OOC Eternal Halloween's Spooky OOC

Animus Viral

Torch God
It is a spooky day, where everyone dresses up, and becomes someone else.
Those who don't give out treats to the people who dress up.
And there are those who do horrible tricks instead, on those who are unsuspecting it.
But here, in the suburban community of Lamar, it's not one day. It's forever.
Eternal treats, eternal tricks, and everyone being who they want to be.
Houses mysteriously moving and swapping, allowing for the surprise of Halloween to keep going.
This is the place where magic is created, where imagination runs wild, and where the most cavities come from.

You can be whoever you want. You can make whatever spooky story you want. You can make almost anything happen.

This is Eternal Halloween.

Rules are simple.
Just make a character, and roleplay as them.
As long as they are not OP, it's okay.
Also no bunnying or Godmodding.
You may change the houses on the streets of Lamar at will, as long as no one is at said house.
Forum rules apply here.
No character limit.


Here's some FAQAWASLFAQPAFTIDAWABIAJTBT! (That's "Frequently Asked Questions As Well As Some Less Frequently Asked Questions Plus a Few Things I Doubt Anyone Would Ask But I Answered Just To Be Thorough.")
Q: Why did you make the RP on this day when you did?
A: I just got an idea and decided to make it. The End.

Q: Do I need to make an application for this?
A: No! You don't have to make an application. You can if you want, but you can include your character at any point in time without needing an application!

Q: What is roleplaying?
A: The act of performing the part of a person or character, in this case, it could be almost any character imaginable, as long they aren't overpowered.

Q: How can I tell if something is OP.
A: Usually, if it is unfair. However, that by itself isn't enough to warrant a punishment to the OP suspect. But if multiple people call it OP, then some action will be taken if the claims aren't absurd or just for kicks. This can range from a number of punishments. Hopefully, we don't need to see those.

Q: What is a high five?
A: It's a celebratory motion involving two people slapping hands with one another, usually with arms extended.

Q: Do you really believe someone doesn't know what a high five is?
A: I got enough questions about other random stuff in the past that I've learned to never assume anything.

And remember:
"Your words are powerful; write carefully, with precision and meaning. Use them to nurture, not destroy."
Silly and probably dumb question, but is this the reboot? I doubt it is, but eh. I'm curious.
im pretty sure this is just a halloween special. if its not then im going to feel pretty :red:ing stupid because uh....
i sent the strongest version of Program here.
It hasn't been one month yet since the reboot/remake was planned, which would be the release of the reboot/remake. So no, it's not the reboot. If it was, then I question my entire life and why did I make a halloween thingo for the entire reboot.
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