First Attempt at Pumpkin Moon Guide: Melee


Headless Horseman
So, it seems like people have trouble with the Pumpkin Moon across all platforms at first. I have a plan that always seems to work.

1. Get a Terra Blade and the highest defence armor that you can.
2. Spam the TB while farming the Pumpkin Moon until a Horseman's Blade drops from the Pumpking.
3. Make a box with a >100 HP mob spawner linked to a one second timer.
4. Kill the mob repeatedly during the Pumpking Moon.
5. When Mourning Woods come out, spam hit them with the HB. They should die quickly.
6. When Pumpkings spawn, spam them with the HB until they are out of range. Then use a Terra Blade. Then repeat.
7. Repeat until you are happy with the drops.

Thank you for reading. And, if this isn't fast enough, add some Lihzahrd Trap pit. Not neccessary, but helpful.

NOTE: This is NOT a repeat of another thread. This is for people who are trying for the first time.
This is not for an autofarm. It's supposed to be a plan on how to get the items for that or bat scepter or something without an autofarm.

Your proposed plan is basically for the player to get a good weapon and armor before getting a Horseman's Blade. Players will do that already - they don't need a guide for this. If you want your post to qualify as a useful guide (instead of stating something that's obvious to every player), you should describe in more detail how exactly you would build your arena (and maybe show pictures or a video), and what armor and accessories and buffs to use to actually get the Horseman's Blade, and then what armor, accessories and buffs to use when they actually get the Horseman's Blade. For instance, once you get the HB, would you suggest that players use accessories that increase melee weapon speed? Would you advocate violent reforges to maximize the number of pumpkins from hitting mobs?

You should also describe in a bit more detail how you would actually use the Horseman's Blade to progress effectively through the Moon events. You mention something about a mob spawner but 1 mob spawner linked to a 1-second timer is vastly inferior to just killing the regular mobs with a Terra Blade since generating 1 pumpkin per second with the HB isn't going to cut it. Why not take advantage of the fact that all mob statues have 6 activation points, so you could hook up 6 1-second timers to the mob statue, and activate the first 3 first and the next three half-a-second later (mob statues will stop spawning mobs when there are 3 mobs very close to the statue, so you need to stagger the activations).

Unfortunately you go on to ignore the mob spawner and advise players to just swing your weapon at Mourning Woods and Pumpkings, but do you think players need a guide to be told they should swing their weapon at event bosses?

I would suggest that you hold yourself to a much higher standard and edit your first post to include a lot more information that can actually help players trying the Pumpkin Moon event for the first time.

Also, please read o the end of the post... I explained why it isn't a duplicate at the end.

Not quite. Stating that your guide is for "players trying for the first time" isn't an adequate explanation, because every guide in this forum can qualify as a guide for first time players.
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Not quite. Stating that your guide is for "players trying for the first time" isn't an adequate explanation, because every guide in this forum can qualify as a guide for first time players.
A horseman's blade is not an item you get before the pumpkin moon. Thus, this is for GETTING items like that to do better. And I probably will fix the post. Need to finish HW and studying for an exam tomorrow... School, y u do dis?
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