3DS Explain Fishing?


I don't understand fishing in the 3ds version of this game. I don't know how to complete the fishing quest, I just do not understand how it works. Can someone break it down for me please?

Thanks Bunches
First Buy a Bug Net from the Merchant and make a fishing rod.
Then go find some bugs and worms and catch them with the net.
When you talk to the Angler he will give you a description about where the fish lives and what it is.
I have been fishing with worms and such, and I only catch like 3 of the same fish, nothing else.
It's a very long grind you have to spend a lot of time fishing and use differents kinds of bait
First, get worms, because grasshoppers aren't worth it. Secondly, if you can, try to make either a fleshcatcher or a Fisher of souls if you've beaten the brain of Cthulu/Eater of Worlds, if not, make a reinforced fishing pole. Finally, find the angler, make a house for him, and start trying to complete his quests!
No, you can't make them, but you can find the fiberglass fishing pole in the underground jungle, the sitting ducks fishing pole from the traveling merchant, the hotline fishing pole from the angler after completing a ton of quests in hard mode, and the golden fishing rod from the angler after 200 quests in hardmode
No, you can't make them, but you can find the fiberglass fishing pole in the underground jungle, the sitting ducks fishing pole from the traveling merchant, the hotline fishing pole from the angler after completing a ton of quests in hard mode, and the golden fishing rod from the angler after 200 quests in hardmode
The traveling merchant isn't in the 3ds version of this. And I'm working on finding fish still.
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