PC Game Locking to 30fps only when in a certain resolution


So, this is really weird.
I've been playing at 1024 x 768 for a while now with straight 60fps no performance issues. But when I got sick of how zoomed in that resolution is in hard mode being unable to see :red: coming at me and switched to 1280 x 720 I noticed it suddenly locks me to 30fps slowmo.
"Huh, I don't think my computer was that :red: but okay I'll just switch back to 1024 x 768 and live with it."
But when I cycled through the other resolutions to get back to the original one I was playing at I realized that they weren't 30fps slowmo like 1280 x 720 had been.
After some gameplay testing I realized that of all the resolution options that is the only one that does it.
It's weird.
What's causing it?
I can't really reliably play on those higher resolutions that mysteriously perform fine cause there is a lot of menus and stuff hanging off the edge of the screen.
i can't tell you why it's 30 fps, but you can definitely get rid of the slow mo by enabling frame skip.

also any issues coming up by too high a resolution that aren't because of a :red: pc, can usually be fixed with zoom so you can also try that
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