Weapons & Equip Falconry Glove: Hardmode summon weapon.


10 Souls of Flight
20 Souls of Sight
1 Tattered Glove (drops from Possessed Armors rarely)

Damage: 25

Use time: average for a summon

Rarity: Pink

Best modifier: Ruthless

Knockback: Weak

A brown glove with a falcon resting on it when used. Using the Falconry glove summons a Falcon minion that attacks a bit like the Finch Staff, but with slight traits of the Raven Staff. It is available Post Twins.

Falcons attack fast and deal the Bleeding Status effect on enemies, which most organic enemies are not immune to. It deals 12 points of damage a second, for several seconds.

Multiple falcons can be summoned with minion slots.


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