Expert Mode Multiplayer Boss Health Scaling

I hope you did not put in all that work for single player bosses because most of those are on the wiki by now :guidegrin:. But thanks for the data I will add it now.

Its no problem, this is interesting to know about, and I am curious if there is a formula to how these bosses get increased with more players. Hopefully having more data will make it easier to analyze. Managed to find more data based on a 3 player video along with some of my personal multiplayer experiences.

Retinazer for sure has 40499 hp with 2 players I took a clear screenshot to confirm it this time

Spazmatism: 46574 (2 Players)

From various videos:

Retinazer: 57499 (3 Players)
Spazmatism: 66124 (3 Players)

Skeletron Prime Head: 80499 (3 Players)

Plantera: 80499 (3 Players)

Duke Fishron: 157666 (4 Players)

Golem Head: 45999 (3 Players)
Golem Body: 25874 (3 Players)
Golem Fist: 20124 (3 Players)
I am glad someone is helping collect data and enjoys it. Me and my friends should be on soon to collect more data.
Managed to collect some more data both from personal experiences and videos. There's also some very big numbers that are estimates. I'll specify which ones are estimates with an unknown amount of players.

From experience:
Queen Bee: 9123 (3 Players)

Skeletron Prime (Managed to collect most body parts for 2 Players)
Skeletron Prime Head: 56699 (2 Players)
Prime Cannon: 14174 (2 Players)
Prime Laser: 12149 (2 Players)
Prime Vice: 18224 (2 Players)
I didn't catch a screen shot of Prime Saw's Health but because it always seems to be the same as Prime Vice it is safe to assume Prime Saw is 18224 with 2 Players

From Videos:

Skeletron Head: 11827 (2 Players)
Skeletron Hand: 2105 (2 Players)

Duke Fishron: 80999 (2 Players)

Because Skeletron Prime Head and Plantera always seem to have the same amount of health (confirmed for Normal Mode, and Expert 1 player and 3 player) it should be safe to assume that Plantera with 2 Players has 56699 hp.

In this video and this video Plantera is shown in 2 different instances with a ton of health. One with 449680 and the other with 645416. The Uploader didn't say anywhere in the videos or descriptions how many players there were when Plantera was summoned. (Also some players left and joined during the video which makes it even harder) Based on the ingame world map that was shown for a second I have counted at least 12 players for the video with 449680 hp It will help to get extra eyes to analyze these videos as well since this appears to be a big server.
I counted 15 for the first video and 19 for the second by county the different player names, but there is no way of knowing how many players there were when they summoned plantera. Just Updated the ton of data hope I'm not forgetting anything :O. And man does plantera have a lot of health. I am curios to see a boss with over a million now.
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Sorry for the bumping of a long dead thread, but I've been working on this for a while. I've been compiling a spreadsheet of each boss, their HP in normal, HP in expert, and scaling HP as players go up. I have all the values for each boss up to 6 players. However, I do not have proof as I didn't actually screenshot each one. But I loaded a Terraria server (through TShock), then logged in with multiple clients, spawned each boss, and recorded the data. I had to stop at 6 because my PC was lagging hardcore at 6 and didn't really wanna try 7. lol

I will post all my data inside a spoiler, to avoid a huge long post.
King Slime
Normal - 2,000
Expert 1p - 2,800
2p - 3,779
3p - 5,366
4p - 7,357
5p - 9,618
6p - 12,059

Eye of Cthulhu
Normal - 2,800
Expert 1p - 3,640
2p - 4,913
3p - 6,976
4p - 9,565
5p - 12,504
6p - 15,676

Eater of Worlds (Total, Head, Body, Tail)
Normal - 7,485 | 65 | 150 | 220
Expert 1p - 10,479 | 91 | 210 | 308
2p - 14,121 | 122 | 283 | 415
3p - 20,060 | 174 | 402 | 590
4p - 27,496 | 239 | 551 | 809
5p - 35,978 | 312 | 721 | 1,058
6p - 45,109 | 391 | 904 | 1,326

Brain of Cthulhu (Creepers have 100HP on Normal, and 200HP on Expert, no scaling)
Normal - 1,000
Expert 1p - 1,700
2p - 2,299
3p - 3,258
4p - 4,467
5p - 5,839
6p - 7,321

Queen Bee
Normal - 3,400
Expert 1p - 4,760
2p - 6,425
3p - 9,123
4p - 12,508
5p - 16,351
6p - 20,500

Skeletron (Total, Head, Hand)
Normal - 5,600 | 4,400 | 600
Expert 1p - 11,920 | 8,800 | 1,560
2p - 16,037 | 11,827 | 2,105
3p - 22,844 | 16,866 | 2,989
4p - 31,322 | 23,124 | 4,099
5p - 40,945 | 30,229 | 5,358
6p - 51,335 | 37,899 | 6,718

Wall of Flesh
Normal - 8,000
Expert 1p - 11,200
2p - 15,119
3p - 21,466
4p - 29,431
5p - 38,474
6p - 48,236

The Twins (Total, Retinazer, Spazmatism)
Normal - 43,000 | 20,000 | 23,000
Expert 1p - 64,500 | 30,000 | 34,500
2p - 87,073 | 40,499 | 46,574
3p - 123,623 | 57,499 | 66,124
4p - 169,491 | 78,833 | 90,658
5p - 221,568 | 103,055 | 118,513
6p - 277,787 | 129,203 | 148,584

The Destroyer
Normal - 80,000
Expert 1p - 120,000
2p - 161,999
3p - 229,999
4p - 315,333
5p - 412,222
6p - 516,814

Skeletron Prime (Total, Head, Cannon, Laser, Vice, Saw)
Normal - 59,000 | 28,000 | 7,000 | 6,000 | 9,000 | 9,000
Expert 1p - 88,500 | 42,000 | 10,500 | 9,000 | 13,500 | 13,500
2p - 119,470 | 56,699 | 14,174 | 12,149 | 18,224 | 18,224
3p - 169,620 | 80,499 | 20,124 | 17,249 | 25,874 | 25,874
4p - 232,564 | 110,366 | 27,591 | 23,649 | 35,474 | 35,474
5p - 304,010 | 144,277 | 36,069 | 30,916 | 46,374 | 46,374
6p - 381,149 | 180,885 | 45,221 | 38,761 | 58,141 | 58,141

Normal - 30,000
Expert 1p - 42,000
2p - 56,699
3p - 80,499
4p - 110,366
5p - 144,277
6p - 180,885

Golem (Total, Head, Body, Fist)
Normal - 39,000 | 16,000 | 9,000 | 7,000
Expert 1p - 58,500 | 24,000 | 13,500 | 10,500
2p - 78,971 | 32,399 | 18,224 | 14,174
3p - 112,121 | 45,999 | 25,874 | 20,124
4p - 153,722 | 63,066 | 35,474 | 27,591
5p - 200,956 | 82,444 | 46,374 | 36,069
6p - 251,945 | 103,362 | 58,141 | 45,221

Duke Fishron
Normal - 50,000
Expert 1p - 60,000
2p - 80,999
3p - 114,999
4p - 157,666
5p - 206,111
6p - 258,407

Lunatic Cultist
Normal - 32,000
Expert 1p - 40,000
2p - 53,999
3p - 76,666
4p - 105,111
5p - 137,407
6p - 172,271

Moon Lord (Total, Head, Hand, Core)
Normal - 145,000 | 45,000 | 25,000 | 50,000
Expert 1p - 217,500 | 67,500 | 37,500 | 75,000
2p - 293,621 | 91,124 | 50,624 | 101,249
3p - 416,871 | 129,374 | 71,874 | 143,749
4p - 571,539 | 177,374 | 98,541 | 197,083
5p - 747,150 | 231,874 | 128,819 | 257,638
6p - 936,725 | 290,708 | 161,504 | 323,009

Normal - 50,000
Expert 1p - 75,000
2p - 101,249
3p - 143,749
4p - 197,083
5p - 257,638
6p - 323,009

I didn't include the other event bosses, because they don't have scaling HP. I spawned a pumpking with 5 players and its HP was still 28,600 like in singleplayer. I hope this data proves useful to someone.
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Here's some percentage math for the Eye of Cthulhu:

Normal mode - 2800 (100%) [77% of expert]

Expert mode:
1 Player - 3640 (130% of normal) [100%]
2 Player - 4913 (176% of normal, 135% of 1 player) [135% of 1 player expert, +35% added base health per player (1 player being 100%)]
3 Player - 6976 (250% of normal, 142% of 2 players) [192% of 1 player expert, +46% added base health per player]
4 Player - 9565 (342% of normal, 137% of 3 players) [263% of 1 player expert, +54% added base health per player]
5 Player - 12504 (447% of normal, 131% of 4 players) [344% of 1 player expert, +61% added base health per new player]

Green is the percentage of health compared to the base normal mode HP.
Yellow is the percentage of health compared to the previous amount of health (-1 player), in expert
Red is the percentage of health compared to the base expert mode HP.
Orange is the added base health per new player, at that amount of players, in relation to the base expert mode HP

This appears to be a curve. There's probably a function for it or something, but I can't figure it out. But with each new player, it seems to get just harder, adding more weight for each already existing player to carry. I will take a wild guess based on my existing knowledge of curves and say that the increased added base health per new player caps at about 7 players, then starts going down. Making it so that, after 7 players, every new player just makes it easier.
An exponential or a Logarithmic curve sort of thing? I wouldn't mind a Log formula, all things considered. Exponential on the other hand...
First of all, sorry for necroing an old thread, but the question proposed in the OP has been bothering me for a while

I did try first as you guys did, via regression and datapoints try to find out how boss health scales, but i found that nothing would fit, exponential, logaritmical and all the other forms of regression i could think of. This frustated me to no end, so i decided to check the source code of terraria.

And lo and behold, there is actually no set scaling for each boss, they are each scaled seperatly. While im no expert in C# i got it figured out
Computer speech from here on, ill try to make it understandable for all

Read a bit more in the code, and found that the base health is multiplied by 2 before it gets mutated by scaleStats

        when an npc is spawned and expert mode is active there is called a scaleStats function that scales the stats of the NPC
        there is different scaling for just about every NPC, and special rules apply for bosses
      int num4 = 0;                //holds the amount of players ingame
      float num5 = 1f;            //scale modifier 1
      float num6 = 0.35f;        //scale modifier 2
      if (Main.netMode != 0)
        //finds amount of players
        for (int index = 0; index < (int) byte.MaxValue; ++index)
          if (Main.player[index].active)
        //mutates num5 and num6 according to how many players there are
        for (int index = 1; index < num4; ++index)
          num5 += num6;        //adds num6s value to num5
          num6 += (float) ((1.0 - (double) num6) / 3.0);    //num6 gets added on itself according to the formula (1-perVal)/3, the (float) and (double) is just data types
        //now num5 is mutated and ready to be used as a HP modifier
      //rescales num5 if it is not within 8 and 1000, presumably to prevent ridicilous numbers
      if ((double) num5 > 8.0)
        num5 = (float) (((double) num5 * 2.0 + 8.0) / 3.0);
      if ((double) num5 > 1000.0)
        num5 = 1000f;

      /*from here on the code checks manually which boss we are talking about
        this.type refers to the NPC id
      type 5 is the servants of cthulhu*/
      if (this.type == 5)
        this.lifeMax = (int) ((double) this.lifeMax * 0.75);
      //and type 4 is EoC
      if (this.type == 4)
        //takes the default maxHp, multiplies by a float, in this case 0.65, this is presumably tested on  boss by boss basis to provide good balance
        //it is then multiplies by num5, the mutator created earlier
        this.lifeMax = (int) ((double) this.lifeMax * 0.65 * (double) num5);
      //EoW, the bodyparts have the IDs 13 through 15
      if (this.type >= 13 && this.type <= 15)
        this.lifeMax = (int) ((double) this.lifeMax * 0.7 * (double) num5);
        if (this.type == 13)
          this.damage = (int) ((double) this.damage * 1.1);
        if (this.type == 14)
          this.damage = (int) ((double) this.damage * 0.8);
        if (this.type == 15)
          this.damage = (int) ((double) this.damage * 0.8);
        this.scale = this.scale * 1.2f;
        this.defense = this.defense + 2;
      //this goes on and on but you get the idea

I'll write a small webapp later so ppl can mess around with the health scaling
As a final note, ill add my dissapointment that the health isnt determined by a logarithmic function as it would probably be more efficent and look nicer codewise, but hey ive been guilty of doing :red: like this myself so i cant really blame relogic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Also, screw their indentation

Here is a crappy JSbin allowing you to check how expert boss hp scales in MP
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I did the math for every boss in Expert and Master Mode for 1-9 players, including 1.4 changes. Terraria will truncate the final values so decimals in the final answers are ignored (basically they're rounded down only at the end of the calculation). Terraria also uses a different formula of some sort for bosses' health when there is 10 or more players, hence why I only calculated their health for 1-9 players.

(Edit: I added in Deerclops and the For The Worthy (FTW) values)
(Edit 2: I corrected all typos in the results)
(Edit 3: Applied Labour of Love (1.4.4) changes affecting Brain of Cthulhu, Golem, Duke Fishron and Lunatic Cultist)
Edit 4: Put a Spoiler Button for each one in attempt to shorten the size of this post)

(Note: FTW Wall of Flesh gets 1.5x health boost on top of FTW Expert's 1.5x multiplier or FTW Master's 1.333x multipier)
(Note: FTW Brain of Cthulhu spawns with double the amount of creepers than normal (40 instead of 20))

Expert Mode / Master Mode / Expert FTW / Master FTW

King Slime
1 Player - 2800 hp / 3570 hp / 4200 hp / 4760 hp
2 Player - 3780 hp / 4819 hp / 5670 hp / 6426 hp
3 Player - 5366 hp / 6482 hp / 8050 hp / 9123 hp
4 Player - 7357 hp / 9381 hp / 11,036 hp / 12,058 hp
5 Player - 9618 hp / 12,263 hp / 14,427 hp / 16,351 hp
6 Player - 12,059 hp / 15,375 hp / 18,088 hp / 20,500 hp
7 Player - 14,619 hp / 18,621 hp / 21,929 hp / 24,852 hp
8 Player - 17,259 hp / 22,005 hp / 25,889 hp / 29,341 hp
9 Player - 19,953 hp / 25,440 hp / 29,929 hp / 33,920 hp
Eye of Cthulhu
1 Player - 3640 hp / 4641 hp / 5460 hp / 6188 hp
2 Player - 4914 hp / 6265 hp / 7371 hp / 8353 hp
3 Player - 6976 hp / 8895 hp / 10,465 hp / 11,860 hp
4 Player - 9565 hp / 12,195 hp / 14,347 hp / 16,260 hp
5 Player - 12,504 hp / 15,942 hp / 18,756 hp / 21,256 hp
6 Player - 15,676 hp / 19,987 hp / 23,515 hp / 26,650 hp
7 Player - 19,005 hp / 24,231 hp / 28,507 hp / 32,308 hp
8 Player - 22,437 hp / 28,607 hp / 33,656 hp / 38,143 hp
9 Player - 25,938 hp / 33,072 hp / 38,908 hp / 44,096 hp
(pre-1.4) Eater of Worlds
1 Player - 10,479 hp (Head - 91 hp, Body - 210 hp, Tail - 308 hp)
2 Player - 14,121 hp (Head - 122 hp, Body - 283 hp, Tail - 415 hp)
3 Player - 20,060 hp (Head - 174 hp, Body - 402 hp, Tail - 590 hp)
4 Player - 27,544 hp (Head - 239 hp, Body - 552 hp, Tail - 809 hp)
5 Player - 35,979 hp (Head - 313 hp, Body - 721 hp, Tail - 1058 hp)
6 Player - 45,110 hp (Head - 392 hp, Body - 904 hp, Tail - 1326 hp)
7 Player - 54,691 hp (Head - 475 hp, Body - 1096 hp, Tail - 1608 hp)
8 Player - 64,572 hp (Head - 561 hp, Body - 1294 hp, Tail - 1899 hp)
9 Player - 74,650 hp (Head - 648 hp, Body - 1496 hp, Tail - 2194 hp)
(1.4) Eater of Worlds
1 Player - 15,120 hp (Each Segment - 210 hp) / 19,224 hp (Each Segment - 267 hp) / 22,680 hp (Each Segment - 315 hp) / 25,704 hp (Each Segment - 357 hp)
2 Player - 20,376 hp (Each Segment - 283 hp) / 25,920 hp (Each Segment - 360 hp) / 30,600 hp (Each Segment - 425 hp) / 34,623 hp (Each Segment - 481 hp)
3 Player - 28,944 hp (Each Segment- 402 hp) / 36,792 hp (Each Segment - 511 hp) / 43,416 hp (Each Segment - 603 hp) / 49,248 hp (Each Segment - 684 hp)
4 Player - 39,672 hp (Each Segment - 551 hp) / 50,472 hp (Each Segment - 701 hp) / 59,544 hp (Each Segment - 827 hp) / 67,536 hp (Each Segment - 938 hp)
5 Player - 51,912 hp (Each Segment - 721 hp) / 66,024 hp (Each Segment - 917 hp) / 77,904 hp (Each Segment - 1082 hp) / 88,272 hp (Each Segment - 1226 hp)
6 Player - 65,088 hp (Each Segment - 904 hp) / 82,728 hp (Each Segment - 1149 hp) / 97,632 hp (Each Segment - 1356 hp) / 110,664 hp (Each Segment - 1537 hp)
7 Player - 78,912 hp (Each Segment - 1096 hp) / 100,368 hp (Each Segment - 1394 hp) / 118,368 hp (Each Segment - 1644 hp) / 134,136 hp (Each Segment - 1863 hp)
8 Player - 93,168 hp (Each Segment - 1294 hp) / 118,440 hp (Each Segment - 1645 hp) / 139,752 hp (Each Segment - 1941 hp) / 158,400 hp (Each Segment - 2200 hp)
9 Player - 107,712 hp (Each Segment - 1496 hp) / 136,944 hp (Each Segment - 1902 hp) / 161,568 hp (Each Segment - 2244 hp) / 183,168 hp (Each Segment - 2544 hp)
(1.4.4) Brain of Cthulhu
1 Player - 5525 hp (Each Creeper - 170 hp, Brain - 2125 hp) / 7029 hp (Each Creeper - 216 hp, Brain - 2709 hp)
/ 13,387 hp (Each Creeper - 255 hp, Brain - 3187 hp) / 15,172 hp (Each Creeper - 289 hp, Brain - 3612 hp)
2 Player - 7448 hp (Each Creeper - 229 hp, Brain - 2868 hp) / 9497 hp (Each Creeper - 292 hp, Brain - 3657 hp)
/ 18,603 hp (Each Creeper - 344 hp, Brain - 4303 hp) / 20,476 hp (Each Creeper - 390 hp, Brain - 4876 hp)
3 Player - 10,572 hp (Each Creeper - 325 hp, Brain - 4072 hp) / 13,492 hp (Each Creeper - 415 hp, Brain - 5192 hp)
/ 25,629 hp (Each Creeper - 488 hp, Brain - 6109 hp) / 29,043 hp (Each Creeper - 553 hp, Brain - 6923 hp)
4 Player - 14,504 hp (Each Creeper - 446 hp, Brain - 5584 hp) / 18,499 hp (Each Creeper - 569 hp, Brain - 7119 hp)
/ 35,176 hp (Each Creeper - 670 hp, Brain - 8376 hp) / 39,852 hp (Each Creeper - 759 hp, Brain - 9492 hp)
5 Player - 18,959 hp (Each Creeper - 583 hp, Brain - 7299 hp) / 24,187 hp (Each Creeper - 744 hp, Brain - 9307 hp)
/ 45,949 hp (Each Creeper - 875 hp, Brain - 10,949 hp) / 52,089 hp (Each Creeper - 992 hp, Brain - 12,409 hp)
6 Player - 23,791 hp (Each Creeper - 732 hp, Brain - 9151 hp) / 30,328 hp (Each Creeper - 933 hp, Brain - 11,668 hp)
/ 57,647 hp (Each Creeper - 1098 hp, Brain - 13,727 hp) / 65,318 hp (Each Creeper - 1244 hp, Brain - 15,558 hp)
7 Player - 28,835 hp (Each Creeper - 887 hp, Brain - 11,095 hp) / 36,766 hp (Each Creeper - 1131 hp, Brain - 14,146 hp)
/ 69,882 hp (Each Creeper - 1331 hp, Brain - 16,642 hp) / 79,181 hp (Each Creeper - 1508 hp, Brain - 18,861 hp)
8 Player - 34,038 hp (Each Creeper - 1047 hp, Brain - 13,098 hp) / 43,420 hp (Each Creeper - 1336 hp, Brain - 16,700 hp)
/ 82,488 hp (Each Creeper - 1571 hp, Brain - 19,648 hp) / 93,507 hp (Each Creeper - 1781 hp, Brain - 22,267 hp)
9 Player - 39,362 hp (Each Creeper - 1211 hp, Brain - 15,142 hp) / 50,187 hp (Each Creeper - 1544 hp, Brain - 19,307 hp)
/ 95,394 hp (Each Creeper - 1817 hp, Brain - 22,714 hp) / 108,102 hp (Each Creeper - 2059 hp, Brain - 25,742 hp)
Queen Bee
1 Player - 4760 hp / 6069 hp / 7140 hp / 8092 hp
2 Player - 6426 hp / 8193 hp / 9639 hp / 10,924 hp
3 Player - 9123 hp / 11,632 hp / 13,685 hp / 15,509 hp
4 Player - 12,508 hp / 15,974 hp / 18,762 hp / 21,263 hp
5 Player - 16,351 hp / 20,848 hp / 24,527 hp / 27,797 hp
6 Player - 20,500 hp / 26,137 hp / 30,750 hp / 34,850 hp
7 Player - 24,852 hp / 31,687 hp / 37,279 hp / 42,249 hp
8 Player - 29,341 hp / 37,410 hp / 44,011 hp / 49,880 hp
9 Player - 33,920 hp / 43,248 hp / 50,880 hp / 57,664 hp
Skeletron (Head)
1 Player - 8800 hp / 11,220 hp / 13,200 hp / 14,960 hp
2 Player - 11,880 hp / 15,147 hp / 17,820 hp / 20,196 hp
3 Player - 16,866 hp / 21,505 hp / 25,300 hp / 28,673 hp
4 Player - 23,124 hp / 29,483 hp / 34,686 hp / 39,311 hp
5 Player - 30,229 hp / 38,542 hp / 45,344 hp / 51,390 hp
6 Player - 37,899 hp / 48,322 hp / 56,849 hp / 64,429 hp
7 Player - 45,946 hp / 58,581 hp / 68,919 hp / 78,109 hp
8 Player - 54,244 hp / 69,161 hp / 81,366 hp / 92,215 hp
9 Player - 62,709 hp / 79,954 hp / 94,064 hp / 106,606 hp
1 Player - 11,900 hp / 15,172 hp / 17,850 hp / 20,230 hp
2 Player - 16,065 hp / 20,842 hp / 24,097 hp / 27,310 hp
3 Player - 22,808 hp / 29,080 hp / 34,212 hp / 38,774 hp
4 Player - 31,270 hp / 39,869 hp / 46,905 hp / 53,159 hp
5 Player - 40,878 hp / 52,120 hp / 61,318 hp / 69,493 hp
6 Player - 51,250 hp / 65,344 hp / 76,876 hp / 87,126 hp
7 Player - 62,132 hp / 79,218 hp / 93,198 hp / 105,624 hp
8 Player - 73,353 hp / 93,525 hp / 110,029 hp / 124,700 hp
9 Player - 84,800 hp / 108,120 hp / 127,200 hp / 144,160 hp
Wall of Flesh
1 Player - 11,200 hp / 14,280 hp / 25,200 hp / 28,560 hp
2 Player - 15,120 hp / 19,278 hp / 34,020 hp / 38,556 hp
3 Player - 21,466 hp / 27,370 hp / 48,300 hp / 54,740 hp
4 Player - 29,431 hp / 37,524 hp / 66,220 hp / 75,049 hp
5 Player - 38,474 hp / 49,054 hp / 86,566 hp / 98,108 hp
6 Player - 48,236 hp / 61,500 hp / 108,531 hp / 123,001 hp
7 Player - 58,477 hp / 74,558 hp / 131,574 hp / 149,117 hp
8 Player - 69,038 hp / 88,023 hp / 155,336 hp / 176,047 hp
9 Player - 79,812 hp / 101,760 hp / 179,577 hp / 203,521 hp
Queen Slime
1 Player - 28,800 hp / 36,720 hp / 43,200 hp / 48,960 hp
2 Player - 38,880 hp / 49,572 hp / 58,320 hp / 66,096 hp
3 Player - 55,200 hp / 70,380 hp / 82,800 hp / 93,840 hp
4 Player - 75,680 hp / 96,492 hp / 113,520 hp / 128,656 hp
5 Player - 98,933 hp / 126,140 hp / 148,400 hp / 168,186 hp
6 Player - 124,035 hp / 158,145 hp / 186,053 hp / 210,860 hp
7 Player - 150,370 hp / 191,722 hp / 225,555 hp / 255,629 hp
8 Player - 177,526 hp / 226,346 hp / 266,290 hp / 301,795 hp
9 Player - 205,231 hp / 261,669 hp / 307,846 hp / 348,893 hp
1 Player - 30,000 hp / 38,250 hp / 45,000 hp / 51,000 hp
2 Player - 40,500 hp / 51,637 hp / 60,750 hp / 68,850 hp
3 Player - 57,500 hp / 73,312 hp / 86,250 hp / 97,750 hp
4 Player - 78,833 hp / 100,512 hp / 118,250 hp / 134,016 hp
5 Player - 103,055 hp / 131,395 hp / 154,583 hp / 175,194 hp
6 Player - 129,203 hp / 164,734 hp / 193,805 hp / 219,646 hp
7 Player - 156,635 hp / 199,710 hp / 234,953 hp / 266,280 hp
8 Player - 184,923 hp / 235,777 hp / 277,385 hp / 314,370 hp
9 Player - 213,782 hp / 272,572 hp / 320,673 hp / 363,430 hp
1 Player - 34,500 hp / 43,987 hp / 51,750 hp / 58,650 hp
2 Player - 46,575 hp / 59,382 hp / 69,862 hp / 79,177 hp
3 Player - 66,125 hp / 84,308 hp / 99,187 hp / 112,412 hp
4 Player - 90,658 hp / 115,588 hp / 135,987 hp / 154,119 hp
5 Player - 118,513 hp / 151,103 hp / 177,770 hp / 201,473 hp
6 Player - 148,584 hp / 189,442 hp / 222,876 hp / 252,593 hp
7 Player - 180,131 hp / 229,664 hp / 270,196 hp / 306,222 hp
8 Player - 212,662 hp / 271,121 hp / 318,993 hp / 361,526 hp
9 Player - 245,849 hp / 313,455 hp / 368,774 hp / 417,944 hp
The Destroyer
1 Player - 120,000 hp / 153,000 hp / 180,000 hp / 204,000 hp
2 Player - 162,000 hp / 206,550 hp / 243,000 hp / 275,400 hp
3 Player - 230,000 hp / 293,250 hp / 345,000 hp / 391,000 hp
4 Player - 315,333 hp / 402,050 hp / 473,000 hp / 536,066 hp
5 Player - 412,222 hp / 525,583 hp / 618,333 hp / 700,777 hp
6 Player - 516,814 hp / 658,938 hp / 775,222 hp / 878,585 hp
7 Player - 626,543 hp / 798,842 hp / 939,814 hp / 1,065,123 hp
8 Player - 739,695 hp / 943,111 hp / 1,109,543 hp / 1,257,482 hp
9 Player - 855,130 hp / 1,090,291 hp / 1,282,695 hp / 1,453,721 hp
Skeletron Prime (Head)
1 Player - 42,000 hp / 53,550 hp / 63,000 hp / 71,400 hp
2 Player - 56,700 hp / 72,292 hp / 85,050 hp / 96,390 hp
3 Player - 80,500 hp / 102,637 hp / 120,750 hp / 136,850 hp
4 Player - 110,366 hp / 140,717 hp / 165,550 hp / 187,623 hp
5 Player - 144,277 hp / 183,954 hp / 216,416 hp / 245,272 hp
6 Player - 180,885 hp / 230,628 hp / 271,327 hp / 307,504 hp
7 Player - 219,290 hp / 279,594 hp / 328,935 hp / 372,793 hp
8 Player - 258,893 hp / 330,089 hp / 388,340 hp / 440,118 hp
9 Player - 299,295 hp / 381,601 hp / 448,943 hp / 508,802 hp
1 Player - 42,000 hp / 53,550 hp / 63,000 hp / 71,400 hp
2 Player - 56,700 hp / 72,292 hp / 85,050 hp / 96,390 hp
3 Player - 80,500 hp / 102,637 hp / 120,750 hp / 136,850 hp
4 Player - 110,366 hp / 140,717 hp / 165,550 hp / 187,623 hp
5 Player - 144,277 hp / 183,954 hp / 216,416 hp / 245,272 hp
6 Player - 180,885 hp / 230,628 hp / 271,327 hp / 307,504 hp
7 Player - 219,290 hp / 279,594 hp / 328,935 hp / 372,793 hp
8 Player - 258,893 hp / 330,089 hp / 388,340 hp / 440,118 hp
9 Player - 299,295 hp / 381,601 hp / 448,943 hp / 508,802 hp
(1.4.4) Golem
1 Player - 90,000 hp (Each Fist - 15,000 hp, Head - 37,500 hp, Body - 22,500 hp) / 114,749 hp (Each Fist - 19,125 hp, Head - 47,812 hp, Body - 28,687 hp) /
135,000 hp (Each Fist - 22,500 hp, Head - 56,250 hp, Body - 33,750 hp) / 153,000 hp (Each Fist - 25,500 hp, Head - 63,750 hp, Body - 38,250 hp)
2 Player - 121,500 hp (Each Fist - 20,250 hp, Head - 50,625 hp, Body - 30,375 hp) / 154,910 hp (Each Fist - 25,818 hp, Head - 64,546 hp, Body - 38,728 hp) /
182,249 hp (Each Fist - 30,375 hp, Head - 75,937 hp, Body - 45,562 hp) / 206,549 hp (Each Fist - 34,425 hp, Head - 86,062 hp, Body - 51,637 hp)
3 Player - 172,500 hp (Each Fist - 28,750 hp, Head - 71,875 hp, Body - 43,125 hp) / 219,936 hp (Each Fist - 36,656 hp, Head - 91,640 hp, Body - 54,984 hp) /
258,749 hp (Each Fist - 43,125 hp, Head - 107,812 hp, Body - 64,687 hp) / 293,249 hp (Each Fist - 48,875 hp, Head - 122,187 hp, Body - 73,312 hp)
4 Player - 236,498 hp (Each Fist - 39,416 hp, Head - 98,541 hp, Body - 59,125 hp) / 301,536 hp (Each Fist - 50,256 hp, Head - 125,640 hp, Body - 75,384 hp) /
354,749 hp (Each Fist - 59,125 hp, Head - 147,812 hp, Body - 88,687 hp) / 402,048 hp (Each Fist - 67,008 hp, Head - 167,520 hp, Body - 100,512 hp)
5 Player - 309,614 hp (Each Fist - 51,527 hp, Head - 128,819 hp, Body - 77,291 hp) / 394,184 hp (Each Fist - 65,697 hp, Head - 164,244 hp, Body - 98,546 hp) /
463,748 hp (Each Fist - 77,291 hp, Head - 193,229 hp, Body - 115,937 hp) / 525,582 hp (Each Fist - 87,597 hp, Head - 218,993 hp, Body - 131,395 hp)
6 Player - 387,608 hp (Each Fist - 64,601 hp, Head - 161,504 hp, Body - 96,902 hp) / 494,203 hp (Each Fist - 82,367 hp, Head - 205,918 hp, Body - 123,551 hp) /
581,414 hp (Each Fist - 96,902 hp, Head - 242,256 hp, Body - 145,354 hp) / 658,937 hp (Each Fist - 109,823 hp, Head - 274,557 hp, Body - 164,734 hp)
7 Player - 469,904 hp (Each Fist - 78,317 hp, Head - 195,794 hp, Body - 117,476 hp) / 599,130 hp (Each Fist - 99,855 hp, Head - 249,638 hp, Body - 149,782 hp) /
704,859 hp (Each Fist - 117,476 hp, Head - 293,692 hp, Body - 176,215 hp) / 798,841 hp (Each Fist - 133,140 hp, Head - 332,851 hp, Body - 199,710 hp)
8 Player - 554,768 hp (Each Fist - 92,461 hp, Head - 231,154 hp, Body - 138,692 hp) / 707,331 hp (Each Fist - 117,888 hp, Head - 294,722 hp, Body - 176,833 hp) /
832,155 hp (Each Fist - 138,692 hp, Head - 346,732 hp, Body - 208,039 hp) / 943,110 hp (Each Fist - 157,185 hp, Head - 392,963 hp, Body - 235,777 hp)
9 Player - 641,346 hp (Each Fist - 106,891 hp, Head - 267,228 hp, Body - 160,336 hp) / 817,716 hp (Each Fist - 136,286 hp, Head - 340,715 hp, Body - 204,429 hp) /
962,019 hp (Each Fist - 160,336 hp, Head - 400,842 hp, Body - 240,505 hp) / 1,090,289 hp (Each Fist - 181,715 hp, Head - 454,287 hp, Body - 272,572 hp)
(1.4.4) Duke Fishron
1 Player - 78,000 hp / 99,450 hp / 117,000 hp / 132,600 hp
2 Player - 105,300 hp / 134,257 hp / 157,950 hp / 179,010 hp
3 Player - 149,500 hp / 190,612 hp / 224,250 hp / 254,150 hp
4 Player - 204,966 hp / 261,332 hp / 307,450 hp / 348,443 hp
5 Player - 267,944 hp / 341,629 hp / 401,916 hp / 455,505 hp
6 Player - 335,929 hp / 428,310 hp / 503,894 hp / 571,080 hp
7 Player - 407,253 hp / 519,247 hp / 610,879 hp / 692,330 hp
8 Player - 480,802 hp / 613,022 hp / 721,203 hp / 817,363 hp
9 Player - 555,834 hp / 708,689 hp / 833,752 hp / 944,918 hp
1 Player - 75,000 hp / 95,625 hp / 112,500 hp / 127,500 hp
2 Player - 101,250 hp / 129,093 hp / 151,875 hp / 172,125 hp
3 Player - 143,750 hp / 183,281 hp / 215,625 hp / 244,375 hp
4 Player - 197,083 hp / 251,281 hp / 295,625 hp / 335,041 hp
5 Player - 257,638 hp / 328,489 hp / 386,458 hp / 437,986 hp
6 Player - 323,009 hp / 411,836 hp / 484,513 hp / 549,115 hp
7 Player - 391,589 hp / 499,276 hp / 587,384 hp / 665,702 hp
8 Player - 462,309 hp / 589,444 hp / 693,464 hp / 785,926 hp
9 Player - 534,456 hp / 681,431 hp / 801,684 hp / 908,575 hp
Empress of Light
1 Player - 98,000 hp / 124,950 hp / 147,000 hp / 166,600 hp
2 Player - 132,300 hp / 168,682 hp / 198,450 hp / 224,910 hp
3 Player - 187,833 hp / 239,487 hp / 281,750 hp / 319,316 hp
4 Player - 257,522 hp / 328,340 hp / 386,283 hp / 437,787 hp
5 Player - 336,648 hp / 429,226 hp / 504,972 hp / 572,301 hp
6 Player - 422,065 hp / 538,133 hp / 633,098 hp / 717,511 hp
7 Player - 511,676 hp / 652,388 hp / 767,515 hp / 869,850 hp
8 Player - 604,084 hp / 770,207 hp / 906,126 hp / 1,026,943 hp
9 Player - 698,356 hp / 890,404 hp / 1,047,534 hp / 1,187,205 hp
(1.4.4) Lunatic Cultist
1 Player - 48,000 hp / 61,200 hp / 72,000 hp / 81,600 hp
2 Player - 64,800 hp / 82,620 hp / 97,200 hp / 110,160 hp
3 Player - 92,000 hp / 117,300 hp / 138,000 hp / 156,400 hp
4 Player - 126,133 hp / 160,820 hp / 189,200 hp / 214,426 hp
5 Player - 164,888 hp / 210,233 hp / 247,333 hp / 280,311 hp
6 Player - 206,725 hp / 263,575 hp / 310,088 hp / 351,434 hp
7 Player - 250,617 hp / 319,537 hp / 375,925 hp / 426,049 hp
8 Player - 295,878 hp / 377,244 hp / 443,817 hp / 502,992 hp
9 Player - 342,052 hp / 436,116 hp / 513,078 hp / 581,488 hp
Moon Lord
1 Player - 217,500 hp (Each Hand - 37,500 hp, Head - 67,500 hp, Core - 75,000 hp) / 277,311 hp (Each Hand - 47,812 hp, Head - 86,062 hp, Core - 95,625 hp)
/ 326,250 hp (Each Hand - 56,250 hp, Head - 101,250 hp, Core - 112,500 hp) / 369,750 hp (Each Hand - 63,750 hp, Head - 114,750 hp, Core - 127,500 hp)
2 Player - 293,625 hp (Each Hand - 50,625 hp, Head - 91,125 hp, Core - 101,250 hp) / 374,368 hp (Each Hand - 64,546 hp, Head - 116,183 hp, Core - 129,093 hp)
/ 440,436 hp (Each Hand - 75,937 hp, Head - 136,687 hp, Core - 151,875 hp) / 499,161 hp (Each Hand - 86,062 hp, Head - 154,912 hp, Core - 172,125 hp)
3 Player - 416,875 hp (Each Hand - 71,875 hp, Head - 129,375 hp, Core - 143,750 hp) / 531,511 hp (Each Hand - 91,639 hp, Head - 164,952 hp, Core - 183,281 hp)
/ 625,311 hp (Each Hand - 107,812 hp, Head - 194,062 hp, Core - 215,625 hp) / 708,686 hp (Each Hand - 122,187 hp, Head - 219,937 hp, Core - 244,375 hp)
4 Player - 571,540 hp (Each Hand - 98,541 hp, Head - 177,375 hp, Core - 197,083 hp) / 728,710 hp (Each Hand - 125,639 hp, Head - 226,151 hp, Core - 251,281 hp)
/ 857,311 hp (Each Hand - 147,812 hp, Head - 266,062 hp, Core - 295,625 hp) / 971,618 hp (Each Hand - 167,520 hp, Head - 301,537 hp, Core - 335,041 hp)
5 Player - 747,151 hp (Each Hand - 128,819 hp, Head - 231,875 hp, Core - 257,638 hp) / 952,613 hp (Each Hand - 164,243 hp, Head - 295,638 hp, Core - 328,489 hp)
/ 1,120,728 hp (Each Hand - 193,229 hp, Head - 347,812 hp, Core - 386,458 hp) / 1,270,159 hp (Each Hand - 218,993 hp, Head - 394,187 hp, Core - 437,986 hp)
6 Player - 936,725 hp (Each Hand - 161,504 hp, Head - 290,708 hp, Core - 323,009 hp) / 1,194,318 hp (Each Hand - 205,916 hp, Head - 370,650 hp, Core - 411,836 hp)
/ 1,405,087 hp (Each Hand - 242,256 hp, Head - 436,062 hp, Core - 484,513 hp) / 1,592,433 hp (Each Hand - 274,557 hp, Head - 494,204 hp, Core - 549,115 hp)
7 Player - 1,135,607 hp (Each Hand - 195,794 hp, Head - 352,430 hp, Core - 391,589 hp) / 1,447,892 hp (Each Hand - 249,635 hp, Head - 449,346 hp, Core - 499,276 hp)
/ 1,703,413 hp (Each Hand - 293,692 hp, Head - 528,645 hp, Core - 587,384 hp) / 1,930,535 hp (Each Hand - 332,851 hp, Head - 599,131 hp, Core - 665,702 hp)
8 Player - 1,340,695 hp (Each Hand - 231,154 hp, Head - 416,078 hp, Core - 462,309 hp) / 1,709,379 hp (Each Hand - 294,719 hp, Head - 530,497 hp, Core - 589,444 hp)
/ 2,011,046 hp (Each Hand - 346,732 hp, Head - 624,118 hp, Core - 693,464 hp) / 2,279,185 hp (Each Hand - 392,963 hp, Head - 707,333 hp, Core - 785,926 hp)
9 Player - 1,549,922 hp (Each Hand - 267,228 hp, Head - 481,010 hp, Core - 534,456 hp) / 1,976,140 hp (Each Hand - 340,712 hp, Head - 613,285 hp, Core - 681,431hp)
/ 2,324,884 hp (Each Hand - 400,842 hp, Head - 721,516 hp, Core - 801,684 hp) / 2,634,867 hp (Each Hand - 454,287 hp, Head - 817,718 hp, Core - 908,575 hp)
Last edited:
Do you have any information on the equation for 10 or more players? I'd like to work out some higher player counts.

`balance * boost` becomes the health multiplier for the boss, for most of them.
Been away for a while, now back into playing Terraria. With the above posts, I have been motivated to calculate each boss' health for up to 20 players on all modes. I finally understand that the formula is modified and not replaced when there are 10 or more players, thanks to mrnoobman's JSbin (post #29) and punchready's explanation (post #34).

To simplify, the resulting multiplier that is made after adding each player's boost (for example, 9-player is x7.12608...) is then put into another formula that reduces said multiplier (for example, unmodified multiplier for 10-player is x8.10072... and is then put into ''(Multiplier * 2 + 8) / 3'', which results as x8.06714...). Modifications are applied separately for each player count, so the modified multiplier of say 12-player is not included in calculating the unmodified multiplier of 13-player.

This shows that from 2-9 Players, each new player gives the boss a bigger health boost than the last, making it harder to fight the more players there are. With the tenth player, they give the boss a slightly smaller health boost than the ninth player (from ~96.195% to ~94.106% of Singleplayer Health). From 11 Players onwards, each player gives the boss a roughly consistent health boost of ~66% of Singleplayer Health. This makes the boss' health less dramatic with each new player after 10 Players, so it gets ever so slightly easier the more players there are, only if its more than 10 Players.

Furthermore, a quick pattern I noticed is that the multiplier is roughly x8.06 for 10-Player, x10.04 for 13-Player, x12.03 for 16-Player, x14.03 for 19-Player, and x16.03 for 22-Player. Since each additional player after the tenth adds 66% of the boss' Singleplayer Health, the multiplier increases by 2 per 3 people. I could estimate that the multiplier for 256-Player is x172.

(Edit: I made the tables look nicer for Eater of Worlds, Brain of Cthulhu, Golem and Moon Lord)

Here are the values for 10-20 player modes:

Expert Mode / Master Mode / Expert FTW / Master FTW
(tables set as spoiler just so its easier to view each one)

King Slime:
10 Player22,58828,79933,88238,399
11 Player24,42331,13936,63441,519
12 Player26,26833,49239,40344,656
13 Player28,12135,85442,18247,806
14 Player29,97838,22244,96850,963
15 Player31,83940,59447,75854,126
16 Player33,70142,96950,55257,292
17 Player35,56545,34653,34860,461
18 Player37,43047,72356,14563,631
19 Player39,29550,10258,94366,802
20 Player41,16152,48161,74269,974
Eye of Cthulhu:
10 Player29,36437,43944,04649,919
11 Player31,75040,48147,62553,975
12 Player34,14943,54051,22458,053
13 Player36,55746,61154,83662,148
14 Player38,97249,68958,45866,252
15 Player41,39052,77362,08670,364
16 Player43,81255,86065,71874,480
17 Player46,23558,94969,35278,599
18 Player48,65962,04072,98982,721
19 Player51,08465,13276,62686,843
20 Player53,51068,22580,26590,967
(pre-1.4) Eater of Worlds:
10 Player84,530 (Head: 734 - Body: 1694 - Tail: 2484)
11 Player91,367(Head: 793 - Body: 1831 - Tail: 2686)
12 Player98,302(Head: 853 - Body: 1970 - Tail: 2889)
13 Player105,238(Head: 913 - Body: 2109 - Tail: 3093)
14 Player112,175(Head: 974 - Body: 2248 - Tail: 3297)
15 Player119,112(Head: 1034 - Body: 2387 - Tail: 3502)
16 Player126,098(Head: 1095 - Body: 2527 - Tail: 3707)
17 Player133,083(Head: 1155 - Body: 2667 - Tail: 3912)
18 Player140,069(Head: 1216 - Body: 2807 - Tail: 4117)
19 Player147,055(Head: 1277 - Body: 2947 - Tail: 4322)
20 Player154,040(Head: 1337 - Body: 3087 - Tail: 4527)
(1.4) Eater of Worlds:
10 Player121,968 (Each Segment: 1694)155,448 (Each Segment: 2159)182,952 (Each Segment: 2541)207,288 (Each Segment: 2879)
11 Player131,832 (Each Segment: 1831)168,120 (Each Segment: 2335)197,784 (Each Segment: 2747)224,136 (Each Segment: 3113)
12 Player141,840 (Each Segment: 1970)180,792 (Each Segment: 2511)212,760 (Each Segment: 2955)241,128 (Each Segment: 3349)
13 Player151,848 (Each Segment: 2109)193,608 (Each Segment: 2689)227,736 (Each Segment: 3163)258,120 (Each Segment: 3585)
14 Player161,856 (Each Segment: 2248)206,352 (Each Segment: 2866)242,784 (Each Segment: 3372)275,184 (Each Segment: 3822)
15 Player171,864 (Each Segment: 2387)219,168 (Each Segment: 3044)257,832 (Each Segment: 3581)292,248 (Each Segment: 4059)
16 Player181,944 (Each Segment: 2527)231,984 (Each Segment: 3222)272,952 (Each Segment: 3791)309,312 (Each Segment: 4296)
17 Player192,024 (Each Segment: 2667)244,800 (Each Segment: 3400)288,072 (Each Segment: 4001)326,448 (Each Segment: 4534)
18 Player202,104 (Each Segment: 2807)257,688 (Each Segment: 3579)303,120 (Each Segment: 4210)343,584 (Each Segment: 4772)
19 Player212,184 (Each Segment: 2947)270,504 (Each Segment: 3757)318,240 (Each Segment: 4420)360,720 (Each Segment: 5010)
20 Player222,264 (Each Segment: 3087)283,392 (Each Segment: 3936)333,360 (Each Segment: 4630)377,856 (Each Segment: 5248)
(1.4.4) Brain of Cthulhu:
10 Player44,562 (Each Creeper: 1371)
(Brain: 17,142)
56,816 (Each Creeper: 1748)
(Brain: 21,856)
107,994 (Each Creeper: 2057)
(Brain: 25,714)
122,382 (Each Creeper: 2331)
(Brain: 29,142)
11 Player48,175 (Each Creeper: 1482)
(Brain: 18,535)
61,432 (Each Creeper: 1890)
(Brain: 23,632)
116,763 (Each Creeper: 2224)
(Brain: 27,803)
132,310 (Each Creeper: 2520)
(Brain: 31,510)
12 Player51,816 (Each Creeper: 1594)
(Brain: 19,936)
66,078 (Each Creeper: 2033)
(Brain: 25,418)
125,584 (Each Creeper: 2392)
(Brain: 29,904)
142,331 (Each Creeper: 2711)
(Brain: 33,891)
13 Player55,482 (Each Creeper: 1707)
(Brain: 21,342)
70,731 (Each Creeper: 2176)
(Brain: 27,211)
134,453 (Each Creeper: 2561)
(Brain: 32,013)
152,361 (Each Creeper: 2902)
(Brain: 36,281)
14 Player59,151 (Each Creeper: 1820)
(Brain: 22,751)
75,408 (Each Creeper: 2320)
(Brain: 29,008)
143,327 (Each Creeper: 2730)
(Brain: 34,127)
162,437 (Each Creeper: 3094)
(Brain: 38,677)
15 Player62,823 (Each Creeper: 1933)
(Brain: 24,163)
80,088 (Each Creeper: 2464)
(Brain: 30,808)
152,205 (Each Creeper: 2899)
(Brain: 36,245)
172,518 (Each Creeper: 3286)
(Brain: 41,078)
16 Player66,497 (Each Creeper: 2046)
(Brain: 25,577)
84,770 (Each Creeper: 2608)
(Brain: 32,610)
161,125 (Each Creeper: 3069)
(Brain: 38,365)
182,601 (Each Creeper: 3478)
(Brain: 43,481)
17 Player70,171 (Each Creeper: 2159)
(Brain: 26,991)
89,474 (Each Creeper: 2753)
(Brain: 34,414)
170,047 (Each Creeper: 3239)
(Brain: 40,487)
192,685 (Each Creeper: 3670)
(Brain: 45,885)
18 Player73,846 (Each Creeper: 2272)
(Brain: 28,406)
94,158 (Each Creeper: 2897)
(Brain: 36,218)
178,930 (Each Creeper: 3408)
(Brain: 42,610)
202,811 (Each Creeper: 3863)
(Brain: 48,291)
19 Player77,522 (Each Creeper: 2385)
(Brain: 29,822)
98,843 (Each Creeper: 3041)
(Brain: 38,023)
187,854 (Each Creeper: 3578)
(Brain: 44,734)
212,898 (Each Creeper: 4055)
(Brain: 50,698)
20 Player81,218 (Each Creeper: 2499)
(Brain: 31,238)
103,549 (Each Creeper: 3186)
(Brain: 39,829)
196,778 (Each Creeper: 3748)
(Brain: 46,858)
223,025 (Each Creeper: 4248)
(Brain: 53,105)
Queen Bee:
10 Player38,39948,95957,59965,279
11 Player41,51952,93762,27870,582
12 Player44,65656,93766,98575,916
13 Player47,80660,95371,70981,270
14 Player50,96364,97876,44586,638
15 Player54,12669,01181,18992,015
16 Player57,29273,04885,93997,397
17 Player60,46177,08890,692102,784
18 Player63,63181,13095,447108,173
19 Player66,80285,173100,204113,564
20 Player69,97489,217104,962118,957
Skeletron (head):
10 Player70,99090,513106,486120,684
11 Player76,75897,866115,137130,489
12 Player82,558105,262123,838140,350
13 Player88,381112,686132,572150,248
14 Player94,218120,128141,328160,171
15 Player100,065127,583150,098170,111
16 Player105,919135,047158,879180,063
17 Player111,777142,516167,666190,021
18 Player117,638149,988176,457199,985
19 Player123,501157,463185,251209,951
20 Player129,365164,940194,047219,920
10 Player95,999122,398143,998163,198
11 Player103,798132,342155,697176,457
12 Player111,642142,343167,463189,791
13 Player119,515152,382179,273203,177
14 Player127,409162,447191,114216,596
15 Player135,316172,528202,974230,037
16 Player143,231182,620214,847243,494
17 Player151,153192,720226,730256,961
18 Player159,079202,825238,618270,434
19 Player167,007212,934250,510283,912
20 Player174,936223,044262,405297,392
Wall of Flesh:
10 Player90,352115,198203,292230,397
11 Player97,692124,557219,808249,115
12 Player105,074133,970236,418267,941
13 Player112,485143,419253,092286,838
14 Player119,914152,891269,808305,782
15 Player127,356162,379286,552324,759
16 Player134,806171,878303,314343,756
17 Player142,262181,384320,089362,768
18 Player149,721190,894336,873381,789
19 Player157,183200,408353,662400,817
20 Player164,646209,924370,454419,848
Queen Slime:
10 Player232,333296,225348,500394,967
11 Player251,209320,291376,813427,055
12 Player270,192344,495405,289459,327
13 Player289,248368,791433,872491,722
14 Player308,352393,149462,528524,199
15 Player327,488417,547491,232556,730
16 Player346,645441,973519,968589,297
17 Player365,817466,416548,725621,888
18 Player384,998490,872577,497654,496
19 Player404,185515,336606,278687,115
20 Player423,376539,805635,065719,740
10 Player242,014308,568363,021411,424
11 Player261,676333,637392,514444,849
12 Player281,450358,849422,176478,466
13 Player301,300384,158451,950512,210
14 Player321,200409,530481,800546,040
15 Player341,133434,945511,700579,927
16 Player361,089460,388541,633613,851
17 Player381,059485,850571,589647,800
18 Player401,039511,325601,559681,767
19 Player421,026536,808631,539715,744
20 Player441,017562,297661,526749,729
10 Player278,316354,853417,474473,138
11 Player300,927383,682451,391511,577
12 Player323,668412,677485,502550,236
13 Player346,495441,781519,743589,042
14 Player369,380470,960554,070627,946
15 Player392,303500,187588,455666,916
16 Player415,252529,446622,878705,929
17 Player438,218558,728657,327744,971
18 Player461,195588,024691,793784,032
19 Player484,180617,329726,270823,106
20 Player507,170646,642760,755862,189
The Destroyer:
10 Player968,0571,234,2731,452,0861,645,698
11 Player1,046,7051,334,5491,570,0571,779,398
12 Player1,125,8031,435,3991,688,7051,913,865
13 Player1,205,2021,536,6321,807,8032,048,843
14 Player1,284,8011,638,1211,927,2022,184,162
15 Player1,364,5341,739,7812,046,8012,319,708
16 Player1,444,3561,841,5542,166,5342,455,405
17 Player1,524,2371,943,4022,286,3562,591,203
18 Player1,604,1582,045,3012,406,2372,727,069
19 Player1,684,1052,147,2342,526,1582,862,979
20 Player1,764,0702,249,1892,646,1052,998,919
Skeletron Prime (head):
10 Player338,820431,995508,230575,994
11 Player366,346467,092549,520622,789
12 Player394,031502,389591,046669,853
13 Player421,820537,821632,731717,095
14 Player449,680573,342674,520764,456
15 Player477,587608,923716,380811,897
16 Player505,524644,543758,287859,391
17 Player533,483680,190800,224906,921
18 Player561,455715,855842,183954,474
19 Player589,436751,532884,1551,002,042
20 Player617,424787,216926,1361,049,621
10 Player338,820431,995508,230575,994
11 Player366,346467,092549,520622,789
12 Player394,031502,389591,046669,853
13 Player421,820537,821632,731717,095
14 Player449,680573,342674,520764,456
15 Player477,587608,923716,380811,897
16 Player505,524644,543758,287859,391
17 Player533,483680,190800,224906,921
18 Player561,455715,855842,183954,474
19 Player589,436751,532884,1551,002,042
20 Player617,424787,216926,1361,049,621
(1.4.4) Golem:
10 Player726,042(Each Fist: 121,007)
(Head: 302,518)
(Body: 181,510)
925,704(Each Fist: 154,284)
(Head: 385,710)
(Body: 231,426)
1,089,063(Each Fist: 181,510)
(Head: 453,777)
(Body: 272,266)
1,234,272(Each Fist: 205,712)
(Head: 514,280)
(Body: 308,568)
11 Player785,028(Each Fist: 130,838)
(Head: 327,095)
(Body: 196,257)
1,000,909(Each Fist: 166,818)
(Head: 417,046)
(Body: 250,227)
1,177,542(Each Fist: 196,257)
(Head: 490,643)
(Body: 294,385)
1,334,547(Each Fist: 222,424)
(Head: 556,062)
(Body: 333,637)
12 Player844,351(Each Fist: 140,725)
(Head: 351,813)
(Body: 211,088)
1,076,547(Each Fist: 179,424)
(Head: 448,562)
(Body: 269,137)
1,266,528(Each Fist: 211,088)
(Head: 527,720)
(Body: 316,632)
1,435,398(Each Fist: 239,233)
(Head: 598,083)
(Body: 358,849)
13 Player903,900(Each Fist: 150,650)
(Head: 376,625)
(Body: 225,975)
1,152,473(Each Fist: 192,079)
(Head: 480,197)
(Body: 288,118)
1,355,851(Each Fist: 225,975)
(Head: 564,938)
(Body: 338,963)
1,536,631(Each Fist: 256,105)
(Head: 640,263)
(Body: 384,158)
14 Player963,600(Each Fist: 160,600)
(Head: 401,500)
(Body: 240,900)
1,228,590(Each Fist: 204,765)
(Head: 511,913)
(Body: 307,147)
1,445,400(Each Fist: 240,900)
(Head: 602,250)
(Body: 361,350)
1,638,120(Each Fist: 273,020)
(Head: 682,550)
(Body: 409,530)
15 Player1,023,398(Each Fist: 170,566)
(Head: 426,416)
(Body: 255,850)
1,304,833(Each Fist: 217,472)
(Head: 543,681)
(Body: 326,208)
1,535,100(Each Fist: 255,850)
(Head: 639,625)
(Body: 383,775)
1,739,779(Each Fist: 289,963)
(Head: 724,908)
(Body: 434,945)
16 Player1,083,265(Each Fist: 180,544)
(Head: 451,361)
(Body: 270,816)
1,381,164(Each Fist: 230,194)
(Head: 575,485)
(Body: 345,291)
1,624,898(Each Fist: 270,816)
(Head: 677,041)
(Body: 406,225)
1,841,552(Each Fist: 306,925)
(Head: 767,314)
(Body: 460,388)
17 Player1,143,176(Each Fist: 190,529)
(Head: 476,324)
(Body: 285,794)
1,457,551(Each Fist: 242,925)
(Head: 607,313)
(Body: 364,388)
1,714,765(Each Fist: 285,794)
(Head: 714,486)
(Body: 428,691)
1,943,401(Each Fist: 323,900)
(Head: 809,751)
(Body: 485,850)
18 Player1,203,116(Each Fist: 200,519)
(Head: 501,299)
(Body: 300,779)
1,533,974(Each Fist: 255,662)
(Head: 639,156)
(Body: 383,494)
1,804,676(Each Fist: 300,779)
(Head: 751,949)
(Body: 451,169)
2,045,300(Each Fist: 340,883)
(Head: 852,209)
(Body: 511,325)
19 Player1,263,077(Each Fist: 210,513)
(Head: 526,282)
(Body: 315,769)
1,610,424(Each Fist: 268,404)
(Head: 671,010)
(Body: 402,606)
1,894,616(Each Fist: 315,769)
(Head: 789,424)
(Body: 473,654)
2,147,233(Each Fist: 357,872)
(Head: 894,681)
(Body: 536,808)
20 Player1,323,050(Each Fist: 220,518)
(Head: 551,271)
(Body: 330,763)
1,686,890(Each Fist: 281,148)
(Head: 702,871)
(Body: 421,723)
1,984,577(Each Fist: 330,763)
(Head: 826,907)
(Body: 496,144)
2,249,187(Each Fist: 374,864)
(Head: 937,162)
(Body: 562,297)
(1.4.4) Duke Fishron:
10 Player629,237802,277943,8561,069,703
11 Player680,358867,4561,020,5371,156,609
12 Player731,772933,0091,097,6581,244,012
13 Player783,381998,8111,175,0721,331,748
14 Player835,1211,064,7791,252,6811,419,705
15 Player886,9471,130,8571,330,4211,507,810
16 Player938,8311,197,0101,408,2471,596,013
17 Player990,7541,263,2111,486,1311,684,282
18 Player1,042,7021,329,4461,564,0541,772,594
19 Player1,094,6681,395,7021,642,0021,860,936
20 Player1,146,6451,461,9731,719,9681,949,297
10 Player605,036771,421907,5541,028,561
11 Player654,190834,093981,2861,112,124
12 Player703,627897,1241,055,4401,196,166
13 Player753,251960,3951,129,8771,280,527
14 Player803,0001,023,8261,204,5011,365,101
15 Player852,8331,087,3631,279,2501,449,817
16 Player902,7221,150,9711,354,0831,534,628
17 Player952,6481,214,6261,428,9721,619,502
18 Player1,002,5981,278,3131,503,8981,704,418
19 Player1,052,5651,342,0211,578,8481,789,362
20 Player1,102,5431,405,7431,653,8151,874,324
Empress of Light:
10 Player790,5801,007,9901,185,8701,343,987
11 Player854,8091,089,8811,282,2131,453,175
12 Player919,4061,172,2421,379,1091,562,990
13 Player984,2481,254,9161,476,3721,673,222
14 Player1,049,2541,337,7991,573,8811,783,732
15 Player1,114,3691,420,8211,671,5541,894,428
16 Player1,179,5571,503,9351,769,3362,005,247
17 Player1,244,7931,587,1121,867,1902,116,149
18 Player1,310,0621,670,3291,965,0932,227,106
19 Player1,375,3521,753,5742,063,0292,338,099
20 Player1,440,6571,836,8382,160,9862,449,117
(1.4.4) Lunatic Cultist:
10 Player387,223493,709580,834658,279
11 Player418,682533,819628,023711,759
12 Player450,321574,159675,482765,546
13 Player482,080614,653723,121819,537
14 Player513,920655,248770,880873,665
15 Player545,813695,912818,720927,883
16 Player577,742736,621866,613982,162
17 Player609,695777,361914,5421,036,481
18 Player641,663818,120962,4951,090,827
19 Player673,642858,8931,010,4631,145,191
20 Player705,628899,6751,058,4421,199,567
Moon Lord:
10 Player1,754,604(Each Hand: 302,518)
(Head: 544,532)
(Core: 605,036)
2,237,120(Each Hand: 385,710)
(Head: 694,279)
(Core: 771,421)
2,631,906(Each Hand: 453,777)
(Head: 816,798)
(Core: 907,554)
2,982,826(Each Hand: 514,280)
(Head: 925,705)
(Core: 1,028,561)
11 Player1,897,151(Each Hand: 327,095)
(Head: 588,771)
(Core: 654,190)
2,418,868(Each Hand: 417,046)
(Head: 750,683)
(Core: 8340,93)
2,845,729(Each Hand: 490,643)
(Head: 883,157)
(Core: 981,286)
3,225,159(Each Hand: 556,062)
(Head: 1,000,911)
(Core: 1,112,124)
12 Player2,0405,17(Each Hand: 351,813)
(Head: 633,264)
(Core: 703,627)
2,601,660(Each Hand: 4485,62)
(Head: 807,412)
(Core: 897,124)
3,060,776(Each Hand: 527,720)
(Head: 949,896)
(Core: 1,055,440)
3,468,881(Each Hand: 598,083)
(Head: 1,076,549)
(Core: 1,196,166)
13 Player2,184,427(Each Hand: 376,625)
(Head: 677,926)
(Core: 753,251)
2,785,145(Each Hand: 480,197)
(Head: 864,356)
(Core: 960,395)
3,276,642(Each Hand: 564,938)
(Head: 1,016,889)
(Core: 1,129,877)
3,713,527(Each Hand: 640,263)
(Head: 1,152,474)
(Core: 1,280,527)
14 Player2,328,700(Each Hand: 401,500)
(Head: 722,700)
(Core: 803,000)
2,969,095(Each Hand: 511,913)
(Head: 921,443)
(Core: 1,023,826)
3,493,052(Each Hand: 602,250)
(Head: 1,084,051)
(Core: 1,2045,01)
3,958,792(Each Hand: 682,550)
(Head: 1,228,591)
(Core: 1,365,101)
15 Player2,473,215(Each Hand: 426,416)
(Head: 767,550)
(Core: 852,833)
3,153,351(Each Hand: 543,681)
(Head: 978,626)
(Core: 1,087,363)
3,709,825(Each Hand: 639,625)
(Head: 1,151,325)
(Core: 1,279,250)
4,204,468(Each Hand: 724,908)
(Head: 1,304,835)
(Core: 1,449,817)
16 Player2,617,894(Each Hand: 451,361)
(Head: 812,450)
(Core: 902,722)
3,337,815(Each Hand: 575,485)
(Head: 1,035,874)
(Core: 1,150,971)
3,926,840(Each Hand: 677,041)
(Head: 1,218,675)
(Core: 1,354,083)
4,450,421(Each Hand: 7673,14)
(Head: 1,381,165)
(Core: 1,534,628)
17 Player2,762,679(Each Hand: 476,324)
(Head: 857,383)
(Core: 952,648)
3,522,416(Each Hand: 607,313)
(Head: 1,093,164)
(Core: 1,214,626)
4,144,019(Each Hand: 714,486)
(Head: 1,286,075)
(Core: 1,428,972)
4,696,556(Each Hand: 809,751)
(Head: 1,4575,52)
(Core: 1,619,502)
18 Player2,907,535(Each Hand: 501,299)
(Head: 902,339)
(Core: 1,002,598)
3,707,107(Each Hand: 639,156)
(Head: 1,1504,82)
(Core: 1,278,313)
4,361,304(Each Hand: 751,949)
(Head: 1,353,508)
(Core: 1,503,898)
4,942,812(Each Hand: 852,209)
(Head: 1,533,976)
(Core: 1,704,418)
19 Player3,052,438(Each Hand: 526,282)
(Head: 947,309)
(Core: 1,052,565)
3,891,860(Each Hand: 671,010)
(Head: 1,207,819)
(Core: 1,342,021)
4,578,660(Each Hand: 789,424)
(Head: 1,420,964)
(Core: 1,578,848)
5,189,149(Each Hand: 894,681)
(Head: 1,610,425)
(Core: 1,7893,62)
20 Player3,197,374(Each Hand: 551,271)
(Head: 992,289)
(Core: 1,102,543)
4,076,654(Each Hand: 702,871)
(Head: 1,265,169)
(Core: 1,405,743)
4,796,063(Each Hand: 826,907)
(Head: 1,488,434)
(Core: 1,653,815)
5,435,540(Each Hand: 937,162)
(Head: 1,686,892)
(Core: 1,874,324)

While I'm at it, here is the list of multipliers for each player count up to 20:

Player Count | Health Multiplier | Health Added by New Player

Perhaps there'll be a time where I'll go all the way up to 255 players (the Terraria Server Limit). Out of curiosity though, I did calculate the values for The Destroyer, Empress of Light and Moon Lord in 255 Player Mode on all difficulty modes!

The Destroyer:
255 Player20,564,00026,219,10030,846,00034,958,800
Empress of Light:
255 Player16,793,93321,412,26525,190,90028,549,686
Moon Lord:
255 Player37,272,250(Each Hand: 6,426,250)
(Head: 11,567,250)
(Core: 12,852,500)
47,522,116(Each Hand: 8,193,468)
(Head: 14,748,243)
(Core: 16,386,937)
55,908,375(Each Hand: 9,639,375)
(Head: 17,350,875)
(Core: 19,278,750)
63,362,825(Each Hand: 10,924,625)
(Head: 19,664,325)
(Core: 21,849,250)
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You are probably better off writing a program which uses the game and calculates these automatically, then you don't have to think about any formulas at all, only configuring the right properties
You are probably better off writing a program which uses the game and calculates these automatically, then you don't have to think about any formulas at all, only configuring the right properties
Yea, I should've done this instead of using formulas on Google Sheets. It sounds easier and quicker; I will definitely keep this in mind when I do something big next time. Thanks!
Here's what I did btw:

(The truncated value tables are the actual results since Terraria truncates each bosses' health.)
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