Casual Explain your avatar

Skeletron Lime, need I say more?
Nikki from Huniepop. Basically a more adorable and slightly more social version of myself....

I wish I was adorable... *cries softly in the corner*
It's my character Doro. Holding the weapon that should exist, a gem staff of Crystal Shard and Clorophyte.

(the puddle is really only there because I'm still trying to get good at drawing feet because yeah)
Shuckle with Adachi's face pasted on to it holding the Master Sword while wearing "Deal With It" glasses.
My avatar as of Feb 16 is based on Forward to the Sky.
Otherwise, my regular avatar is what happened when I googled 'anime'
ATM, I have a diagram of a heart for Valentine's Day, probably will change it back to normal.

My normal one was originally just a design I made, then I expanded it to have rainbows in the background, and the three games mentioned in my name to be mentioned.
After playing Destiny I read up on the Vex lore and developed a fearful respect of them, my avatar is one of the many ways I show respect to those Lovecraftian, universe wannabe, cyborgs.
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