplasm(money) farm, just turn the timers on and farm it(you have to kill the Dungeon spirits yourself!)
As you have to kill the Dungeon spirits yourself, here are a few ways of doing it easily:
1.Death Sickle(generally weapons with projectiles which travel through Blocks)
Ar the legt or right of the box and shoot straight in it, so that the projectile will go through the whole box
Tiki armor or spooky armor(+accesories which grant +minions vor better minions stars) is recommended(maybe even neccesary)! Summon your minions into the box and let them do all the work(Raven Staff would be perfect, i guess Pygmy staff will do also very nice!)
A Frost Hydra will do nice extra damage!
I would have added a Video here, but the file is too big, sorry!
Please post any suggestions, questions or opinions in the comments!
I will really appreciate it!
Keep up the great work Terraria team!
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