End the universe

Fruit flies surround the planet, and eat it, preventing anything from extending it's lifespan, ending it.

This new one has dragons as the dominant species.
I'm not sure how reverse quantum physics would work, and as a result, it fails to sustainably exist.

This new universe has been dormant for about a month.
I warp into the universe like a suicide bomber, exploding everything. The universe freezes, then collapses back into a singularity.

in the new universe, everything has something to do with felines, and felines and their most common prey items are the only life forms
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The felines end up killing all the prey, then turning on each other, then they all died one way or another. the universe is barren and empty, and obsolete.

Dragons exist peacefully with humans in this universe.
And then the humans :red: it up, because of course they do.

Same thing as the last one, but with 50% less humans.
And then there's a war between them, and the humans screw it all up, and suddenly there's a pandemic that's extremely deadly, and everyone dies.

This universe has advanced space travel and it's just all the members of the forums.
dirt oof’s due to being stepped on

new universe is an empty void that has one star with one habitable planet.
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Well, Journey’s end is so epic that the fabric of the universe is ripped, creating a giant black hole that eats everything.

the new universe is cool and good
Everyone goes insane from sleep deprivation and kills eachother.

The universe contains only cats and an infinite amount of what they need to live.
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