What is the drop rate for the Fishingtron rod? I've done 4 Martian invasions and it hasn't dropped.
you can use the "mini boss npc mod" which lets you buy the summon of a martian saucer.What is the drop rate for the Fishingtron rod? I've done 4 Martian invasions and it hasn't dropped.
~10%What is the drop rate for the Fishingtron rod? I've done 4 Martian invasions and it hasn't dropped.
Still nothing (And no, lordz560 is another person)
I'm getting the same error
I tried disabled every other mod but nothing
Here's what I got
Tmodloader version
Miscelania 1.6.4
Fishing 2.0 1.4.5
I fixed this in Miscellania v1.6.5, sorry for that.I'm having this problem. I tried verifying local files but that just got rid of Tmodloader. Is there an earlier version I can download?
The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at GoldensMisc.AutofisherHooks.RegisterHook(HookType type, MethodInfo hook) in e:\Yurik\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Sources\GoldensMisc\AutofisherHooks.cs:line 55
at GoldensMisc.GoldensMisc.Call(Object[] args) in e:\Yurik\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Sources\GoldensMisc\GoldensMisc.cs:line 188
at Fishing3.Fishing3.PostSetupContent()
at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.do_Load(Object threadContext)
I like how the problem got fixed after I found how I can fix it. I got rid of the fishing mod and redownloaded it. Sorry about the confusion yesterday though. Didn't know someone else had the same problem.
you should add flower boots to jungle crates (i think that is possible) instead of the possessed jungle crate, bcz at the time you defeat the three mechanical bosses flower boots is useless.
EDIT: you can get fiberglass fishing pole from crates, and this item is rarer than the flower boots. that makes no sense .-.
fishing from the lava, hell crates on the underworld.btw, is there any way to get Hellstone Bars via fishing?
Roxxz, any chance of making the Mechanic Fishron mount hover like the cute fishron? It just breaks my heart not being able to do it, by far the best modded mount, prefer it over the apocalyptic chariot. Great mod, I have enjoyed it lots, Thanks.
Thank you I'm glad you like the mod. The thing is that mount is supposed to be an alternative to the UFO not an upgrade that's why its faster but can't hover. Also I don't know how to code the hover part. Maybe after 1.3.6 comes out if there is some new content for fishing that goes after Fishron I could make an upgrade to the Mechanic Fishron that also hovers if someone can help me with that part of the coding but I don't promise anything.