tModLoader Expeditions Mod - Modular Quest System

I use a PC. This is my first time downloading a mob for steam, I can't seem to get it to work. I use version 1.3.4. Can I have help downloading it? Need help as soon as possible. Thanks!
Just wanted to say that this is a phenomenal mod. A tad bit buggy at this current state, but I don't think I'll be able to play without it anymore. It actually gives me a sense of direction, which Terraria is sorely lacking if you're not just looking stuff up on the Wiki.

Keep up the outstanding work, and I'm hoping that we'll see some content packs that integrate other mods, either from you or others!
When I brought a photo of a wall creeper in for a side-quest, the expedition board wouldn't accept it. Can you please do something about this?
Yeah I found the bug (haha), thanks for reminding me about this! It was actually something I was sorely aware of when coding then completely forgot when implementing. Would you believe testing is not my forte?

Just wanted to say that this is a phenomenal mod. A tad bit buggy at this current state, but I don't think I'll be able to play without it anymore. It actually gives me a sense of direction, which Terraria is sorely lacking if you're not just looking stuff up on the Wiki.

Keep up the outstanding work, and I'm hoping that we'll see some content packs that integrate other mods, either from you or others!
Aww thanks <3, tbh most of the quests are based off the 'pedia and this guide.
The plan for this mod is to do a bit more testing, finish up the main questline, and finish the various sidequests that are half complete right now. I think @Sapharan had a plan that involved soft integration with this one after updating LoT3 (which is a really quality mod for mythology and stuff, check it out!)
Updated the base mod to 2.0.2 to fix bug/potential exploit reported by @Sos339

might i suggest a stamp album for the loot pool ?
What do you mean? If you mean more stuff like photo albums, that's planned already but part of a questline
Updated Base mod to 2.0.4 (345KB)
Changelogs (together to avoid spam). Basically, stability updates and bug fixes.

Expeditions Base updated to 2.0.3
  • Fix multiplayer expeditions resetting (thanks Sos339!)
  • Code refactoring from 2.0.1
Expeditions Base updated to 2.0.4
  • Fix item duplication glitch
  • Fix quests resetting on death
Updated Base mod to 2.0.4 (345KB)
Changelogs (together to avoid spam). Basically, stability updates and bug fixes.

Expeditions Base updated to 2.0.3
  • Fix multiplayer expeditions resetting (thanks Sos339!)
  • Code refactoring from 2.0.1
Expeditions Base updated to 2.0.4
  • Fix item duplication glitch
  • Fix quests resetting on death
looking forward to the content mod update :3
More of a hassle than anything fun, really... the expeditions reset constantly. By the time I have a mouse for one exped or a picture of a flying snake for another, the list of expeds has changed. Pictures cannot be stored; they revert to film when put in a chest, so I can't save pics for the next time the exped rolls around for it, unless I want an inventory full of random pictures. Also, my exped list gets swamped with "starter" expeds like the greeter one or the one to turn in an Iron Crate... which re-occur every day (twice a day, maybe? Not sure.) Also, I finally managed to unlock the Enchanted Lens in the shop... but, the next time the exped list rolled over, it re-locked.

It's just not very fun. I grabbed a mess of the Relic Boxes for chuckles... they're massively unbalanced, by the way (who needs 587 Obsidian Chairs?!?)... but I think I'm going to remove it. Definitely needs polish.
I have been enjoying the mod except a few hiccups. When I log in I cannot use the buttons on the expedition screen. I have to keep fiddling with it till it starts working again. I'm not sure what causes it to work again. The other is the same and the guy above me... the picture quests are very buggy. I think if the picture quick stack to a chest they clear. If I place them in the chest they seem ok but if I have a picture and the quest comes up I cannot seem to turn them in. It's like it don't count unless I go out and take the picture while the quest is active. I have a couple quests that aren't working well. I don't remember them except one though. I have the explore the floating island quest and I have, and it has a X on the objective but still says in progress...
I'm still enjoying the mod even with the bugs. Yeah the boxes are pretty ridiculous sometimes.... I got like 50 palm doors and 80 banners of something. I don't really mind. I sell what I can or save it for base building. Sometimes I wish there was a better item in them.
Yeah it is still very buggy - been trying to get the thing stable but at some point I think it may reach a critical point of just not working. I don't want to abandon the mod, I'm just not sure I have the time to test and fix things constantly. Hence why there's a big emphasis on the mod being in development I guess. Cross fingers and hope!

Regarding boxes, I still haven't figured a good way to distribute items from them and I think I may just default it to some set item pools for the sake of balance and future management.

ALSO: When you report bugs you may need to tell me which version you are running, because there are specific bugs that may phase in or out depending on it. The reset bug as far as I know is caused by dying, and I think I fixed it in the current version.
is the one in the mod browser outdated?? I don't seem to have all those cameras or anything...
Update For Base and Content:
Expedition Base (346KB)
Expedition Content (990KB)

  • Add ability to drag the window.
  • Add new button to filter tracked only.
  • Modify logic to the Rusted/Relic Box reward pool code, rewards better items and less trash.
  • Fix expedition board not using anyWood for crafting.
  • Fix UI issue when clicking complete button under certain conditions.
  • Add invasion moon quests.
  • Add new photo album quests which grant snazzy collectible vendor trash.
  • Add Dye Trader daily quests.
  • Add Dryad botany quest.
  • Add Wizard enchanted shrine quest.
  • Add Clerk quests.
  • Adjust album prices.
  • Modify photo code to be much more multiplayer friendly. Still super janky (see known issues).
  • Modify cloud checking quest to be easier to trigger.
  • Modify several quests to prevent disappearing upon near completion.
  • Split critter photo quests into smaller segments.
  • Fix missing trade quests.
  • Fix meteorite quest not triggering correctly.
  • Fix quests involving spiders not including spiders on walls.
  • Fix various typos caused by writing half asleep.
  • Fix hellforge quest not using correct conditions.
  • Fix certain daily photo quests not checking for the right NPC.
  • Fix boss challenge quest checks being unreliable.
  • Fix a hardmode quest not auto-completing.
  • Fix wording and typos caused by being half-asleep.
  • Known Issue: Photos can't be bought back from store properly.
  • Known Issue: Photos don't display properly in chat.
Good lordy lord I'm tired. Please break everything so I have to fix it again...
I just pulled a quasars flare bow from a rusted box, bow is post endgame weapon from thorium. *Also a bunny cannon, which is vanilla i think.
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