Blocks & Decoration Ethereal Blocks - Keep Away Those Ghosts


Are you tired of wraiths and reapers violently murdering your NPCs while blatantly disregarding the walls you've set up? Tired of putting your homes on background fence stilts to keep the abhorrent spirit creatures from ripping flesh off the bones of your screaming villagers? Me too. Introducing Ethereal Blocks.

1 ectoplasm
50 stone
Crafted at a Workbench.
Makes 50 ethereal stone


Ethereal Stone
*very faintly glows and pulses blue
*prevents no-clipping enemies from passing through them (does not apply to bosses/minibosses)
*prevents both player and (non-boss) enemy phasing projectiles from going through
*also prevents teleporting mobs from passing through (also does not apply to bosses/minibosses)
*may block worm enemies. Should it or should it not? Debate in the comments.
*depending on how wall hacks work, this might block wall hacking players

"Phases in and out of reality and the spirit plane."


Soul Forge
*Used to craft more Ethereal blocks and furniture
*Glows blue
*occasionally emits a small "ghost" particle effect

25 Ethereal Stone
5 torches


Ethereal Bricks
Works like the stone. Has a brick texture. Glows blue.


Ethereal Door
Blocks spirits. Glows blue.
"A door that's solid to ghosts. Good thing they don't know how to use a doorknob."

Ethereal Table
Glows blue. It's a table. It does table things. Not much to say here.

Ethereal Chair
Glows blue. It's a chair.
"Finally, a place for a non-corporeal being to sit."

Ethereal Bed
Glows blue. Works like any other bed.
"Sleep easy on a mattress stuffed with the screaming souls of the dead."

Ethereal Candle
"Its light illuminates both reality and the spirit world."

Ethereal Paint
Crafted from 15 empty paint buckets (sold by the Painter) and one ectoplasm. Makes 15.

Allows you to paint any block to have Ethereal powers and glow.

Ethereal Actuator
Crafted from 15 actuators and 1 ectoplasm. Makes 15.
Makes blocks have Ethereal powers. Turning them off deactivates the block from blocking both ghosts and normal creatures.

I'll add more to this later, but I think the concept is ready for posting now. I'll be adding some sprites later, but if anyone else wants to contribute, that'd be awesome.
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sounds useful though as for me i wouldnt use it as i build my npc houses in safe places. also even though it makes sense i dont think the ectoplasm should be there and maybe use another sort of material that isnt so end game
I would nerf this abit since it's a little OP.

5 Ectoplasm + 50 Stone = 50 Ethereal Stone
How is it OP? It's a block that keeps a early hardmode enemy from killing your NPCs. Wraiths are pests at endgame, and reapers are trivial.

As for the actual suggestion. It sounds good. Even if I never had a problem with Wraiths due to all my houses being on stilts
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I like it. You said all noclip enemies but bosses; does that include worms? Just asking.

Even though worms aren't ghosts, the whole "blocks ghosts" thing is mainly just flavor text anyway, so I suppose so.

Edit- truffle worms would be able to go through them. No easy worm farms where they can't escape.
Wraiths are annoying as hayo. Normally, though, I just sort of deal with it. Support nonetheless.
I honestly think this in an excellent idea! I entirely support this.

As much as i would love to see little "ghost particles" emit from the Soul Forge.
I don't think that should be what crafts all the other furniture, blocks, ect...
Maybe it could be like an Ethereal crafting bench.
Unlessss you were crafting all the other things (furniture) with just purely stone instead of wood. Then i could see that.

And maybe since it has an amazing pro.
Could we try to balance it out some? Possibly?
Like give it a con.
If you have any of these things placed they would give off the Water Candle debuf?

I don't know guys. lol
I'm just spit-balling

Thumbs up! :guidegrin:
I honestly think this in an excellent idea! I entirely support this.

As much as i would love to see little "ghost particles" emit from the Soul Forge.
I don't think that should be what crafts all the other furniture, blocks, ect...
Maybe it could be like an Ethereal crafting bench.
Unlessss you were crafting all the other things (furniture) with just purely stone instead of wood. Then i could see that.

And maybe since it has an amazing pro.
Could we try to balance it out some? Possibly?
Like give it a con.
If you have any of these things placed they would give off the Water Candle debuf?

I don't know guys. lol
I'm just spit-balling

Thumbs up! :guidegrin:

I mainly used Soul Forge because I thought it was a cool sounding name, honestly. The furniture is all built of the stone, though.

A debuff might be a good idea, but water candle seems too harsh. Maybe slightly increased spawning of wraith-type enemies, so leaving your wraith-proof building is more dangerous?
I mainly used Soul Forge because I thought it was a cool sounding name, honestly. The furniture is all built of the stone, though.

A debuff might be a good idea, but water candle seems too harsh. Maybe slightly increased spawning of wraith-type enemies, so leaving your wraith-proof building is more dangerous?
There we go! I think that fits rather well.

I don't blame you on the name "Soul Forge"
I also like the name.
I'm not sure we need a block that can block all block ignoring enemies. Block. (NO BOSS BLOCKING)
I definitely support the addition of it to keep out non-boss mobs, that would be very neat. I was just thinking how useful that would be yesterday, when an NPC of mine died because I knock-backed a wraith in my own home.
I would definitely encase my actuator doors with this.

I usually just go away from my npc village when there's an event going on though. But that gets annoying so +1 support.
We I need this.

Anyway, I do like this. Even though my npc's are very safe, on occasion some wraith manages to fly from the building next-door right in the middle of my npc's. (Although this depends on my location inside my home.
I'd also definitely put these around my basement, so I can work in peace, even during events.

I take it worms are excluded, since they're not ethereal, and the same goes for wyverns? Good. :guidesmile:

(Actually, it's not so much a solid idea, but whatever.)
By far one of the best and most useful suggestions so far!
I'd love to block off em evil wall passer spirits while have a cool brick.
Could you make the crafting a little more hard though becuz it is so OP it should have a harder crafting recipe.
I think Thanks!
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