Game Mechanics Give the Slime Rain and the Pillar Shield a progress bar.


Ah, have you ever had that feeling when something would just never end?
That's exactly how I feel during these two events. Killing enemies over and over, waiting for the anticipated outcome of defeating enough enemies. But it never seems to end. I constantly find myself slaughtering the enemies of these events left and right, and I constantly lose track of how far I am into the event. The slimes keep coming, and the bloodthirsty aliens persist.

Assuming that you haven't read the title yet, a perfect solution would to be just add a progess bar to these events. This was a great addition for the other events as it made it more convienient to tell how far you were into the event, rather than making a wild estimate. They are both similar to events like Goblin Army where you must kill a certain amount of enemies to end it or reach a criteria, so they would be perfect canidates. I don't have to count how many goblins I have killed, or pirates that I've dug graves for, so why should we do the same for these events?

The progress bar would work like this for the events:
Slime Rain would slowly put the counter up to 100%, each slime gives the same percent per kill. (150 needed to fill bar to 100%, or 75 once the event has already been beaten once in the world.) Once enough slimes are killed and the bar reaches 100%, the bar disappears and the fight with King Slime commences, with tooltext appearing as normal. However, it will not say the Slime Rain has ended until King Slime has been defeated. If time alloted for the Slime Rain is up(9 to 15 hours), the bar would go away along with the event. The bar could simply display Slime Rain like other events. This bar would only appear when the player is on the surface and slimes are spawning.

The Pillar progress bar would be how far the shield is from breaking. As such, it would say X Pillar Shield rather than X Pillar. This is all that is needed, as putting a progress bar for the Pillar itself would just be a giant health bar(which other bosses don't have.) However, since you have to beat a 100 enemies to damage it, it is similar to an event in that regard. The bar would increase one percent whenever any enemy from said pillar is defeated(unless a certain enemy doesn't contribute to the shield progress, such as a Small Star Cell.) Once the bar reaches 100%, the bar would disappear similar to the Slime Rain and the shield of said Pillar would dissipate as normal. Because the shields regenerate whenever the game is exited, the bar will appear once again whenever the shielded Pillar is alive and when you are in the range of which enemies can spawn from the Pillar, not when you start hearing the Lunar Event music.

And of course, like the other events, this bar would not appear if the option is turned off.

That's all for now, I'm sure this would be a great quality-of-life addition for many players. If you have any other questions or concerns, then I'd be happy to answer them. And please, If I have made a mistake, be sure to correct me!
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