Items Endless Rocket Canister

Because It wouldn't feel as an upgrade. With arrows and bullets you use them as usual - buy, shoot. With endless things you are getting an upgrade, which removes "buy" step. But since you will be able to get that right after first rocket weapon, It won't be an upgade, and Rockets I will become useless immedialty. Musket balls and Arrows is still useful, since you still can turn them into better ammo.
So, his and my point - there would be no point in having rockets 1 as a thing, we could just make cyborg sell endless rocket canistre instead.
My personal opinion - we shouldn't be able to craft it, but we should be able to buy it from ceyborg after, lets say, Martian invasion.
Of all the things..... I do feel like this is one viable answer he would still sell rocket 1's, but after the martian invasion you could buy a rocket canister for say..... 3 platinum it would be expensive, but at that point its not over the top, and considering the use it has, and the cost of the ammo its pretty fair
Of all the things..... I do feel like this is one viable answer he would still sell rocket 1's, but after the martian invasion you could buy a rocket canister for say..... 3 platinum it would be expensive, but at that point its not over the top, and considering the use it has, and the cost of the ammo its pretty fair
Three platinum isn't that expensive though
Of all the things..... I do feel like this is one viable answer he would still sell rocket 1's, but after the martian invasion you could buy a rocket canister for say..... 3 platinum it would be expensive, but at that point its not over the top, and considering the use it has, and the cost of the ammo its pretty fair
It should be roughly equivalent to the cost of 4 stacks of rocket Is. Or about 2 plat.
It should be roughly equivalent to the cost of 4 stacks of rocket Is. Or about 2 plat.
ehhhhh but i wouldn't mind paying a little extra for the utility, and since we don't have to buy a crystal ball for this recipe we could even factor in the price of one of those, and just say its 3 plat
ehhhhh but i wouldn't mind paying a little extra for the utility, and since we don't have to buy a crystal ball for this recipe we could even factor in the price of one of those, and just say its 3 plat
Crystal ball costs 10 Gold. 3996 Rocket Is cost- Oh hold on a tick, I fudged my math...
Oh damn. That's one hell of a misplaced decimal point. 3996 rocket Is cost 19 Gold, 98 Silver. Total 29.98 Gold. Tax included.
Crystal ball costs 10 Gold. 3996 Rocket Is cost- Oh hold on a tick, I fudged my math...
Oh damn. That's one hell of a misplaced decimal point. 3996 rocket Is cost 19 Gold, 98 Silver. Total 29.98 Gold. Tax included.
19 Gold, 98 Silver is a price good enough for a canister imo. If it was added, I'd like it to cost this much, or at most 1 Platinum with MitBoy's idea, though the classic crystal ball version seems better.
What could also be done would be:
After a martian invasion has been defeated, mechanic sells an empty canister which is a crafting material for endless canister and Cyborg starts selling Rocket V which are cluster bombs (same base damage and splash as rocket I, clusters deal 75% of total launcher + rocket damage but tiny blast radius).
But just combining 4 stacks of rocket I at a crystal ball to get a Canister would be fine since there is better ammo to be had.
I support this idea even if it's only for cleaning out slimes cuz let's face it who wants to kill slimes with bullets or arrows I mean you are creating a boss arena for whatever boss and there are slimes EVERYWHERE and you've got a hand gun on you I mean power complexes aside musket ammo is not aoe friendly I have a stash of crystal bullets the purpose of cleaning out slimes and every so often I have to replenish that stash it's boring that's why I want an endless rocket canister
Seriously we have a endless musket pouch, and an endless quiver, but what about the ranger subclass who specializes in rockets? Its not like they're super cheap or anything, and I hate having to constantly shuffle back to the cyborg to refill ammo.

It just needs to be the same as the others 4 stacks of Rocket I's and a crystal ball to make an item that looks like a rocket canister... Please think of the Rocket Launcher players~:cool:
U Know what? Thats Brilliant! having every Type of Infinite Ammo is always good..with this Item it would be finally Complete
Useless as everyone uses V3 rockets or better...
By this logic, the endless musket pouch is useless as well. If you don't care about the ammo being used, then it's fine.
Anyway, I see no reason as to why this shouldn't be added. It can't be used to grief, so that's a big plus.
Really cool concept. I think that each class having multiple sub-classes is pretty cool itself so I like your idea of improving sub-classes. Of course the way you obtain this rocket pouch should be a bit more difficult than the other ones and I can totally see this being in the game!

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I don't want to disturb anyone or force this upon anyone but I've just made a new YouTube account @ BreezyTV Terraria. Please check it out if you have the chance, currently only at one video but I am already working on more! :)
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See, I understand why the devs didn't add this to the game, but on the other hand, I agree that this needs to be a thing.

Perhaps the damage of the Rocket I's could be decreased slightly, in order to make up for the high damage, if that makes sense?

I would say 3 stacks of rocket i's are required, and they would do 22 damage each.

The formula is slightly altered in order to make up for the insane opness that this would do.
Sorry I just see this as something that is unnecessary and inferior when you can use rockets with a higher blast radius and base damage.
An endless rocket canister would be useless, until you run out of ammo.

Edit: that is the nature of the endless musket pouch as well, but I prefer to have the pouch on the bottom of my armory. Never know when ammo will go blank. Yes, you can refresh it if you remember, or do not go on long expeditions.

Endless quiver, however, good for one more reason: free arrows to craft with.

But, over these, the rocket canister would be far more valuable; rockets are more expensive, and are the only ammo for the proxy mine launcher.
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What's wrong with it? well... first of all... there is only 4 types of ammo for rockets so you are only losing out on a little base damage (comparing to loosing effects with musket punch and quiver). Second this suggestion will make the cyborg literally useless, as the only thing he sells is rockets and a single weapon.

'Do you have evidence to back up this claim or is it just speculation?' Here is the wiki count how many explosive weapons there are, then count the total bows/repeaters and bullet consuming guns. There are less rocket consuming weapons and that is indeed FACT and you cannot argue with FACT.
He sells more than that. He also sells Nanites.
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